
  • 网络Construction waste;Construction & Demolition Waste
  1. 基于GIS的城市建筑垃圾管理系统

    A Municipal Construction Waste Management System Based on GIS

  2. 建筑垃圾制再生骨料CFG桩影响因素的模拟研究

    The simulation study on the influencing factors of recycled aggregate CFG pile making use of construction waste

  3. 建筑垃圾回收网络MILP模型研究及应用分析

    Research on Construction and Demolition Waste Reverse Network MILP Model and Analysis of Its Application

  4. 通过对建筑垃圾分类、组成和我国目前在处理方法上存在问题的分析,提出应用循环经济的3R原则资源化处理建筑垃圾的对策。

    This paper gives some policies of dealing with the construction waste applying 3R prin-ciples through analyzing the classification and components and the problems of processing methods .

  5. 建筑垃圾资源化产业的运作与发展研究

    Study on Operation and Development of Construction Waste Demolition Recycling Industry

  6. 建筑垃圾堆山工程中软土地基稳定性评价探讨

    Discussion on stability evaluation of soft soil foundations beneath artificial hills

  7. 我国建筑垃圾综合利用的几点建议

    Some comprehensive utilization proposals about the construction garbage in our country

  8. 建筑垃圾再生混合骨料混凝土的受力性能及透水性研究

    Research on Force and Permeability Performance of Mixed Recycled Aggregate Concrete

  9. 建筑垃圾再生混凝土耐久性能的研究

    The research on durability of recycled aggregate concrete with construction waste

  10. 建筑垃圾土变形特性的现场试验与分析

    Analysis and field test of the deformation characteristic of construction waste

  11. 用建筑垃圾加固软土地基的实践尝试

    Practical attempt of strengthening soft soil foundation using building rubbish

  12. 利用建筑垃圾制备新型高利废墙体砖

    Preparation of new wall brick making use of building waste

  13. 大型建筑垃圾堆填工程的现场试验分析

    Analysis of Field Test on a Large Construction Waste Accumulation

  14. 建筑垃圾再生混凝土配合比试验研究

    The Experiment Research on Concrete with Construction Rubbish Recycled Aggregate

  15. 介绍了一些国内外建筑垃圾的资源化处理方法。

    Introduces some domestic and foreign construction waste recycling method .

  16. 发达国家建筑垃圾再生利用经验及借鉴

    Learn from the experience in recycling of construction waste in developed countries

  17. 建筑垃圾中废木料的资源化途径

    Recycling Methods for Wood Residuals in Construction and Demolition Wastes

  18. 建筑垃圾自保温混凝土砌块的热工性能研究

    Research on Thermal Properties of Self-Thermal Insulation Concrete Block from Construction Waste

  19. 建筑垃圾对城市环境的影响及解决途径

    The urban environmental impact of building waste and counter measures

  20. 国外建筑垃圾的处理对我国的借鉴

    Using Foreign Experience for Reference in Our Treatment Techniques of Construction Wastes

  21. 天津市建筑垃圾填埋场堆山造景的研究

    Research on Piled Mountain Landscape on Construction Waste Landfill Site in Tianjin

  22. 基于逆向物流的建筑垃圾资源化循环利用研究

    Research on Recycling of Construction Waste Based on Reverse Logistics

  23. 香港特区对建筑垃圾的管理

    Treatment of the Building-construction wastes in Hongkong Special Zone

  24. 对建筑垃圾的组成进行了分析并介绍了分选办法。

    The composition of the construction waste and the sorting methods are analyzed .

  25. 3种草本药用植物绿化建筑垃圾土地的研究

    The planting of three species of medicinal herbs in soil containing building materials

  26. 我国无机非金属固体类建筑垃圾的资源化途径初探

    Inorganic Non-metallic Solid Way of Construction Waste of Resources

  27. 北京市建筑垃圾运输现状分析和管理政策的建议

    Transportation and management policy of construction waste in Beijing

  28. 风电场建设期间的建筑垃圾采用什么方式处理?

    What way processing does wind power field construction period construction trash use ?

  29. 国内外建筑垃圾再生利用的研究动态及发展趋势

    Research Trend of Construction Debris Reclamation Home and Abroad

  30. 水泥土固化剂在建筑垃圾砌块中的应用

    Curing agent in the soil-cement block construction waste application