
Zhānɡ Wéntiān
  • Zhang Wentian; important CCP ideologue during the 1930s;CCP general secretary, 1935-1939
  1. 第三部分对于张闻天文化思想进行了详细的评述;

    The third part expatiate the cultural thought in detailed commentary .

  2. 2000年张闻天诞辰100周年,理论界和学术界对张闻天研究有所深入。

    2000 was the100th anniversary of formal birthday of Zhang Wentian .

  3. 张闻天农业合作化思想及其贡献

    ZHANG Wen-tian 's Agriculture Collaboration Theory and its Contribution

  4. 试论张闻天关于私人资本主义经济的思想

    On the Zhang Wen-tian 's Private Capitalistic Economy Thought

  5. 浅析张闻天对实现社会主义前途的经济思考

    On economic thoughts of ZHANG Wen - tian to realize the future of socialism

  6. 浅析中央苏区时张闻天对资本主义经济的理论探索

    On ZHANG Wen-tian 's Theoretical Exploration to Capitalist Economy During the Central Government in the Soviet Areas

  7. 张闻天关于抗日统一战线中上层与下层关系的思考

    ZHANG Wentian ′ s thoughts about the relation between upper strata and lower strata united front in Anti-Japanese War

  8. 十九路军与张闻天抗日统战思想的演变

    Relationship between the evolvement of the united front thought of resistance against Japan of Zhang Wen-tian and the 19th Route Army

  9. 持久抗战与联合白军:张闻天对后期红军策略发展的两大贡献

    A Survey on ZHANG Wen-tain 's Two Contributions to the Tactical Development Of the Chinese Red Army in the Later Period

  10. 张闻天的宣传教育思想有如下现实启示:始终高举马克思主义理论的伟大旗帜;

    Zhang Wentian 's public education thought has the following reality enlightenment : Lifts up high the Marxism theory throughout the great banner ;

  11. 抗战时期张闻天之晋陕农村调查简述&兼述新发现的晋西北兴县农村调查原始资料

    On Zhang Wen-tian 's Rural Survey of Jin-shan in 1942 & An Concurrent Introduction to the Newly-found Data on Rural Survey in Xing County of Northwest Shanxi

  12. 张闻天同志在外交领域工作了近十个春秋,在实践工作中逐步形成了自己的外交思想。

    Zhang Wentian had been worked in the field of diplomacy for ten years , and had formed his own diplomatic thoughts gradually in the practical work .

  13. 但是因受庐山会议的影响,学术界至今对张闻天知识分子思想的挖掘不够深刻、系统。

    However , due to the impact of " Lushan Conference ", so far the academic community has not been studied his intellectual thought deeply and systematically .

  14. 张闻天根据当时东北农村实际和农民的觉悟程度,认为农业合作化必须分三步走;

    ZHANG Wen-tian believed that the agriculture collaboration must follow three steps according to the actual situation of northeastern China country and the farmers ' degree of awareness .

  15. 对于张闻天抗日统战思想的形成过程,学术界多有研究,但结合十九路军来加以专门探讨还极其少见。

    There are some researches on the process of the united front thought of resistance against Japan in academe , but little is discussed about the 19th Route Army together specially .

  16. 建国后,张闻天提出文化为社会主义服务,文化建设与经济建设同步的思想。

    After the built of the New China , he brought force the idea that culture should serve the socialism and the culture and economic construction should be carried on synchronously .

  17. 在抗日战争时期,张闻天同志基于工作的需要和对文化工作的高度重视,形成了他的整体文化思想中最重要部分。

    During the periods of War of Resistance against Japan , Zhang Wentian had taken shape the most important parts of his whole cultural thoughts in the need of his job and his emphasis on to culture .

  18. 中央苏区时,张闻天明确指出资本主义经济存在的不可避免性,应该加以利用和发展,但为了社会主义的前途,又须进行必要的限制。

    During the central government in the Soviet Areas , ZHANG Wen tian clearly stated the capitalist economy should be availed and developed by confirming the unavoidence of it , but it should be restricted for the future of socialism .