
  • 网络differential pricing;price discrimination;Discriminatory Pricing
  1. 差别定价是市场营销活动中一种很灵活的定价策略。

    Discriminatory pricing is a kind of flexible pricing policy in the marketing activities .

  2. 差别定价模式有利于建立科学合理的利益分配体系,促进和保障银行卡产业的持续健康稳定发展。

    Discriminatory pricing is advantageous to establish scientific and reasonable benefits distribution institution , and can boost bankcard industry further development .

  3. 本文认为基于用户价值进行差别定价将成为目前ERP软件定价的趋势。

    This thesis supposes that customer value-based difference pricing will be the present ERP pricing trend .

  4. 通过分析得出:在CRM实施过程中,统一定价模式能达到较高的客户保持的效率,而差别定价策略则可以大大提高客户忠诚度。

    It is concluded that unified pricing enhances the efficiency of keeping customers , and differential pricing improves their loyalty .

  5. Heston模型的效用无差别定价和套期保值

    Utility Indifference Pricing and Hedging in Heston Model

  6. 本文认为,H酒店目前存在实施客房收益管理的条件和基础,收益管理的市场细分策略、需求预测、客房超额预定、客房差别定价和团队管理将有助于酒店收益提高和整体发展。

    This article holds that H hotel exist the conditions and a basis that implement room revenue management . And revenue management strategy of market segmentation , demand forecasting , over-scheduled , room differential pricing and management team will help improve receipts and overall development .

  7. 界定了CRM中差别定价的内涵,对企业CRM中两种定价模式下客户保持问题进行了分析研究,分别建立了统一定价模式下和差别定价模式下的客户保持决策模型。

    This paper defines the connotation of differential pricing , and discusses ways to keep customers with two kinds of pricing modes , unified pricing and differential pricing , for which two decision models for keeping customers are constructed .

  8. 这种差别定价方法也成为动态定价,Yuill说这是一种很常见的营销工具,尤其是在旅游业中。

    This kind of price discrimination is also known as dynamic pricing . Mr. Yuill says it is a very common marketing tool , especially in the travel industry .

  9. 基于差别定价的电力市场输电服务定价研究

    Research of transmission pricing based on price discrimination in electricity market

  10. 差别定价法在铁路运输中的应用研究

    Research of the Application of Differential Price Policy in Rail Transportation

  11. 专利药品的平行进口、强制许可与差别定价

    Parallel Import , Compulsory Licensing and Differential Pricing of Patented Drugs

  12. 差别定价和单一定价的资源配置是等价的。

    Resource collocations are equivalent under two different prices clearing .

  13. 我国星级饭店差别定价模式构建

    The Construction of the Discrimination Pricing Model in Starred Hotel

  14. 户外休闲产业的差别定价研究

    Study on Price Discrimination in Outdoor Recreation Industry Lie Fallow Time Leisure

  15. 净现值与内部收益率指标的决策分析均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Decision-making Analysis of Indexes of Net Present Value & Internal Earning Rate

  16. 本文研究了民航客运的多等级动态差别定价问题。

    This thesis studies the differential pricing problem of air passenger transport .

  17. 效用无差别定价与投资者风险态度的数量关系

    Quantitative Relation Between Utility Indifference Pricing and the Investor 's Risk Attitude

  18. 统一定价与差别定价的数量分析

    Analyses of the Quantity of United Price and Differential Price

  19. 基于盗版冲击下软件产品版本划分差别定价研究

    Pricing of Software Product Version Classification in the Piracy Impact

  20. 随机波动率模型的最小熵鞅测度和效用无差别定价

    Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure and Utility Indifference Pricing in the Stochastic Volatility Model

  21. 浅谈我国电力市场的差别定价

    Preliminary Discussion On The Differential Pricing In The Power Market Of Our Country

  22. 季节性差别定价法在客运专线中的应用探讨

    Application of the Seasonal Differential Price Method in the Passenger Special Railway Line

  23. 基于差别定价的电能质量服务定价方法

    Power Quality Service Pricing Method Based on Differential Pricing

  24. 非交易资产未定权益的无差别定价

    Indifference pricing of contingent claim with nontraded asset

  25. 商品差别定价的经济学分析

    Analysis of economics for merchandise priced

  26. 这相当于对质量相同的产品提供不同的保修期,从而制定不同的价格,即进行差别定价。

    This means that there should be different warranty and different prices to the same quality products .

  27. 经济效益后评价中非独立输变电工程增量效益与增量费用识别方法军械库经费使用效益的模糊综合评定均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Identification Method for Incremental Effect and Cost in Economic Benefit Post Evaluation of Non-independent Power Transformation Project

  28. 仿制抗逆转录病毒药物比差别定价的品牌抗逆转录病毒药物便宜,除非仿制药的竞争不存在。

    Generics were less expensive than differentially priced branded ARVs , except where little generic competition exists .

  29. 内部价值链导向下的成本与费用分析均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

    Under internal value chain guidance cost and expense analysis ; Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion

  30. 电子商务中软件厂商的差别定价基于需求的实时网络定价策略

    On the Discriminative Pricing Mechanism of Software Companies in Electronic Business Real-time Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Demand