
  1. 落实《建设工程质量管理条例》搞好工程建设监理

    Carrying out " the regulations of quality and management of construction and engineering " and doing well in supervising the engineering construcion

  2. 建设工程质量管理条例的颁布实施是对中华人民共和国建筑法的补充与完善,分析了条例颁布实施的背景,条例体现的内容及重要意义。

    The promulgation and implement of Construction Engineering Quality Management Regulation is supplement and perfection for Building Law of People 's Republic of China . In this paper the background of implementing this regulation are introduced . The content and significance of this regulation are analyzed .

  3. 我国的工程质量管理制度大致分为三个阶段,随着2001年《建设工程质量管理条例》的出台,工程质量监督提升为政府的监管主体。

    Meanwhile , the rules and operation system of construction quality is evolving gradually which can be separated into three processes . In 2001 , the publicity of Rules on Construction Quality Management has advanced the project construction supervision into the main part of governmental supervision system .

  4. 《建设工程质量监督管理条例》规定了国家实行建设工程质量监督管理制度。

    ' The byelaw of supervisory management for construction engineering quality'defines the system by which government carries out supervisory management of construction .

  5. 搞好建设工程质量的有力武器&论《建设工程质量管理条例》的颁布

    Study of Issue of Construction Engineering Quality Control Rules