
  • 网络contract amount;RMB
  1. 季报中印花税是按合同金额还是按费用收入?

    Is the stamp duty in quarterly reports to press contract amount to still press fee income ?

  2. 我们已通过一家日本银行开立了以你方为受益人的相当于合同金额的商业信用证。

    We have established a commercial letter of credit in your favour for the contracted amount through a Japanese bank .

  3. 如果NASA给两家公司各分配了六次飞行任务,它将按合同金额的全款支付费用。

    The full contract amounts will be paid if NASA orders six missions from each company .

  4. 阐述了RS公路整治工程的投资控制要点,分析了实际投资超出合同金额的原因。

    The key points of investment control of RS Road renovating project are expounded . The reason why actual investment exceed the contract one is analysed .

  5. 库里是NBA史上首位在合同金额方面突破2亿美元大关的球员,拿下这份超级合同,无疑创造了NBA巨星的新标准。

    Curry is the first NBA star who will sign for the supermax contract , the crossing of a $ 200 million threshold that eventually will become the norm for the NBA 's biggest superstars .

  6. 美国在本世纪初率先曝出安然(Enron)和世通(WorldCom)的丑闻,许多国家的公司低报亏损,虚报合同金额并夸大收入。

    The US was a pioneer with Enron and WorldCom in the early 2000s , and companies in many countries understate losses , misprice contracts and overstate revenues .

  7. 中国自欧引进技术合同金额累计1220亿美元。

    China has imported technology from the EU with a contract value of122 billion U.

  8. 如果合同金额明显增加,主席可要求另外增加一份保证金。

    The Chairman may require an additional Bond if the contract is increased appreciably .

  9. 这项交易的合同金额高达2.5亿美元。

    The contract mounts to250 million dollars .

  10. 我们已经对我们的货投保了一切险和战争险,金额为合同金额的110%。

    We insure our goods for110 % of order amount against all risks and war risks .

  11. 直接外来投资合同金额

    Contracted foreign direct investment

  12. 所获得的奖金将作为设计合同金额的一部分,并在首付款项中予以扣除;

    The prize is part of the contract value , and will be subtracted from the down payment .

  13. 按合同金额投保,并表明可在中国索赔,且不得含有免赔条款。

    The insurance has to be covered in the Contract Currency showing claims payable in China and with no deductible clause .

  14. 同时,在非洲新签署的合同金额同比增长了20%以上,达到680亿美元。

    Meanwhile , the amount of newly signed contracts in Africa increased by over 20 percent year-on-year , reaching 68 billion U.S. dollars .

  15. 扣除额:填写按税法规定,不应扣缴所得税的合同金额。

    Amount of deductions : the contract amount on which withholding tax is not chargeable according to the provisions of the tax law .

  16. 根据内部人士透露国王队计划在美国时间本周六召开新闻发布会去宣布这一决定,至于合同金额及其它细节双方仍旧在洽谈当中。

    The Kings planned a news conference Saturday to announce the deal , according to the two people , who spoke on condition of anonymity .

  17. 完成所有工程范围并运行准备就绪后,应开具金额等于总合同金额5%的发票。

    5 % of the total contract amount shall be invoiced upon agreement that all the scope f works has been completed and ready for operation .

  18. 投资方面问题较多,主要是合同金额与实际投入之间差距比较大,出现这种情况的原因很多。

    There are more problems in investment mainly a large gap living between the contract amount and the actual input . There are many reasons for this situation .

  19. 如果合同金额少于100万港币,应咨询运营支持部门有关处理建筑废料的单据。

    Where the contract sum is below hk $ 1 million , the operation support department shall be consulted for the chits for disposal of the construction waste .

  20. 该系统主要涉及合同金额、时间、施工单位和招投标等内容,实现合同上报和审批管理功能。

    The system is mainly related to the contents of the contract amount , time , construction units and bidding , contract reporting and approval of management functions .

  21. 目前,外商对华直接投资不管是在投资项目数、合同金额还是实际利用金额上都呈现出明显的独资化倾向。

    Nowadays we can find an obvious tendency of exclusively foreign-owned enterprises increase no matter from the increase of investment projects amounts and contract value or the real using value .

  22. 建筑主体竣工并且华为初步验收后,应开具金额等于总合同金额的30%的发票。

    30 % of the total contract amount shall be invoiced upon agreement that the building main body has been completed and been preliminarily accepted both by the by huawei .

  23. 另一方面,自一九九四年、一九九五年起,中国新批外商投资项目数和合同金额持续下降,这将直接影响今后一个时间内中国吸引外资的增长速度。

    On the other hand , since1994and1995 , the number of recently approved foreign investment projects and the contract sum has been continually decreasing , which will directly affect china 's foreign investment attraction growth rate in the period to come .

  24. B:每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。

    B : Each day , we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount .

  25. 外商投资企业合同外资金额

    Amount of Signed Agreements & Contracts of Foreign Funded Enterprises

  26. 每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。

    Each day we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount .

  27. 合同总金额元,甲方验收后一次性付清。

    The total contract amount is Yuan , Party A should pay in lump sun after acceptance .

  28. 新签合同外资金额实现恢复性增长,实际利用外资继续保持增长。

    The newly-signed contractual foreign investment realized recovery growth and the actually paid-in capital maintained to grow .

  29. 贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。

    I 'm afraid you should compensate us by5 % of the total amount of the contract .

  30. 各项合同总金额,以及确定合同完工进度的方法。

    The total contract amount and the methods used to ascertain the schedule of each contract project ;