
  • 网络tour of duty;military service;Service period;enlistment
  1. 既然他已从服役期中归来,对他来说是否有压力像他哥哥一样找一个妻子?

    Now that he 's back from his tour of duty , is there some pressure on him to follow his brother and find a wife ?

  2. 她的真正麻烦发生在第一段战场服役期结束之际。

    Her real problems came at the end of her first tour of duty .

  3. 雷迪金融集团(ReadyFinancial)是我的投资组合中的一家公司,其CEO威尔•图穆迪便是一位退役的海豹突击队员(服役期1990–1995)。

    One of my portfolio company CEOs , will Tumulty of ready financial , is a former seal ( 1990-1995 ) .

  4. 然而随着服役期的增长、不良的环境条件、日益增长的交通量和承载量的影响,相当多的在役RC桥梁正逐步成为危桥。

    However , with the service of growth , poor environment , the growing traffic and road transport which is often advocated to improve the standard of vehicle load , a significant number of bridges is becoming a dangerous bridge .

  5. 通过对不同服役期HK40炉管显微组织的分析,研究了炉管在服役过程中的组织变化和蠕变失效。

    The microstructure and creep process of HK 40 furnace tubes after different service duration were analyzed by means of micrography .

  6. 他在北爱尔兰待了两个服役期。

    He spent two tours of duty in Northern Ireland .

  7. 武器装备服役期对装备采购计划的影响

    Effect on Equipment Acquisition Plan Based on Equipment Service Periods

  8. 一个星期后你的服役期就满了,为你妈妈想想!

    You 'll be discharged in a week think about your mom !

  9. 海上结构物在服役期的安全性检测

    The Safety Inspection of Offshore Structure in Service Period

  10. 与装甲战车服役期相匹配的维修策略

    Maintenance Policy Adapted to Service Time of Armor Chariot

  11. 自升式平台后服役期结构强度及损伤评估研究

    Structure Strength and Damage Analysis of Aged Jack-up Platform

  12. 混凝土桥梁构件服役期的抗力概率模型

    Statistical Models for the Lifetime Resistance of Concrete Bridges

  13. 我打算在结束这最后一次的服役期之后,就不再加入海军队伍了。

    I mean when I finish this last hitch , not to ship over .

  14. 为了确保海底管道系统在服役期内的安全运行,海底管道的冲刷悬空监测是工程中所面临的一个重要问题。

    Scour monitoring is an very important concern to ensure the integrity of pipeline systems .

  15. 自升式海洋平台后服役期的疲劳强度及寿命分析

    Fatigue analysis of aged ocean jack-up platform

  16. 支持辊局部磨损较严重,但这种不均匀磨损对板形影响较小,在整个服役期内对板形的作用基本不变。

    Non-uniform wear of backup roll is serious but has little effect on strip profile .

  17. 绿色产品的长寿命设计并非一味地延长产品的服役期,它具有丰富的内涵。对产品进行长寿命设计可以有效地节省资源和能源,保护环境。

    The design for product long life is an effective method to economize resource and protect environment .

  18. 当他一年的服役期结束时,他去了亚拉巴马州,尝试着做铁匠,但是又失败了。

    When his one year enlistment was up he headed for Alabama , tried blacksmithing and failed .

  19. 兵役制度:实行征兵制,服役期2年。

    Military service : the Thai military uses a selective conscription system , with terms lasting two years .

  20. 预应力混凝土桥梁在长期运营服役期内,会出现开裂和下挠现象。

    The prestressed concrete bridge in long-term operation service period , may appear the phenomenon of cracking and deflection .

  21. 兵役制度:征兵和义务兵役制,服役期两年。

    Military service : the Kuwaiti military uses both conscription and voluntary systems , with terms of service lasting two years .

  22. 海洋油气资源开发要求海洋工程结构在服役期内具备足够的可靠性和安全性。

    Sufficient reliability and safety of ocean engineering structure have been demanded as the development of offshore oil and gas resources .

  23. 这些狗的服役期最长为八年,之后将会退休,交还给它们原来的主人。

    The dogs will retire after serving a maximum period of eight years and will be returned to their original owners .

  24. 宝钢1号高炉大、小料钟悬挂系统服役期动态应力的研究

    Research of the dynamic stress of the system hanging big and small ball of Bao ─ steel blast furnace No. 1

  25. 按照等超越概率原则确定不同后续服役期内小震、中震和大震的重现期。

    The recurrence periods of minor , moderate and major earthquake in different re-service periods are calculated based on equal exceeding principle .

  26. 假如在士兵们一年服役期届满时获准回家,那么防务努力实际上将成为泡影。

    The defense effort would have practically collapsed if men had been allowed to go home at the end of their one-year term .

  27. 最后,以某核潜艇作为算例来进行研究,其结果表明了人员因素对潜艇服役期内的影响并且给出了人因失误数据。

    The results of this case study indicate the effects of human factors on lifelong service of the submarine and provide human error data .

  28. 尤金第一次意识到自己出了问题时,他的服役期差不多已经过半,当时正在旧金山军事休假。

    Eugene was on military leave in San Francisco , about halfway through his tour of duty , when he first realized something was wrong .

  29. 夏普说,美国军人在韩国的服役期可能会从目前的一年转变为三年。

    Sharp says American service members will probably soon be assigned three-year tours of duty in South Korea , rather than the current one year .

  30. 结构的损伤累积无疑将对建筑物在后续服役期中的抗力和剩余寿命产生重要影响。

    Cumulative damage of the structure of the building will no doubt be an important impact on the follow-up period of resistance and the residual life .