
  1. 但驱张客观上符合了湖南人民的利益,结束了张敬尧在湖南的残暴统治。

    But , flooding Zhang was in line with the interests of the people of Hunan , and end the brutal rule of Zhang Jingyao in Hunan .

  2. 尽管出至第5号时被军阀张敬尧查封,但是《湘江评论》对湖南新文化运动的影响是巨大的。

    When Xiangjiang comment published to No. 5 , it was warlord by Zhang Jingyao , but the impact to the New Culture Movement in Hunan is enormous .

  3. 这种策略起到了一箭双雕的作用,不但皖系的张敬尧被驱逐出湖南,直系的吴佩孚也自湖南退出,以至于在驱张成功后,湖南自民国成立以来第一次实现了境内无北军驻防。

    Not only Zhang Jingyao was expelled from Hunan , but also Wu Pei-fu exit from Hunan . Later , there had no any northern army in Hunan , which was the first time since the founding of the Republic .

  4. 作为督军,张敬尧要求军警会巡,清剿土匪,协调各方力量,整顿军纪,并通过布军各地加强湖南防务,进而为平定西南奠定基础。

    As a warlord , he required that the police patrol , suppress bandits , coordinate all the efforts and rectify disciplines . Besides that , he reinforced the defense through the distribution of the army around Hunan to lay the foundation of suppressing the insurgency of southwest China .