
  • 网络Absorb funds;fund absorbed
  1. 这样,美国能够通过股市(而非债市)吸收资金流。

    The US could absorb the resulting flow via equity rather than debt markets .

  2. 公司治理结构的变革方向必须要为企业高速发展提供机制保证,变革的目的就是有利于企业快速反应,有利于企业吸收资金,有利于激发经营积极性,有利于企业长远定位。

    The reform direction of company administration must supply machanism guarantee for the rapid development of enterprises .

  3. 他们需要给出高利率,以便从投资者那里吸收资金。

    They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors .

  4. 资本市场还具有资本积累和资本聚集的功能,能够快速的吸收资金并转化成资本。

    Capital Markets have many fuctions such as capital accumulation function , which can quickly convert money into capital .

  5. 资本市场不发达,企业难以通过直接融资渠道吸收资金;

    The capital market is under developed , so the companies can not directly get enough money through the market ;

  6. 在保留故里茶乡品牌、经营、文化不变得情况下广泛吸收资金。

    Extensive absorption funds under the condition of reserving the native district tea country brand , conducting , culture is constant get .

  7. 充分利用区域能源开发及能源工业发展的大好机遇,吸收资金,反哺涉农相关产业。

    To make advantage of regional energy industries to attract funding for subsidy , promotion , optimization and upgrading of agriculture-related industries .

  8. 市政债券是地方政府依据信用原则,从社会上吸收资金来满足城市公共支出需求的一种形式。

    Municipal bonds is a form of bond that urban governments absorb funds from society according to credit principal and meet city public expenditure .

  9. 非法集资指违反国家金融管理法律规定,向社会公众(包括单位和个人)吸收资金的行为。

    Illegal fund-raising refers to the act of raising money from the public ( including ) by violating national laws and regulations concerning financial management .

  10. 市政债券是城市政府依据信用原则,从社会上吸收资金来满足城市公共支出需要的一种形式,是政府公债体系的重要组成部分。

    Municipal bond is a form of bond that urban governments absorb fund from society according to credit principle and meet city public expenditure . It is an important component of government bond system .

  11. 面对市场主动出击,多渠道吸收资金,尝试了找钱探矿的新途径,为今后从事商业性地质工作积累了经验。

    Trying to gain the initiative in the market , absorbing funds through various channels , it has tried a new way of " looking for money of ore search " , and has accumulated some experience for business geological work in the future .

  12. 高校体育的发展必须遵循市场发展规律,通过自身的优势,转变管理机制和体系,拓展经营项目,广泛吸收资金,加快人才的培养,提高经营水平来实现高校体育产业的发展。

    The physical education industry of higher learning institutions must abide by market development law , change management mechanism and system based on self-advantage , develop business scope , attract a lot of funds , accelerate talents cultivation and promote management level to realize development of the physical education industry .

  13. 加快吸收日韩资金的新对策研究

    The new measures of absorbing Japan and South Korea Capital

  14. 资金投入主要依靠吸收社会资金;

    Social capital is one of the major sources of financial input .

  15. 最后一点,各国政府可帮助在海外传播新技术,并为新技术在国内的消化吸收提供资金帮助。

    Finally , governments can help the spread of new technologies abroad and help finance their uptake at home .

  16. 吸收外国资金是随着国际商品交换发展起来的一种重要的国际经济合作形式。

    With the development of international goods exchange , foreign capital attraction has become an important form of international economy cooperation .

  17. 我们将大力开放经营,吸收社会资金,实行公司、员工股份化经营。

    We will open the management strongly , absorbing the social funds , practicing the company , employee 's share to turn the management .

  18. 吸收外国资金肯定可以作为我国社会主义建设的重要补充,今天看来可以说是不可缺少的补充。

    Foreign investment will doubtless serve as a major supplement in the building of socialism in our country . And as things stand now , that supplement is indispensable .

  19. 那些货币基金在吸收这些资金后,又放贷给其他借款者,其中许多是地方政府平台,它们为基础设施融资:亟需修建的道路,但也有地方政府官员为自己建造的并非必要的办公大楼。

    In turn those funds lend on to borrowers , many of which are local government platforms , financing infrastructure : much needed roads , but also less essential palaces for local officials .

  20. 至于吸收外国资金,这是作为发展社会生产力的一个补充,不用担心它会冲击社会主义制度。

    As for the practice of absorbing foreign funds , it is a supplementary means of developing the productive forces , and we need not worry that it will undermine the socialist system .

  21. 项目融资可缓解铁路跨越式发展过程中建设资金的缺口,有利于铁路建设项目吸收民间资金,有利于促进铁路真正企业化的进程。

    The construction funds gap during the leap-forward development can be eased by the means of projects financing , which is favorable to absorb the private capital and to furtherance the railway process industrially .

  22. 建立社区银行可以在一定程度上解决目前我国资金运行中的虹吸现象,这主要因为社区银行吸收的资金主要运用于当地社区。

    Establishing community Banks can to a certain extent solve our money in operation of the " siphon " phenomenon , this mainly because community Banks absorption funds are mainly used for the local community .

  23. 大型跨国银行以政府保险担保为依托吸收储户资金并以合理的利差将资金贷出的日子已经一去不复返了,至少利差收入已不再是大型银行的主要收入来源。

    The days when a large multinational bank could borrow money from depositors backed by a government insurance guarantee and then lend it out to customers at a reasonable spread are gone , at least as their main source of revenues .

  24. 73年前,由于担心银行利用其在美联储累积的巨额准备金发放贷款,由此导致未来的信贷扩张不可控制,美联储提高了准备金率以吸收这些资金。

    Seventy-three years ago , fearing the large accumulation of reserves held by the banks at the Fed could result in an uncontrollable expansion of credit in the future if the banks decided to lend out those reserves , the Fed raised reserve requirements to absorb them .

  25. 当前,以高碳为主要特征的能源结构严重制约我国低碳经济的实现,而CDM的实施则有助于我国吸收额外的资金、促进技术转让,促进新能源产业发展。

    At present , our " high carbon " energy structure hinder our low carbon economy realization , and the CDM implementation is helpful to absorb the additional funds and to promote technology transfer , then promoting our new energy industry development .

  26. 同时,发展一点个体经济,吸收外国的资金和技术。

    At the same time , we allow a small private sector to develop , we absorb foreign capital and introduce advanced technology .

  27. 为此,应努力增加政府投入,并积极利用多种融资方式,以广泛吸收各种社会资金。

    Therefore , we must try hard to increase governmental investment and actively use various financing ways so as to extensively absorb all kinds of social funds .

  28. 金融体系通过吸收社会分散资金,促进资源的合理配置,引导产业结构向合理化和高度化方向发展。

    The financial system will promote the rational allocation of resources and lead the industrial structure to be more reasonable and higher by sucking the decentralized social capital .

  29. 辽宁化工地质勘查院充分利用自身找硼的技术优势,从多渠道广泛吸收地质勘查资金,争取到并完成了5个社会地质项目。

    Making full use of it 's technology of boron prospecting , Liaoning Chemical Geology Prospecting Institute widely absorbs funds of geological prospecting and has completed five social geological projects .

  30. 有效借鉴国际成功经验,利用教育彩票,充分吸收社会闲散资金,拓宽教育融资渠道值得探索。

    The exploration of drawing on the international successful experiences in this regard , of making use of education lottery , of extending the channels of educational financing is worth while .