
  1. 分析了消防产品质量监督管理工作的现状和存在问题,就监督部门如何转变职能、加强监督工作做了探讨。

    The paper analyzes the current situation and the problems of the quality supervision and testing of fire building materials , discusses the ways of how to change the function and lengthen the supervision of the center .

  2. 在农产品质量安全监督管理中,市场监督是“纲”,生产环节的监督管理是“目”。

    Market supervision is the key link , and agricultural production is ordinary link in the supervision management mechanisms of food quality safety .

  3. 宁夏产品质量监督检验所管理体系改进设计研究

    Research on Improving Design for the Management System of Ningxia Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute

  4. 第三十条煤矿企业应当加强煤炭产品质量的监督检查和管理。

    Article 30 Coal mining enterprises shall exercise strict supervision , inspection and control of coal product quality .

  5. 加快农产品质量安全检验检测体系建设,加强农产品质量检测监督管理,在提高农产品质量与安全水平方面发挥着关键和核心作用。

    Accelerate the quality and safety of agricultural products , strengthen the examination system construction quality supervision , inspection of quality and safety of agricultural products in the level plays a key role and core .

  6. 质检中心所出具的产品质量检测报告是质检中心的产品,其质量应用新《产品质量法》加以监督管理。

    Product quality testing reports are products made by center of quality testing . The quality of reports should be supervised and managed by use of the new quality law .