
  1. 中国服务贸易结构与经济增长的关系研究&基于VAR模型的动态效应分析

    Research on the Relationship between Chinese Service Trade Structure and Economic Growth & Dynamic Effect Analysis Based on VAR Model

  2. 而服务贸易结构中的技术分布是衡量一国服务贸易结构合理性的重要指标。

    The technological distribution is an important index to measure the structure of service trade .

  3. 第四章,从各个角度考察了中国服务贸易结构的现状。

    In the Chapter 4 , review the structure of service trade in China from different aspects .

  4. 中国货物贸易与服务贸易结构变动的相关性检验:1997-2005

    A Relativity Test between Chinese Goods Trade and Structure Change of Services Trade from 1997 to 2005

  5. 服务贸易结构渐趋平衡,新兴服务贸易发展迅速。

    Structure of service trade has become more balanced , with trade in emerging services growing rapidly .

  6. 国际服务贸易结构与经济增长路径&基于中国数据的经验研究

    Structure of International Service Trade and Economic Growth Route : an Empirical Research Based on Date of China

  7. 第三章,分析了服务贸易结构和竞争力的关系。

    In the Chapter 3 , the paper analyzed the relationship between the structure of service trade and competitiveness .

  8. 中国服务贸易结构发展的不平衡直接关系到中国服务贸易的健康、可持续发展。

    The imbalance development of Chinese service trade structure is directly related to the health and sustainable development of Chinese services trade .

  9. 第三部分为中日经贸结构分析,包括对商品贸易结构、服务贸易结构和地域结构的分析。

    Part III : The analysis of Sino-Japanese in trade structure includes double-good trade structure , service trade structure and district structure .

  10. 服务贸易结构的改善,才能较大幅度地提高资源配置效率,进而提升贸易质量。

    The improvement of service structure trade can enhance the efficiency of resource allocation and thus improve the quality of service trade .

  11. 世界服务贸易结构发生了重大的变化,服务贸易的内涵不断加深,技术含量不断提高。

    The world service trade structure is undergoing profound change whose connotation is deepened continuously and the technology content continues to improve .

  12. 服务贸易结构正由传统的以自然资源或劳动密集型为主转向以知识、智力密集型和资金密集型为主的现代贸易格局。

    The service trade structure is transferring to the modern trade pattern of the knowledge , intellect denseness and fund denseness from the traditional natural resources or labor denseness .

  13. 服务贸易结构也不尽合理,大多集中在传统的服务贸易行业,极大地制约了中国贸易强国的进程。

    The internal structure of trade in services is unreasonable , mostly concentrated in traditional sectors of services industry , which greatly restricted the process from great to power of China .

  14. 通过对历史数据的分析,考察各国服务贸易结构演变的过程,找到结构优化的标志和原因,以及与贸易竞争力的联系。

    Study the course of different countries ' service trade structure to find the marks and reasons of structure optimization and the relationship with the competitiveness by analyzing the historical data .

  15. 中国服务贸易出口结构变动的实证分析

    Analysis on the Export Structure Change of Chinese Service Trade

  16. 结果表明中国服务贸易出口结构变动缓慢,劳动密集型和资源依赖型的服务贸易出口仍然占有绝对优势,尽管技术与资本密集型服务贸易出口增长迅速,但比重不高;

    As a result , it shows that the export change is very slow , traditional labor-intensive and resource-dependent service trade is still taking up the dominant advantage , but the technology-intensive and capital-intensive service trade is developing very quickly .

  17. 国际服务贸易的内部结构同时也发生了较大的变化。

    The structure of international trade in services changes a lot as well .

  18. 我国服务贸易发展对产业结构优化的影响研究

    The Research on Chinese Service Trade 's Influence on the Optimization of the Industrial Structure

  19. 第二章介绍了WT0金融服务贸易法律体系的结构、主要内容和特点;

    The second chapter introduces the components and the main , contents of WTO financial services trade law .

  20. 扩大了的由货物贸易和服务贸易构成的贸易结构突破了传统的贸易分类方式,已经被越来越广泛地采用。

    The extended trade structure consisting of goods trade and service trade which broken through the traditional trade classification has been used increasingly wider .

  21. 但是在总量飞速发展的同时,我国服务贸易也表现出结构上的不合理,缺乏技术含量等不足,造成我国服务贸易整体的国际竞争力相对较弱。

    However , at the same time , we should also be aware of the unreasonable structure , lack of high-tech elements among other deficiencies in the industry , which lead to the relatively weak competitiveness of trade in services in China .

  22. 扩大服务贸易,改善服务贸易结构,是提高我国参与国际分工和竞争能力的新举措。

    Those including enlarging service trade and polishing service trade structure are new measures for improving the capability of our participation of the international division of labor and competition .

  23. 我国作为发展中国家,服务贸易发展较晚,服务贸易结构处于优化调整期。

    China as a developing country , the trade in services developed late , and the service trade structure is in the period of adjustment and optimization .

  24. 服务贸易总额不断增长,全球服务贸易结构趋于优化,以知识资本为重心的现代服务贸易发展模式逐渐取代了传统的包括旅游及运输在内的服务贸易。

    The total trade in services is growing , the structure of global trade in services have tended to be optimization . The modem service trade development mode which focuses on intellectual and capital gradually replaced the traditional trade in services , including tourism and transportation .

  25. 服务贸易的总量快速增长,服务贸易的结构调整加快,通讯、计算机、会计、信息服务等增长势头良好,逐渐成为世界主要国家当代服务业发展的重点。

    The amount of service trade growth , the adjust of the structure of trade in services speed up , communication , computer , accounting , information service and other growth is good , becoming the focus on major countries in the world of modern service industry development .

  26. 制约我国服务贸易国际竞争力提高的主要因素是服务贸易内部结构不合理,发展存在严重的城乡、区域不平衡,管理体制滞后,人才缺乏;

    The key factors of preventing the international competitiveness of service trade from strengthening are : unreasonable internal structure of service trade , serious imbalance development between city and countryside , lagged administrative system , shortage of the talents .

  27. 但由于新兴生产性服务领域仍发展缓慢,使得我国生产性服务贸易结构仍需完善、竞争力亟待提升。

    But as the newly realm of productive service developed slowly , so the development of productive service trade structure in China still needs to improve , and competitiveness calls for promote immediately .

  28. 同时作为国际服务生产和分工的最新形式,当代服务外包对各国服务贸易、产业结构和工资收入等经济层面产生了深远影响,更为发展中国家带来了融入世界经济,获得新的增长动力的机遇。

    As the new form of international service manufacturing and labor division , the service outsourcing has deep influence on service trade , industrial structure and salary income . It also provides new opportunity for developing country to melting into world economy and get new developing engine .

  29. 世界服务贸易进入了高速发展阶段,而各国的发展经验表明,一国服务贸易的结构是否合理是一国服务贸易能否健康发展以及决定一国服务贸易竞争力强弱的关键因素。

    The international trade in service is developing with a high speed , and the experiences of development of global service trade have indicated whether the structure of service trade was reasonable was the key factor which effected the development of the service trade and the competitiveness of service exporting .

  30. 我国服务贸易的主要特征是发展速度快,长期处于逆差状态,增长波动趋于平稳,服务贸易行业结构差异较大。

    The main characteristics of service trade in our country are fast growth , long-time unfavorable balance , stable growth fluctuation and great structural differences in the service trade industry .