
  1. 银川市城郊农业地域结构优化决策

    Optimum plan on territorial structure of suburban agriculture in Yinchuan

  2. 湘南农业地域空间结构的调整与优化

    Research on Adjustment and Optimize of Agriculture Regional Spacial Structure

  3. 陕西安塞县农业地域资源优势及开发

    Regional agriculture resource predominance and development in Ansai County of Shaanxi Province

  4. 秦军事地理变迁与秦农业地域拓展

    Military Geographical Extension and Agricultural Regional Expansion During Qin Dynasty

  5. 中国绿色农业地域类型与发展对策

    Regional Differentiation and Development Countermeasures of Green Agriculture in China

  6. 东北地区农业地域结构类型划分研究

    Types Division of Agricultural Region Structure in Northeast China

  7. 国内外农业地域结构研究进展与前沿科学问题

    Progress studies and frontier scientific issues on agriculture territorial structure at home and abroad

  8. 甘肃农业地域分异及其生态农业产业化模式设计

    Regional differentiation of agriculture and model design of industrialization for ecological agriculture in Gansu

  9. 略论农业地域分工与区域农业结构调整

    A simple opinion on the regional division of agriculture and structural readjustment of regional agriculture

  10. 山区农业地域系统研究

    On Agricultural Territorial System in Mount-ainous Area

  11. 滇黔桂岩溶地区农业地域类型分区之研究

    On zoning areal types of agriculture of the karst areas in yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi

  12. 指标综合法及山区农业地域类型划分

    The methods for synthesizing indexes and the division of regional types of agriculture in mountainous regions

  13. 海南农业地域生产系统分析

    Analysis of areal production

  14. 应用模糊聚类分析划分黔中岩溶山区农业地域系统类型

    Application of The Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on Dividing Agricultural Territorial System Types in The Middle Karst Mountain Region of Guizhou Province

  15. 中国的自然与社会经济条件差异极大,农业地域性尤其突出。

    There is a distinct difference in China ′ s natural and social economy condition and the agricultural regional feature is more outstanding .

  16. 在总的趋势上,知识密集也必然意味着农业地域专业化程度的提高和农场规模的增大。

    From the general trend , knowledge concentration inevitably means the improvement of regional agricultural technical specialization degree and the enlargement of farm scale .

  17. 当今世界发展强烈要求我国实行相应的农业地域分工和区域农业结构战略调整,文章拟就农业地域分工和区域农业结构调整的理论内涵、实证进行了探讨。

    Current development of the world strongly demands our nation carrying out relevant regional division of agriculture and structural readjustment of regional agriculture . The paper researches on those theory connotation and essence .

  18. 应结合不同地区的具体情况,充分发挥农业地域资源优势,将环境调控于必不可少的最低限度内。

    According to actual conditions of different regions , the advantage of regional agricultural resources should be brought into play , and the interference of environment should be kept to the possibly lowest extent .

  19. 农业系统地域多年开发的生态经济规划模型

    The Multiyear Development Model of Ecological Economic Planning in Agricultural Systems

  20. 长江中游平原湖区农业开发地域分工与农产品专业化生产研究

    The areal division of agricultural development and specialized farming of agro-products in the low lacustrine plains of the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  21. 农业具有地域分散、对象多样、环境因子不确定等特点,也是受环境影响最明显的领域。

    Agriculture is characterized by geographically dispersed , diverse objects , and uncertain environmental factors , etc , and it is also the most obviously areas which is affected by the environment .

  22. 可持续农业是地域性较强的问题,若离开区域讨论可持续农业,并不符合可持续农业发展中人地系统结构优化的基本要求。

    The sustainable agriculture has a strong regional property , the fundamental demand of the structure optimization of the man land system in the development of sustainable agriculture can not be met without the reference to this property .

  23. 长江三角洲农业发展的地域差异研究

    On the regional differentiation of agriculture development on Yangtze River Delta

  24. 农业气象灾害地域组合规律的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Area Combination Law of Agro - Meteorological Disasters

  25. 我国农业功能的地域分异与区域统筹定位研究

    Research on Regional Differentiation and Orientation of Agricultural Multifunctions in China

  26. 汉代岭南农业发展的地域差异

    Regional Difference of Lingnan Agriculture Development in the Han Dynasty

  27. 农业产业化地域模式研究的理论基础及其实践

    Theory Base of Research on Agricultural Integration Areal Model and Its Practice

  28. 论中国农业的强地域性特征

    Opinion on china ′ s agricultural strong regional characteristics

  29. 江西省农业气候资源地域分异

    The regional difference of Agroclimatological resources in Jiangxi Province

  30. 青海农业自然灾害地域组合规律及防灾减灾对策

    Regional combinational law of natural calamities in Qinghai and the preventive and decreasing Countermeasures