
jiè qiào
  • shell;testa
  1. 扬子海盆奥陶纪末介壳动物群的分布及其古地理意义

    Distribution of Latest-Ordovician Shell Fauna in Yangtze Basin and Its Paleogeographic Significance

  2. 介壳生物化石矿物组合的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of the Mineral Assemblages of Shell Fossils

  3. 随着富CO2热流体多次间歇性入侵导致了含铁碳酸盐矿物的反复多次溶解和沉淀、生物介壳大量溶蚀和长石铸模孔的形成以及绿泥石消失、高岭石增加等。

    With the intermittent activity of hot fluid containing CC ^ , ferrous carbonate minerals dissolved and precipitate repeatedly many times .

  4. 原产于澳大利亚;为控制介壳虫引入其它地区。

    Native to Australia ; introduced elsewhere to control scale insects .

  5. 四川省介壳虫名录补遗

    An addendum of the list of scale insects ( coccus ) in Sichuan

  6. 新乡市花卉常见介壳虫的识别及综合防治研究

    Study on the scale insects attacking flowers and integrated control techniques in Xinxiang

  7. 以植物的汁液为食的微小的昆虫;与介壳虫有关。

    Minute insect that feeds on plant juices ; related to scale insects .

  8. 潍坊地区园林植物介壳虫危害与防治

    Harm of Scale Insect to Garden Plant and its Prevention in Weifang Area

  9. 西双版纳橡胶介壳虫种类鉴定及其防治

    Identification and Control of a Scale Insect in Xishuangbanna Rubber Plantation of Yunnan Province

  10. 研究得出,这种新害虫属同翅目介壳虫科,对柳树的危害严重。

    The new pest thatdamages causes to willows belongs to diaspidoidae , Homoptera Coccidae .

  11. 柑橘上的一种新介壳虫

    A new coccid attacking citrus in Szechuan

  12. 果树介壳虫寄生蜂资源的研究

    Studies on resources of scale insect parasites ( hymnoptera : chalcidoidea ) on fruit trees

  13. 北京市园林介壳虫调查

    A preliminary survey of the scale insects occurred on the ornamental plants of Beijing District

  14. 贵州柑桔介壳虫及其天敌群落的研究

    Study on the scale insects and their natural enemy community in citrus orchard of Guizhou Province

  15. 介壳平均寄生率10%以上。

    The mean ratio of parasitism of the wasps on the scale was over 10 % .

  16. 形似介壳虫的食植昆虫,体表有一层蜡状粉末分泌物;尤其伤害果树。

    Scale-like plant-eating insect coated with a powdery waxy secretion ; destructive esp. of fruit trees .

  17. 介壳虫综合防治技术研究

    Integrated control techniques of scale insects

  18. 墨西哥红色小介壳虫,吃仙人掌;是红色染料的原料。

    Mexican red scale insect that feeds on cacti ; the source of a red dye .

  19. 结果表明:主要害虫种类有介壳虫、卷叶蛾和金龟子等。

    The results showed that scale insect , leaf roller and scarab were the dominant species .

  20. (生)与介壳有关或有介壳。讨论了地壳介质中常见的两类电性各向异性。

    Two kinds of the electrical property constructive relation of anisotropic earth media are discussed in this paper .

  21. 返回选单,或者您是在从选单打开的介壳下,键入。

    To get back to menus , or type exit if you used a menu item to open the shell .

  22. 软件水产动物,甲壳类或棘皮动物之介壳和墨鱼骨,未经加工或经简单处理但未切成形者。

    Shells of molluscs , crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone , unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape .

  23. 脱壳脱或蜕去(壳或皮)(生)与介壳有关或有介壳。

    To shed or cast off ( a covering . ( biology ) relating to or possessing a test or testa .

  24. 介壳与骨骼若落在海底,而不为沉淀物所掩盖,也便腐烂而消灭。

    Shells and bones decay and disappear when left on the bottom of the sea , where sediment is not accumulating .

  25. 花保是一种无公害的触杀剂,对多种刺吸式口器害虫如蚜虫、蝉、红蜘蛛、介壳虫等有较强的触杀作用。

    Huabao is a pollution free insecticide which has strong contact poisoning function on aphids , cicadas , mites and scales .

  26. 韶兴市园林及经济林木的介壳虫名录初报生鸡肉中单核细胞增生李斯特菌的污染监测

    Scale list of urban landscape and cash forest in Shaoxing City Contamination of fresh chicken by Listeria monocytogenes in Shaoxing City

  27. 动物化石常常只是动物躯体的某个坚硬部分&或介壳,或骨头。

    Often an animal fossil is simply some hard part of an animal 's body-its shell , perhaps , or a bone .

  28. 本文对北京地区园林植物介壳虫种类进行了调查研究。

    A preliminary survey of the scale insects on the plants and flowers of the gardens was made in 1981-1983 in Beijing district .

  29. (生)与介壳有关或有介壳。壳间连接介质对双层壳声辐射性能的影响

    ( biology ) relating to or possessing a test or testa . The effect of linked materials on the sound radiation from double cylindrical shell

  30. 但船长阻止我,作个不要动的手势,他很快抽出他的短刀,让两片介壳立即合拢来。

    But the captain stopped me , signaled no , removed his dagger in one swift motion , and let the two valves snap shut .