
  • 网络clutch size
  1. 证据只有产卵数吗,即蛋的数量?

    Based only on evidence of clutch volume size , the number of eggs ?

  2. 结果显示,转基因家蚕产卵数减少,蚕卵孵化率降低。

    The results showed that both the number of laid eggs for transformed silkworms and the hatching rate decreased .

  3. 但(这点很重要)它们的产卵数和鸟类中只有父方抚养幼儿的数量是吻合的。

    But , and this is important , their clutch volumes matched those of birds that have only male parental care .

  4. 在生理水平上,检测了秀丽线虫的产卵数、寿命、头部摆动频率和身体弯曲频率。

    In the physical level , measure the beautiful nematode spawning number , life , head swinging frequency and body bent frequency .

  5. 雌蜂在黄粉甲蛹上的平均产卵数为30粒,最高可达91粒。

    The average of laying eggs is 30 , and the biggest is 91 . The distribution of eggs in the pupa body is equable .

  6. 选择取食,处理组天牛成虫的着落虫次、交尾频次、产卵数分别是对照的27.7%,7.5%,7.5%。

    But settling frequencies , mating frequencies and egg production of the tested group of feeding choice experiment were accounted for 27.7 % , 7.5 % , 7.5 % of the control group 's each other .

  7. 当研究人员检验这些窝巢里的化石遗迹时,他们发现恐龙的产卵数更大,也就是说,在窝里有更多的蛋,比研究内大多数鳄鱼和鸟类都多。

    So when researchers examined fossilized remains of nests , they found that the dinosaurs had larger clutch volumes , more eggs in the nests that is , than most of the crocodiles and birds that were studied .

  8. 首先他们从产卵数入手,也就是鳄鱼、鸟类和三种被认为与鸟类的恐龙祖先关系非常密切的恐龙(包括窃蛋龙)窝里有多少蛋。

    Well , first they looked at clutch volume , that 's the number of eggs in the nest of crocodiles , birds and three types of dinosaurs , including Oviraptors that are thought to be closely related to the dinosaur ancestors of birds .

  9. 单头产卵袋数最多11个以上;

    One female could produce up to11 such cocoons .

  10. 但同时,利用少数主要指标(如林分蓄积量、年均降水量、天牛产卵痕数、土壤含水量等)进行森林健康的快速诊断和评价也是切实可行的。

    However , some main assessment indexes ( such as stand accumulation amount , annual mean precipitation , oviposition notch amount of longhorns , soil water content , etc. ) being elected into quick forest health diagnosis and assessment was good practice also .

  11. 5月营巢及产卵,窝卵数3~4枚,孵化期22天。

    The bird starts its nesting and laying in May and with 3 ~ 4 eggs a clutch , the incubation period is 22 days .

  12. 调查了母蛾产卵速度、产卵数、产出卵率及不受精卵率,探讨了催产素对母蛾产卵的作用效果。

    Investigation of female moth oviposition speed , number of eggs laid , rate of laid eggs and rate of sterile eggs showed that oxytocin tended to decrease the rate of laid eggs and significantly raise oviposition speed .

  13. 结论单管产卵法可提高嗜人按蚊的产卵数,提高孵化率,从而提高繁殖率。

    Conclusion The method of single tube oviposition can improve the quantity of laying eggs and the hatching rate , consequently improve the reproductive rate .

  14. 臭椿嫩枝叶的水浸提物对天牛成虫取食、交尾等影响不明显,但对产卵、孵化具有显著的抑制作用,产卵数为对照的35%左右,卵孵化率降低26%左右;

    The result also showed that there was not significant effect on the feeding and mating of the water extracts , but it had the inhibit function on oviposition and egg hatching , and the egg production of tested group accounted for 35 % of the control group 's.