
  • 网络interventional;the interventional radiology
  1. 各种影像学手段中,应用于颅脑急症的主要有CT、头颅和脊柱平片、MRI、US和介入放射学处理。

    The main imaging methods used in the emergency of skull and brain would be CT , plain films of skull and spine , MRI , US and interventional radiology .

  2. 数字化血管造影系统的主体是数字减影血管造影(DSA)设备,主要用于血管造影和介入放射学。

    Digital angiography system is mainly composed of Digital Subtraction Angiography ( DSA ) equipment and mostly used in angiography and interventional radiology .

  3. 目的:探讨CT透视的优点及其在介入放射学中的应用。

    Purpose : To investigate the advantages and the applications of CT fluoroscopy .

  4. ct透视在介入放射学中应用的初步探讨

    Initial Experience of CT Fluoroscopy Applied in Interventional Procedures

  5. 股动脉与股静脉解剖关系的CT研究及其在介入放射学中的意义

    Anatomic Relationship Between the Femoral Artery and Vein : CT Evaluation and Significance in Interventional Procedures

  6. CT介入放射学技术在胸腹部疾病诊断与治疗中的应用

    The Application of the CT guided Interventional Technique in diagnosis and Therapy of Thoracic and Abdominal Lesions

  7. 概述X线、CT、MRI、介入放射学以及分子影像技术的发展,医学影像设备引导临床医学影像的不断进步。

    We summarize the development of X-ray , CT , MRI , Involvement Radiology and Molecular Image Technology . Clinical medical image make great progress by the medical image equipment .

  8. X射线诊断、临床核医学、放射治疗及介入放射学等放射学科已成为现代医学的重要组成部分,为人类防病治病带来了巨大的利益。

    X-ray diagnosis , clinical nuclear medicine , radiation therapy and interventional radiology became the important components of the modern medicine , bringing great benefits to the prevention and curation of human disease .

  9. 结论:TACE术后严重缺血性并发症的发生率约为3.5%,可用介入放射学方法进行有效的治疗。

    All the complications were cured . Conclusion : Serious ischemic complications of TACE occur in about 3.5 % of patients and it can be successfully treated with interventional radiologic procedure .

  10. 结论:兔大腿VX2肿瘤是一种较好的研究介入放射学治疗的实验肿瘤模型。

    Conclusion : VX2 soft-tissue tumor in rabbit 's thigh is a good experimental tumor model for the investigation of interventional therapy .

  11. 方法利用不同的穿刺手段对356例该类型BCS行穿刺开通术,并对阻塞段行球囊成形术和血管内支架置入术等介入放射学方法处理。

    Methods With variant approach and skills , 356 BCS cases with total obstruction of hepatic venous outflow were treated with revascularization , and balloon angioplasty or stent-assisted angioplasty was performed at the site of occlusive vein .

  12. 介入放射学操作中患者受照剂量的研究

    Studies of the Radiation Exposure to Patiens During Interventional Radiology Procedures

  13. 应用介入放射学经T管瘘道清除胆道残余结石

    Interventional Radiology in Removing Biliary Residual Stone through T-tube Fistulas

  14. 介入放射学在结直肠癌诊治中的应用

    Application of Interventional Radiology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal Carcinoma

  15. 介入放射学治疗乳腺癌的临床应用与展望

    Clinical application and foreground of interventional radiology in treatment of breast cancer

  16. 布-加氏综合症介入放射学治疗

    The interventional therapy of radiology in budd & Chiari syndrome

  17. 目的为介入放射学提供辐射安全保障。

    Objective To provide safe radiation protection in interventional radiology .

  18. 肝癌的介入放射学治疗(附17例报道)

    Interventional radiological therapy of hepatic cancer ( attached 17 cases report )

  19. 介入放射学对急性下消化道出血的临床应用价值

    Value of interventional radiology in acute hemorrhage of the lower digestive tract

  20. 肾创伤性出血的介入放射学诊断与栓塞治疗

    The radiologic diagnosis and interventional embolic treatment of renal traumatic

  21. 介入放射学诊疗过程患者受照剂量及防护措施

    Radiation doses received by patient and prevention methods in interventional radiology procedures

  22. 研究数据为显微外科学和介入放射学提供解剖学依据。

    The above datas provides anatomical evidence for microsurgery and interventional radiology .

  23. 中晚期肝癌的介入放射学治疗&TAI+TAE

    Interventional Therapy of moderate and Advanced stages of Hepatocellular Carcinoma TAI + TAE

  24. 肝硬化门脉高压症介入放射学治疗的进展

    Present State of Interventional Therapy of Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension

  25. 在透视监视下,使用介入放射学方法置入13个自膨胀式金属内支架。

    Under fluoroscopic guidance , 13 self-expanding metallic stents were implanted in12 cases .

  26. 胰岛移植将为介入放射学开辟一个全新的应用领域。

    The islets transplantation will open a new application field for interventional radiology .

  27. 介入放射学中工作人员的辐射防护与安全

    Radiation Protection and Safety of Operators During Invasive Performance

  28. 真丝微粒在介入放射学中的应用(附35例分析)

    Application of Silk Thread in Interventional Radiology ( Analysis of 35 cases )

  29. 布-加综合征下腔静脉阻塞区的介入放射学钳夹活检技术研究

    Study of forceps biopsy at obstructed area of inferior vena cava in Budd-chiari syndrome

  30. 2004年神经介入放射学治疗新进展

    Treatment Progress of Neurology Interventional Radiology in 2004