
  • 网络pale tongue
  1. 以舌淡、苔薄白和虚弱性脉象为主要表现。

    Pale tongue , thin white fur and weak pulse , the main performance .

  2. 血虚:面色萎黄、头晕、肢体麻木、舌淡白、脉细。

    Blood Deficiency : The pale complexion , dizziness , limb numbness , pale tongue , thready pulse .

  3. 心脾两虚证为:心悸、舌淡、纳少、失眠。

    Deficiency syndrome of both heart and spleen are in terms of palpitation , insomnia , poor appetite with pale tongue .

  4. 症见便血血色淡,肛门潮湿有黏液,便后肿物脱出,伴身困乏力,瘦弱,脉无力,舌淡少苔。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color pale , anal wet mucus , and after tumor prolapse , with sleepy body strength , thin , weak pulse , pale tongue , little coating .

  5. 病情缓解后,舌质变淡,舌苔变白变薄变润,呈现一定的规律。

    After disease remission , tongue nature turn light , tongue coating turn white , thin and humid , and they presented certain law .

  6. 心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。

    Palpitation , lustreless , complexion , dizziness , blurring of vision , shortness of breath , lassitude , pale tongue with tooth prints , thready , weak or intermittent pulse .

  7. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .

  8. 方法测定3种常见舌色(淡胖舌、青紫舌、红绛舌)68例2型糖尿病患者及21名健康者的GMP-140含量并进行比较。

    Methods The 68 patients of type 2 DM were divided into three groups according to the tongue color ( pale-enlarged tongue , dark-purplish tongue or dark-red tongue ) . Platelet GMP-140 expression was determined in 68 patients of type 2 DM and 21 normal controls .

  9. 舌象以淡黯舌、黯红舌,白腻苔、黄腻苔多见。

    Pale dark tongue , white coating and yellow coating can always be observed in tongue manifestation .

  10. 结论:经华蟾素治疗后,原发性肝癌患者的舌质颜色由淡白、青紫向红色转化。

    Conclusion After treatment with Cinibufacini injection , the color of the tongue in PLC patients turned from light white and blue and purple into red .

  11. 舌象:舌质淡、红、淡红。

    Tongue : pale , red , pink .

  12. 舌脉:舌质淡,舌体胖或有齿印,苔薄白,脉细弱或弦细。

    Tongue and pulse : light tongue texture , fat tongue body or with teeth imprints , thin and white tongue moss and extenuate pulse .

  13. 症状频次依次是头晕、头痛、耳鸣耳聋、失眠、心悸等,以红舌、暗舌、淡舌、腻苔、白苔、黄苔及弦、细、滑、数脉为常见。

    The symptom sequence was : dizziness , headache , tinnitus , deafness , insomnia and palpitation . Common tongue was red , dark or pale with a slimy , white or yellow fur , while pulse was stringlike , fine , slippery or rapid .

  14. 主要舌象是:舌质淡苔薄白。

    Main feature of lingual diagnosis : whitish tongue and thin white tongue coating .

  15. 其使用的舌象、脉象为舌淡、苔薄白、脉沉细;

    The clinical indications marked by pale tongue with whitish fur , deep and thin pulse .

  16. 舌胖、苔黄、舌淡、舌边有齿痕、苔厚腻等8种舌象出现频率在25%以上。

    Tongue fat , moss yellow , tongue light , tongue edge tooth marks , moss thick greasy , eight kinds of tongue like frequency of25 % or more .

  17. 舌脉象以舌质红或淡,薄白苔,脉弦为主。

    The tongue show the red or tongue pulse condition for pale , thin white moss , stringy pulse .

  18. 肾阳虚证的主要症状和体征为:舌边有齿痕、舌淡、舌胖嫩、形寒肢冷;

    The cardinal symptoms and objective signs of syndrome of deficiency of kidney-yang are in terms of intolerance to cold , cold limbs and pale corpulent tender tongue with indentation in margin of the tongue ;

  19. 舌象主要以舌色红,淡白为主,舌苔以薄白、薄黄、白腻、黄腻为主。

    Mainly tongue red tongue , pale-based , with thin white fur , thin yellow , greasy , greasy yellow-based .

  20. 相对于其他异常舌色而言,无论哪一年龄段的齿痕舌患者都以淡白舌多见。

    In addition It is often seen with pale tongue ( 23.17 % ), compared with other abnormal tongue color .

  21. 因此,5类舌象按心功能指标的优劣排序,则为淡红舌>红舌>暗红舌>淡白舌>紫瘀舌。

    According to cardiac function index , the cardiac function displayed that : pale red tongue > red tongue > dark-red tongue > pale tongue > purplish tongue .

  22. 舌象中,出现频率最高的6个依次为:舌质淡红41例,占40.59%:舌质淡31例,占30.69%;

    Someone like , a maximum of six frequencies are characterized as follows : fur pale red 41 cases , accounting for 31 cases 40 . 59 % ; fur short , fat or images representing 30 . 69 % ;

  23. 患者症状、舌脉象的频数及发生率前十位分别为:舌暗、口干、疲倦乏力、多饮、苔腻、脉弦、舌淡、视物模糊、舌红、脉细。

    The top ten symptoms of diabetes were : dark tongue , dry mouth , fatigue , polydipsia , greasy fur , wiry pulse , pale tongue , blurred vision , red tongue , thready pulse .