- difference engine

In 1991 British scientists Built Difference Engine No. 2 ( accurate to 31 digits ) to Babbage 's specifications .
Theworld 's first computer printer was a19th century mechanically drivenapparatus invented by Charles Babbage for his Difference Engine .
He urged that the machine should have every priority over the existing proposal for the construction of a large differential analyser .
just as they were ahead in the analogue differential analyser of the earlier 1930s .
A fourth section consisted of the staff of the Hartree differential analyser , and remained for the time being at Manchester .
This was not a new idea , for F.C. Williams had built just such a thing for the old Manchester differential analyser .
Womersley had appeared as joint author with Hartree of a 1937 paper on the application of the differential analyser to partial differential equations .
One of these was the ' differential analyser ' that the American engineer Vannevar Bush had designed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1930 .
It so happened that Blackett knew F.C. Williams from before the war , when they had collaborated on an automatic curve-tracer for the differential analyser .
Hartree , with his differential analyser at Manchester University , already had an interest in computing machinery , and had a finger in many wartime scientific projects .
he had studied neurology as well as mathematics and logic , and had seen his work on the differential analyser as a first step towards a thinking machine .
Such knowledge was reflected in Womersley 's report in December 1944 , which , though it placed emphasis upon building a large differential analyser , remarked on the speed of electronics ,
This in turn had been followed by the commissioning of another differential analyser at Cambridge , where in 1937 the mathematical faculty had sanctioned a new Mathematical Laboratory to house it .
only made mention of ' analytical engines , including the differential analyser and other machines both existing and awaiting invention ... it is certain that this field is capable of great developments , but it is more difficult to predict in what directions they will lie . '