
shé gēn
  • root of the tongue;root of tongue
舌根[shé gēn]
  1. 结果:除鼻咽35例、舌根部2例单发NHL外,其余39例多为灶性。

    Results : 37 cases of NHL ( 35 from nasopharynx and 2 from root of tongue ) were single focal Other 39 cases were multifocal NHL .

  2. 内镜诊断舌根下部肿物的临床意义

    Clinic Study on the Endoscopic Diagnosis of Mini-neoplasm at the Bottom of Root of Tongue

  3. 味蕾集中于舌尖、舌根和舌头两侧。

    Taste buds are concentrated at the tip and rear of the tongue and around its periphery .

  4. 舌根异位甲状腺的CT和MRI表现

    CT and MRI findings of lingual thyroid

  5. 体重明显超重,BMI≥30,颈粗短、小下颌、舌根后坠、舌体肥大者。

    BMI ≥ 30 , with short , thick neck , micrognathia , and relative macroglossia ;

  6. 目的:研究舌根恶性多形性腺瘤(MPA)双侧颈淋巴结内癌转移的临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后。

    Objective : The aim is to study clinical feature , diagnosis , therapy and prognosis of malignant pleomorphic adenoma ( MPA ) of tongue base with bilateral cervical lymph node metastasis .

  7. ~(99m)TcO4及~(131)I核素甲状腺显像诊断舌根部异位甲状腺

    Diagnosis of ectopic thyroid in the tongue root by ~ ( 99m ) TcO_4-and ~ ( 131 ) Iradionuclide thyroid imaging : report of one case

  8. 舌根后气道间隙(IAS)与SNB角、H-C3距、S-N距呈正相关,与L1-MP角呈负相关。

    SNB angle , H-C_3 length , S-N length and L1-MP angle were the related variables to inferior airway space ( IAS ) .

  9. 14个半岛形髓室底和近中髓壁之间有一个牙本质带,形成一个大的近颊-远中(MB-D)根管口和一个小的近舌根管口(TypeⅢ)。

    14 ( 31.82 % ) had a dentin fusion between the peninsula - like floor and the mesial pulp chamber wall , forming a large mesiobuccal-distal ( MB-D ) orifice and a small mesiolingual orifice ( Type ⅲ) .

  10. 舌根、舌体中份背面和舌尖偶可见2.0mm左右的血管吻合。

    In the root , middle dorsal surface of mobile body and tip of the tongue could be seen 2 . 0 mm or so vessels anastomose occasionally .

  11. 4)下颌骨长度(Go-Gn)与舌总面积、舌体面积、舌根面积及舌体长度具有显著相关性。

    4 ) A notable correlation was found between mandible length ( Go-Gn ) and total tongue area , tongue body area , tongue root area and tongue body length .

  12. 舌体血供来自舌深动脉发出的舌体动脉(平均25.1支);舌根、舌体中份背面和舌尖偶可见0.2mm左右的血管吻合。

    The body of the tongue is nourished by an average of 25 arterial branches from the ascending and horizontal segments of the lingual artery . Arterial anastomoses ( 2 . 0 mm in diameter ) can be found occasionally through the lingual septum .

  13. 舌根-会厌部良性肿瘤的微波治疗

    The Microwave Therapy for Benign Tumors of Radix Linguae and Epiglottis

  14. 当着所有喜欢嚼舌根的人面前解决这事

    settle this in front of everyone who likes to talk .

  15. 42例舌根癌的放射治疗

    Radiotherapy for carcinoma of the base of tongue & 42 cases

  16. 舌根后缩元音和谐系统中性元音的可透性

    Transparecy of RTR and Neuter Vowels in Vowel Harmony System

  17. 悬雍垂腭咽成形加舌根射频消融联合手术的临床应用

    Clinical application of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with uvula preservation and tongue base radiofrequency reduction

  18. 舌根癌的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue

  19. 舌根异位甲状腺的诊断及处理&附3例报告

    Lingual thyroid : Report of three cases and review of the literature

  20. 舌根癌的临床与治疗

    And treatment of carcinoma in the base of tongue

  21. 股前外侧肌皮瓣在舌根缺损修复中的应用

    Application of thigh anterolateral musculocutaneous flap in renovation the defect of tongue root

  22. 舌根肿瘤的诊断与治疗

    The diagnosis and treatment of tumour in tongue base

  23. 舌骨上咽切开切除会厌及舌根部肿瘤

    Suprahyoid pharyngotomy for epiglottis tumor including the tongue base

  24. 三种治疗模式治疗进展期舌根癌疗效及预后研究

    Efficacy of Three Therapeutic Models in the Treatment of Advanced Base Tongue Carcinoma

  25. 舌根癌术后舌内剩余肌动力性重建的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Dynamic Residual Tongue Muscle Reconstruction After Base Tongue Carcinoma Resection

  26. 每当艾米嚼舌根时,斯坦利都会变得更大。

    Each time Amy gossiped , Stanley grew larger .

  27. 舌根癌根治性切除一期舌瓣后置修复术的探讨

    Set-back tongue flap with a neurovascular pedicle for repair of tongue base carcinoma

  28. 舌根癌的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of squamous carcinoma tongue in base

  29. 舌体组织瓣后置修复舌根癌切除后缺损

    Set-back tongue flap for repairing of the defects following resection of tongue base cancer

  30. 尽管舌根抬起,但是它还是保持平展,感觉几乎是平的。

    This stays wide , almost flat-feeling , even though it does come up .