
  • 网络the built environment
  1. 夸祖鲁纳塔尔大学(UniversityofKwaZulu-Natal)南非建成环境与开发研究学院教授帕特里克o邦德(PatrickBond)预计,南非在场馆建设方面花费了25亿美元,因为这些场馆使用率不高,而且每年的维修和运营补贴需要约1800-2400万美元。

    Patrick Bond , a professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal 's School of Built Environment and Development Studies in South Africa , estimates that the country spent about $ 2.5 billion on stadiums that , because they are underused , require some $ 18-24 million in annual maintenance and operation subsidies .

  2. 北京大学百年纪念堂广场建成环境研究

    Researches in the Built Environment of Beijing University Centennial Hall Square

  3. 建成环境评价是大学校园规划建设的重要反馈手段。

    BEE is a feedback means conducing to advance campus planning .

  4. 城市形态是用来描绘城市建成环境的术语词汇。

    Urban form is a term to depict the urban built environment .

  5. 城市公园建成环境主观评价模式初探

    Discussion on the urban park built environment subjective evaluation model

  6. 高教园区建成环境评价体系研究

    Research on built environment evaluation system of university campus

  7. 建成环境评价在多方参与型城市规划中的应用

    Built Environment Evaluation for Public Participation in City Planning

  8. 五所里经历了大规模的建成环境改善;

    Wusuocun has experienced large-scale built environment changes .

  9. 建筑及其建成环境是生态系统的一个组成部分。

    The construction and completion of the ecological environment is an integral part of the system .

  10. 研究证明,指数评价法是一种易于横向比较、操作简便的建成环境主观评价方法。

    The research shows that the Methods of Index Evaluation are easy for handling and transverse comparison .

  11. 非介入性评价方法研究:广州某居住小区建成环境主观评价

    Research on Evaluation Methods of Non-intervention Techniques : Subjective Evaluating to a Certain Dwelling District in GuangZhou

  12. 建成环境的表达受很多条件的制约,其中一个很重要的制约因素就是地域性因素。

    Built environment by the expression of many conditions , a very important constraint is that regional factors .

  13. 崇明岛作为面向21世纪的生态型海岛,将建成环境优美、功能完善的复合生态城市。

    As an ecological island of 21 century , the Chongming Island would be constructed into a compound ecological city .

  14. 在城市发展中对文化遗产的保护利用必须考虑到其作为建成环境意义的完整性和原真性保护。

    We must protect the intactness and the authenticity of the built environment in the course of the development of the city .

  15. 街区层峡是城市建成环境中最为重要的城市活动场所和室外空间之一,它对城市微气候有着直接的影响。

    Street canyon is the most important open space in urban built environment , which has a direct impact on urban microclimate .

  16. 旅游活动的开展使古镇建成环境具有二重性,并相应呈现出二维演化特征。

    With the development of tourism , the built environment of ancient town possesses dual nature and presents two dimension evolvement character .

  17. 综上,城市设计是营造可持续城市,处理城市建成环境的重要方法。

    Above all , urban design is a significant approach that takes care of the urban built environment for creating a sustainable urban .

  18. 这个研习课程欢迎关注建成环境开发的设计与技术议题的各学科领域的学生。

    The workshop welcomes students from different disciplines that focus upon the design and technological issues related to the development of the built environment .

  19. 本文在第一章系统评述了九华山的自然地理环境、人文环境,并通过比较,总结了建成环境的空间特色。

    The first chapter systematically described the geographical and humanity environment . Through comparison , the spatial features of the built environment are summarized .

  20. 苏南小城镇建成环境的文化发展策略探讨对建成环境意义的逆向思考&评福建省体育运动学院场馆区构思设计

    On Cultural Development of Built Environment of Small Towns in South Jiangsu Province The opposite thought in accordance with the meaning of the constructed environment

  21. 在1990年代,配合区域性中心城市的发展目标,上海市经历了经济结构重组和建成环境演化。

    In1990 . s Shanghai has experienced the economy restructuring and the urban built environment evolution in fitting with the target to become the regional center .

  22. 该研究成果不仅对社区公园的景观设计提供了基础资料和分析手法,而且通过建成环境的使用后评价丰富了当前的声景观研究。

    These results can provide basic data and analysis methods for neighborhood park design , and the post-occupancy evaluation methods can enrich the traditional soundscape research .

  23. 城市最佳实践区在世博园区中有15公顷左右的展区,包括四个展示领域,分别是宜居家园、可持续的城市化、历史遗产保护和利用、建成环境的科技创新。

    The UBPA is divided into four exhibition fields-Livable Cities , Sustainable Urbanization , Protection and Utilization of Historical Heritages and Technological Innovation in Built Environment .

  24. 在城市发展中,城市设计是一个营建和谐和多样建成环境,维护和支持人们活动的历程。

    During the development of a city , urban design is a process to create harmonious and diversified built environment to sustain and support human activities .

  25. 在后现代社会中,城市空间形态作为一种建成环境,深深地卷入了资本循环的过程,打上了商品的烙印。

    In post-modern society , urban space form , as a built environment , is regarded as commodity and deeply involved in the circulation of captial .

  26. 本文考察了新历史主义对建成环境的影响,特别考察了那托群体和新城市主义所秉有的新历史主义倾向。

    The paper review the implication of new historicism on the built environment , particularly analyze the new historicism trend of Nato Croup and the new urbanism .

  27. 第二部分(4章),重庆历史建成环境面临的问题与矛盾分析。

    The second part ( the fourth chapter ) is about the analysis of the problems and contradictions which historical built environment in Chongqing is confronted with .

  28. 并着重从空间营造与景观组织的角度,探求了如何在理解和尊重建成环境的基础上,进行个性创造的问题。

    From the view point of space construction and landscape organization , it analyses how to achieve the character creation on the understanding and consideration of the built-environment .

  29. 城市设计是对城市建成环境的研究,包括对现实环境的美化以及对城市未来可持续发展的设想。

    Urban Design is a research for city built environment , including beautifying the reality of the environment and supposing the idea of sustainable development in the future .

  30. 提倡将质化方法与量化方法有效地结合起来,有利于建成环境主观评价方法体系的良性发展。

    The qualitative evaluating methods were ignored for a long time To consummate methodology system of BEE , the paper advocates that qualitative and quantitative methods should be banded together .