
  • 网络hypoglossal nucleus;hypoglossal nuclei
  1. 中等密度淡染的阳性神经元胞体、纤维和终末见于动眼神经核、滑车神经核和舌下神经核;

    Medium density and lightly stained GABA BR1-LI neuronal cell bodies , fibers and terminals were observed in the oculomotor nucleus , trochlear nucleus and hypoglossal nucleus .

  2. 在延髓,ER分布于舌下神经核、迷走神经背核、三叉神经脊束核、孤束核和网状结构;

    In the medulla oblongata , ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus , dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve , nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract , nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation ;

  3. 在延髓下橄榄核、孤束核、迷走神经副交感核和舌下神经核也有OB.RbmRNA标记神经元出现。

    In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .

  4. 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪与免疫组织化学结合的方法研究大白鼠舌下神经核至舌肌的投射。

    The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry .

  5. HRP和GABA双标细胞.首次证实了舌下神经核中有GABA能神经元,并可投射至舌肌。

    It was demonstrated for the first time that there existed in the hypoglossal nuclei the GABA-ergic neurons which projected to the muscles of tongue .

  6. 这表明家兔起自疑核和舌下神经核的环甲肌运动神经元有些是胆碱能神经元,起自疑核的神经元有的是ENK样反应阳性神经元。

    It suggests that in the rabbit some of the CTm motoneurons arising from the ambiguous and hypoglossal nuclei should be cholinergic , some from the ambiguous nucleus should be ENK-like immunoreaction positive neurons .

  7. 黄喉鹀延髓舌下神经核发声控制中枢的神经联系

    Nerve Connections of Vocal Control Centre in bulbar hypoglossal nucleus in Emberiza elegans

  8. 舌下神经核内注射乙醇及去甲肾上腺素对颏舌肌活动的效应

    Effects of ethanol and norepinephrine injected into nucleus hypoglossus on the genioglossal muscle activities

  9. 沙土鼠舌下神经核衰老性变化的初步观察

    The Decaying Change of Hypoglossal Nuclei of Gerbil

  10. 树鼩舌下神经核的研究

    Study of Hypoglossal Nuclei of Tree Shrews

  11. 舌下神经核神经元内白细胞介素2受体、孕激素受体和谷氨酸受体共存

    Coexistence of Interleukin-2 Receptor , Progesterone Receptor and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subunit 5 in Neurons of Hypoglossal Nucleus

  12. 前正中群和前外侧群动脉主要来自脊髓前动脉,前正中群动脉供应舌下神经核、内侧丘系及部分锥体束等中缝两侧结构;

    The arteries of the anteromedian and anterolateral groups arose from the anterior spinal artery , and also from the vertebral artery and basilar artery .

  13. 针刺对大鼠舌下神经切断后舌下神经核内神经元丧失的影响

    Effect of acupuncture on neuronal loss induced by axotomy in the rat hypoglossal nuclei

  14. 大鼠舌下神经损伤后舌下神经核内星形胶质细胞和凋亡神经元的关系

    Relationship between astrocytes and apoptotic neurons in hypoglossal nuclei after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats

  15. 舌下神经损伤后舌下神经核内神经元丢失与胶质细胞活化

    The Neuron Loss and the Activation of Neuroglial Cells in Hypoglossal Nucleus after Hypoglossal Nerve Injury

  16. 目的:研究大鼠舌下神经损伤后舌下神经核内星形胶质细胞和运动神经元的反应及其相互关系,并探讨其可能机制。

    AIM : To study the response of astrocytes and motoneurons in hypoglossal nuclei and their interrelation after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats , and explore the possible mechanism .

  17. 结论:舌下神经横断伤后舌下神经核内星形胶质细胞可能在舌下神经元凋亡过程中发挥重要作用。

    CONCLUSION : Astrocytes may play a key role in the apoptosis of hypoglossal neurons after the hypoglossal nerve transection .

  18. 舌下神经纤维投射到延髓背侧的舌下神经核区,结果显示神经元的胞体和轴突结构清晰。

    The result shows that the neurons and axons are very clear .