
  1. 兰州城区街道峡谷内流场及机动车排放污染物扩散规律研究

    A Study on air pollutant dispersion in Lanzhou urban street canyon

  2. 上海松江中心城区街道绿化调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Street Green Space in Songjiang City

  3. 青岛市老城区街道空间体系类型化研究

    Typology Research on Street Space System of Qingdao 's Old City Area

  4. 太原市城区街道绿化树种及配置方式调查与评价

    Investigation and Appraisal of Planted Tree Species and Disposition Patterns in Taiyuan City Proper

  5. 荆州市城区街道绿化树种构成与配置模式研究

    Study on Species Structure and Disposition of Urban Street Greening Trees in Jingzhou City

  6. 玉溪市中心城区街道绿地规划设计初步研究

    A Preliminary Design of Roadside Green Spaces in Central Urban Area of Yuxi Municipality

  7. 西安城区街道的演变

    The Evolvement of Urban Streets in Xi'an

  8. 第二部分对老城区街道构成的因素进行分析,探寻保持街区活力的因素。

    The second part of the form of old streets , analyzes the factors that keep energetic blocks .

  9. 城区街道整洁干净、绿化不错,是个适宜居住的城市成为我对此的第一印象。

    These neat and clean streets as well as afforesting and greening in urban area where residents might be habitable brought me a first impression on here .

  10. 采用抽样法对荆州市城区街道绿化树种的种类及生长现状进行了调查,结果表明:绿化树种的物种多样性偏低,灌木类树种被利用的水平低,城市绿化景观的特色不鲜明。

    Based on spot checking , the species structure and growth actuality of urban street greening trees in Jingzhou City were studied . The results indicated that urban greening tree species diversity index was on the low side and the scope of shrubby trees being applied was narrow .

  11. 老城区的街道狭促曲折,好似迷宫一般。

    The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine .

  12. 走向松弛的限定&浅议新开发城区的街道城市设计

    Leading to the Loose Restriction - Comment on the Street Urban Design in Developing Zone

  13. 对太原市城区主要街道目前的绿化状况进行了分析与评价。

    This paper gives an analysis and appraisal of present situation of planted trees in the main streets of Taiyuan city .

  14. 在老城区中街道与建筑形成不可分割的整体,生活在其中的人们交往密切,关系融洽。

    In the old streets and architectural form in the integral whole , the people living in one eye , harmonious relationship .

  15. 第三部分研究老城区的街道尺度与人们交往方式的关系,寻找积极交往空间形成的要素。

    In the third part of the study of old streets and way of communication , people find active communication space form elements .

  16. 他们认为这两个人降落在世界贸易中心附近下曼哈顿城区的街道上。据报道,私人保镖看见两名跳伞者于凌晨3点在高盛集团总部前降落。

    They think they have parachuted onto a Lower Manhattan street near the World Trade Center site . Private security guards reported seeing two parachuters land in front of the Goldman Sachs headquarters around 3:00 AM .

  17. 其中问卷调查法,随即抽取长春市5个城区的街道办事处,居民晨练点以及体育俱乐部的负责人,武术健身指导者,武术健身活动参与者进行了问卷调查。

    One questionnaire , then extracted five city of Changchun City neighborhood offices , residents and sports clubs Morning point person in charge , martial arts fitness instructor , martial arts fitness activities conducted a survey of participants .

  18. 通过对玉溪市中心城区主要街道绿地景观规划及植物造景的现状分析,提出改进玉溪市城市街道绿地景观的设想和措施。

    A preliminary landscape design for roadside green spaces in the central urban area of Yuxi Municipality was made and some improvement measures were put forward on the basis of analyzing the present status of the overall planning of plant landscape for the city .

  19. 方法对青岛市重点城区14家街道办事处餐饮单位2002~2004年食物中毒以及卫生投诉事件进行收集分析,并利用地理信息系统(GIS)研究其空间分布。

    Methods Data on food hygiene events from 2002 to 2004 in restaurants of 14 blocks which were located in the important city zone of Qingdao were collected and studied . The spatial distribution was conducted by means of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) .

  20. 方法:采用流行病学调查使用的抑郁自评量表(CES-D)和专门设计的产科因素调查表,对广州市5个老城区32个街道的2000名产后3月内的产妇进行调查。

    Methods : 2 000 women from 32 streets in 5 old city regions were investigated by CES-D and self-made inventory in three months after delivery .

  21. 淄博城区土壤及街道灰尘重金属地球化学研究

    Geochemical Study of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soils and Road Dusts of Zibo City

  22. 不同城市、不同城区、不同街道、甚至不同社区之间,都必然存在很大差异。

    Different city , different city , different streets , even between different communities , there must be a big difference .

  23. 对太原市城区48条街道绿地调查,共记录种子植物177种,隶属于65科124属。

    In Taiyuan urban region , there are 177 species of seed plants , belonging to 65 families and 124 genera in the 48 streets investigated .

  24. 本文选取杭州市下城区潮鸣街道为研究对象,采用问卷调查与案例分析相结合的方法,在明确社区矛盾现状的基础上,分析了社会资本和社区矛盾之间的关系。

    The paper selected Chao Ming streets of Hangzhou City as the research object , using questionnaires and case analysis of the combination of the method , in clear the Community contradiction status based on the analysis of the relationship between social capital and urban communities contradiction .

  25. 旧城区改造中的街道公共设施的艺术设计研究

    Problems on Art Designing of Street Public Facilities in Old City Transformation

  26. 布拉格旧城区那些狭窄的街道吸引着四方游客长途跋涉来此享受漫步之乐,或者找一家饭店坐下来,安闲地享受当地物美价廉的食物。

    The narrow streets of the older parts of the town invite all tourists to take nice long walks and settle in some restaurants or taverns , which offer top-quality food at a low price .

  27. 江门老城区100个主要街道、里巷名称,在命名特点、历史文化内涵、方言用字、地名用字及音节等方面都颇具特色。

    The 100 main names of the streets and lanes in Jiangmen 's old urban district have their special characteristics in naming intention , historical and cultural content , and the choice of words and syllables .