
  • 网络Range;product range;Scope;range of products;product scope
  1. B:我们主要对贵公司的规模、产品范围、运作模式和财务状况感兴趣。

    B : We 're interested in the size , product range , business model , and financial status of your company .

  2. Alan解释了这些努力是如何与他们的产品范围相契合的

    Alan explains how these efforts fit into the product range

  3. 在过去的10年里,CSP工艺生产的产品范围不断扩展。

    In the past ten years , CSP technology and its facility got updated and developed constantly .

  4. CSP生产流程中尚可汇集形变热处理工艺,因此CSP工艺技术将拓展出更广阔的产品范围。

    The ausforming process can be joined in the CSP production line . Thus the product scope of CSP could be widened .

  5. 巴斯夫(BASF)公司是世界上最大的塑料制造商之一,具有很广泛的产品范围。

    The BASF Group is among the largest plastics manufacturers in the world , with one of the most comprehensive product ranges .

  6. 腾讯(Tencent)第二季度利润超出预期,产品范围涵盖即时通讯、社交网络和网络游戏的这家中国科技集团,正继续扩大其手机游戏业务。

    Second-quarter profits at Tencent , whose products range from instant messaging and social networks to online games , exceeded expectations as it continued to expand its mobile gaming business .

  7. 包括中国工商银行(icbc)和中国银行(boc)在内的中资银行有着广泛的分行网络,并在近几年显著改善了客户服务和产品范围。

    Local banks including industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China have extensive branch networks and have improved customer service and product ranges significantly in recent years .

  8. Marisio公司的产品范围、市场以及分销商对施耐德电气的业务具有非常好的补充作用。

    Marisio 's product range , markets and distributors are very complementary to Schneider Electric 's.

  9. 为扩大产品范围,重庆钢铁股份有限公司中板厂在2350/2450mm中板轧机上试轧了宽度为22m的中板。

    In order to enlarge the products gauges , the 2.2m width plate was tested rolling in 2350 / 2450mm mill in Chongqing Iron and Steel Co.

  10. Zoho和ThinkFree也许是独立的网络办公软件提供方中的佼佼者&而它们也在今年继续拓展了它们的产品范围。

    Probably the two leading independent Web Office suite vendors are Zoho and ThinkFree-and both continued to expand their product range this year .

  11. 今年6月,东京证交所总裁齐藤惇(AtsushiSaito)在上任首日曾表示,在各证交所激烈竞争的背景下,东京证交所应不惜任何代价拓宽产品范围。

    On his first day as TSE president in June , Atsushi Saito said the exchange should expand its product line-up at any cost , against a backdrop of fierce competition among stock exchanges .

  12. 新闻稿中说,卡戴珊·维斯特最近与科蒂的合作将帮助她扩大KKWBeauty品牌的产品范围,包括护肤、护发、个人护理和护甲产品,也可以把产品推广到更多的全球市场。

    Kardashian West 's latest partnership with Coty will help her expand the KKW Beauty brand into more categories including skincare , haircare , personal care and nail products while also bringing the items into more global markets , according to a news release .

  13. 按照宏基(Acer)总裁翁建仁(JimWong)的说法,消费者并不知道自己要什么。他相信解决该问题是供应商的责任。从本周规模巨大的台北国际电脑展(Computex)亮相的产品范围看,行业也不太确定。

    Consumers do not know what they want , according to Jim Wong , president of Acer.He believes that it is the supplier 's responsibility to figure that out.Judging by the range of products unveiled at this week 's giant Computex PC show in Taipei , the industry is not very sure either .

  14. 产品范围广,详情请与我们联系。

    Wide range of products , Please contact us for details .

  15. 这次参观使我对你们的产品范围有了很好的了解。

    It gave me a good idea of your product range .

  16. 请联系我们的销售部门,获得详细产品范围。

    Contact us to our sales department for Exclusive Range of .

  17. 我会描述一下产品范围,说明那些产品是成功的。

    I 'll describe the range and say which products are successful .

  18. 中国的出口产品范围从手机到廉价衬衫,包罗万象。

    Its exports range from mobile phones to cheap shirts .

  19. 拓宽您的产品范围,成为一站式数字家庭商铺。

    Broaden your product portfolio to become a one-stop digital home shop .

  20. 查看我们的产品范围新西兰帕护肤产品。

    View our range of New Zealand Paua skincare products .

  21. 在整个石油产品范围内都遇到类似的问题。

    Similar problems are encountered throughout the whole range of petroleum products .

  22. 大卫:是的,小精灵的周边产品范围大得令人惊奇。

    David : Yes , there was an astonishing range of that .

  23. 信息技术类设备强制性认证产品范围解析

    Evaluate the Compulsory Certification of Electrical and Electronic Products

  24. 如果品牌损害超出目前的低端产品范围,痛苦就指日可待。

    If brand damage extends beyond the current low-end products , expect pain .

  25. 记者:很明显,你是在一个更大的产品范围内调查的。

    Reporter : Obviously , you did this over a much larger product set .

  26. 今后,我们还将继续扩大输华零关税产品范围和受惠国家范围,并鼓励国内企业扩大对发展中国家的投资。

    We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to expand investment in developing countries .

  27. 代表制造业的客户要求委员会为产品范围加以澄清。

    DCA , representing manufacturing clients , asked the commission for product scope clarification .

  28. 产品范围:不锈钢膜壳、滤芯式过滤器、袋式过滤器;

    Product scope : SS membrane housing , cartridge filter housing and bag vessel ;

  29. 对发展中国家的出口增长体现在广泛的产品范围中。

    The growth in exports to developing markets runs a wide gamut of products .

  30. 最新的电镀技术及方案定制产品范围广。

    Latest Electroplating Technique and MethodCustomized Product Range .