
  • 网络municipal wastes
  1. 利用水泥窑处置城市废弃物是有效利用资源、节约能源和改善环境的可持续发展之路。

    Using cement kiln to handle municipal wastes is a sustainable developing road utilizing resources , saving energy and protecting environment effectively .

  2. 城市废弃物的CFB焚烧和气化特性试验

    Co-gasification and Co-firing Characteristics of Municipal Waste on CFB

  3. 第二章分析了废弃物物流与GIS技术的理论基础,并对GIS技术在城市废弃物物流系统中的应用研究状况进行了分析。

    The second chapter analyzed the theoretical foundation of the waste material logistics and GIS technology . Then it analyzed the application method of GIS in waste material logistics system .

  4. 本文将以物流系统工程理论和管理决策支持系统技术为基础,结合地理信息系统GIS技术,研究基于GIS的城市废弃物物流管理决策支持系统的关键问题。

    It is based on the theories of logistics system engineering and the techniques of management decision-supporting system . It is studied the key technology in Municipal Waste Material Logistics Management Decision-Supporting based on GIS in the paper .

  5. 上海城市废弃物增长的环境库兹涅茨特征研究

    Environmental Kuznets characteristics of municipal solid waste growth in Shanghai city

  6. 城市废弃物处理与垃圾发电

    The Disposition of City Refuse and Its Utilization for power Generation

  7. 城市废弃物系统的公益性与市场化

    The Public Benefit and Marketization of Urban Waste System

  8. 中国城市废弃物的处置和利用

    Disposal and utilization of municipal waste in China

  9. 北京市城市废弃物处理现状及废弃物收集量预测

    Research on Beijing Urban Waste Disposal Situation and Predicting the Collection Capacity of Waste

  10. 第二个问题是城市废弃物污染。

    The second problem is urban waste .

  11. 在都市周边型钢厂中,废钢、废塑料、废水和其他城市废弃物将得到有效的回收利用。

    In suburban steel plants , scrap , waste plastic , garbage , civil sewage and other urban wastes would be recycled conveniently and effectively .

  12. 目的是构建重庆市废弃物物流整体化、社会化、系统化的管理体系,提高城市废弃物物流的效率和管理水平。

    The purpose is to construct Chongqing Municipal Waste Logistics as a whole , social and systematic management system to improve the efficiency of urban waste logistics and management .

  13. 蚊子是所谓的“容器繁殖”昆虫,在城市废弃物、垃圾和容器,包括储存家庭用水的容器中的积水里大量繁殖。

    The mosquito vector , the so-called " container breeder ", thrives on stagnant water contained in urban litter , trash , and receptacles , also for storing household water .

  14. 研究城市废弃物物流管理决策支持系统有利于提高我国城市废弃物管理的科学程度和现代化水平,能促进城市环境管理问题的改善。

    The research of a Municipal Waste Material Logistics Management Decision-Supporting System is the right alternative to facilitate the municipal waste material logistics management and promote the city environment management .

  15. 介绍了城市废弃物系统的公益性及其应注意的原则,提出了如何在市场经济体制下,使城市废弃物系统纳入市场化的建议。

    The public benefit of urban waste system and its principles should be noticed , the recommendations of how to put urban waste system into marketization under market economic system were proposed .

  16. 如地面沉降、地裂缝、岩溶塌陷等地质灾害及水资源短缺、城市废弃物处置以及特殊岩土环境问题。

    Problems of urban environmental geology in China , such as land subsidence , ground fissures , karst collapse , water resource shortage , urban waste matter processing , peculiar soil environmental issues etc.

  17. 将能值分析法引入城市废弃物处理系统的研究中,分析了北京市固态废弃物处理及其次系统的组成。

    Based on the theory of Ecological Engineering , energy synthesis is conducted on the urban solid waste system . The solid waste-disposal in Beijing and the compose of its subsystems are analysed .

  18. 应用再生混凝土意义重大,既能解决天然资源紧缺的问题,又能解决城市废弃物占地污染等问题,对城市的可持续发展具有非常深远的影响。

    Application of recycled aggregate concrete can solve not only the shortage of natural resources , but also waste occupies problem . It is significant and has a very far-reaching impact on the sustainable development of cities .

  19. 本文在以往城市废弃物物流研究的基础上,对传统城市废弃物物流的涵义进行了扩展,把城市废弃物物流的源头减量从废弃物分类收集提前到将会成为废弃物的物品入城。

    Based on the previous study of urban waste logistics , this paper extend the traditional meaning of urban waste logistics , and proposed the sources of urban waste reduction from the logistics of waste separation and collection will be brought forward to the goods into the city .

  20. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)抗剪强度特性研究

    Shear strength characteristics of municipal solid waste

  21. 填埋是处理城市固体废弃物(MSW)的主要方法。

    Landfilling is the most important controlled method for municipal solid waste ( MSW ) disposal .

  22. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)的工程性质

    Engineering properties of municipal solid waste

  23. 近几年来,城市固体废弃物(MSW)填埋场的研究一直是环境岩土工程的热门课题。

    Research of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) is a hot topic of geo-environmental engineering .

  24. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)填埋处理温室气体城市垃圾填埋场沉降的力学模型研究

    Primary study on greenhouse gas ; study on mechanical model of settlement in municipal solid waste landfill

  25. 基于PROFIBUS的城市生活废弃物自动化处理线方案设计

    The Application of Profibus Technology in an Automated Processing Line Dealing with Municipal Household Refuse

  26. 对几种煤和城市固体废弃物(MSW)如PVC和纤维素中的主要可燃成分进行了实验研究。

    Several kinds of coals and the major combustible components in MSW , such as PVC and cellulose were tested in this paper .

  27. 对于不同降解度的城市固体废弃物,分别利用改进后的适合MSW的残余变形模型对模型参数进行整理,比较了固结比、降解度、动应力等各种因素对残余变形参数的影响。

    Compared the consolidation ratio , degradation degree , the dynamic stress and other factors on the influence in residual deformation parameters .

  28. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)在填埋处理时,甲烷菌将使废弃物中的有机物质发生厌氧分解,从而会有甲烷排放到大气中。

    The organic material will be anaerobic decomposed by methane bacteria when municipal solid waste ( MSW ) is processing in landfills , thus methane will be emitted to the atmosphere .

  29. Fmax随着城市固体废弃物内摩擦角φsw的增加逐渐增大,而Fmin随着内摩擦角φsw的增大并不改变;

    Fmax increased with the increasing of internal friction angle of municipal solid waste φ sw , however , Fmin remained constant .

  30. 通过室内蠕变-降解对比试验,研究了城市固体废弃物(MSW)的长期变形过程,详细地分析了MSW应变、沉降速率以及孔隙比随时间的变化规律。

    Based on the experimental results , characteristics of strain changing , void ratio changing , settlement rate changing against time , and the relationship between stress and strain of MSW were studied .