
chéng guān
  • Chengguan;the area just outside a city gate;area just outside city gate
城关 [chéng guān]
  • [area just outside city gate] 城外,靠城门的一片地区

城关[chéng guān]
  1. 兰州市城关区冬季TSP的监测分析及其与辐射的关系

    Monitoring Analysis of Winter TSP over Chengguan District of Lanzhou and Their Effects on Radiation

  2. 另在城关镇幼儿园进行城镇儿童HFRS隐性感染调查,发现与野鼠接触机会极少的城镇儿童中存在HFRS隐性感染。

    Another survey on childrens HFRS inapparent infection in town was carried out .

  3. 利用2002年7月&2003年6月可吸入颗粒物(PM10)20余站点的监测资料,分析获得了北京地区PM10的浓度水平和地域分布特征。分析表明:远郊区县城关镇与市区污染水平相当;

    By analyzing the PM_ ( 10 ) monitoring data from July 2002 to June 2003 of over 20 sites , the average concentration level as well as the regional distribution features of PM_ ( 10 ) in Beijing was obtained .

  4. 兰州城关区1963年和1982年寿命表的对比分析

    Analysis of Life Tables of Lanzhou Municipality in 1963 and 1982

  5. 兰州市城关区大气颗粒物分析研究

    An Analysis of Airborne Particulates in Chengguan District , Lanzhou City

  6. 萍乡城关地区普通话语音训练策略之声母部分

    Initial Consonants of Strategies in Mandarin Phonetic Practices in Pingxiang Chengguan Area

  7. 兰州市城关区社区公共服务优化研究

    Optimization Research on Community-based Public Services in Chengguan District of Lanzhou City

  8. 林县城关公社食管癌防治点饮水中几种氮化物的分析

    Assay of Nitrogen Compounds in Drinking Water at Chengguan Commune Lin-Xian County

  9. 交通噪声空间分布规律显著,城关区污染严重,安宁区污染最轻;

    The law of space distribution of noise of the traffic is remarkable .

  10. 结果表明:80年代兰州市城关区初婚年龄有所提前。

    The results show that the age of first marriage has been getting younger .

  11. 文章对洞口城关镇话为代表的赣语特征进行了大致描写。

    This essay will describes the Chengguan dialect which has the Gan group phonological features .

  12. 兰州市城关区冬季春季大气气溶胶与大气污染

    Aerosols and Air Pollution in Winter and Spring in Chengguan District of Lanzhou , China

  13. 基督教的马大现象探析&以河南潢川城关教会为考察对象

    Explore And Analyze Christianity Martha phenomenon & Regard church in Huangchuan Henan province as object

  14. 腾冲县城关镇

    Chengguan Township , Tengchong County The Village

  15. 龙岩城关变电站2号主变压器油温升高的诊断与处理

    Diagnosing and Treatment on Abnormal High Oil Temperature of NO.2 Main Transformer in Longyan Town Substation

  16. 从中世纪的农奴中产生了初期城市的城关市民;

    From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the Chartered burghers of the earliest towns .

  17. 中世纪的城关市民等级和小农等级是现代资产阶级的前身。

    The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie .

  18. 我在城关学校读书。

    I 'm in Chengguan school .

  19. 本文介绍陕西省南部紫阳县城关方言的声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇。

    It is an introductory to the rhyme , the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town .

  20. 提高农村财务规范化管理水平的对策&以天津市蓟县城关镇为例

    Countermeasures of Improving the Rural Financial Standard Management & Take Chengguan Town of Jixian County for Example

  21. 本文报告了兰州市城关区1963年和1982年简略寿命表,并对寿命表的主要指标进行了分析。

    This paper reports abridged life tables of Lanzhou municipality in1963and1982.the indices of life table were analyzed .

  22. 治所在今兰州市城关区东岗镇,隶属陇西郡。

    This rule of the Chengguan District of Lanzhou City East Gangzhen , under the Longxi County .

  23. 全城有四座主要城门,并有多种古代的防御建筑,是一座防御体系比较完整的城关,有天下第一关之称。

    The entire city has four main city gates , and had many kinds of ancient defense construction .

  24. 强化服务促产增收深入开展促产增收大力加强地税征管&记兰州市城关区地方税务局

    Offer Better Service to Promote Production and Increase Revenue The Local Taxation Bureau of Chengguan District In Lanzhou

  25. 蓬勃发展的拉萨市城关区

    Chengguan District , Lhasa

  26. 兰州城市地下空间规划利用初探&基于城关中心区地下空间的调研

    Study of Underground Space Integration Planning in Lanzhou City : Based on the Investigation of Chengguan Central District

  27. 大型双孔石刀发现于临海城关市府大院后之山腰间。

    Large Stone Blades with Twin Holes Discovered on the hillside behind the municipal government compound in Chengguan Linhai .

  28. 兰州市城关区鸿运润园住宅小区环境噪声的监测与评价

    Monitoring and Assessing the Environmental Noise in Hong Yun Run Yuan Residential Quarters of Chengguan District , Lanzhou City

  29. 浙江省开化县城关工业区低丘缓坡开发的评价方法与利用策略

    Assessment Methods and Utilization Strategies on Developing Low-slope Hilly Land in Chengguan Industrial District , Kaihua County , Zhejiang Province

  30. 探求保护与发展的平衡&镇宁自治县城关镇旧城改造规划设计研究

    Pursuing equilibrium between preservation and development & Reflection on the old city rebuilding of county town of Zhenning Autonomous County