
  1. 按照同样的思路,亚马逊可能借助收购来扩大尊享服务用户群,并让消费者长期使用这项服务;或者,就像收购在线游戏网站Twitch那样,拿下一些切实与自身产品有互补性的公司,而不是让收购造成业务重叠。

    Along the same lines , Amazon is likely to make acquisitions that expand its Prime membership and keep customers hooked to the program for the long-term , or as in the case of its acquisition of online gaming site Twitch , buy companies that truly complement its offerings instead of doubling up on them .

  2. 中印农产品贸易互补性及贸易潜力分析

    Trade Compatibility and Trade Potentials of Agricultural Products between China and India

  3. 中美农产品贸易互补性分析

    Trade Compatibility of Agriculture Products between China and America

  4. 当银行产品具有互补性时,银行的分销渠道应尽量集中化;

    The bank distribution channels should be concentrated as much as possible when the bank products are complementary ;

  5. 中美高新技术产品贸易互补性实证研究风光互补发电技术在路灯照明中的应用

    An Empirical Study on the Trade Compatibility of High-tech Products between China and the United States Application of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind Generation Technology to Street Light

  6. 生力公司是一家生产食品饮料的公司,目前正试图向海外扩张。香港一家投资公司的业内人士认为,国民食品公司和生力公司的产品具有互补性,可以帮助该公司实现持续增长。

    " National Foods is complementary to San Miguel 's growth strategy ," said Lisa Marie Djeng , a manager at PCI Investment Management in Hong Kong .

  7. 贸易产品结构的互补性和互利性,有力地推动了两国贸易的发展。

    So complementary and mutually beneficial is the structure of their exchanges of goods that it has greatly pushed the development of bilateral trade .

  8. 其次,从地缘政治经济基础、资源特性及互补性、农产品贸易的互补性和潜力、农业经济合作的互补性方面阐述了双方开展农业经贸合作的现实基础。

    Second , based on Political and economic Geography 、 resources and complementary characteristics 、 complementarity and potential of agricultural trade and economic cooperation , we expatiates the reality-foundation of the cooperation between china and the five countries in middle Asia .

  9. 但两国农业资源和农产品贸易结构的互补性为两国深入开展农业合作打下了坚实的基础。

    But the difference between the two countries on agricultural resources and agricultural trade structure complementary to each other has laid a solid foundation for the two countries ' in-depth development of agricultural cooperation .