
  1. 我想我们可以从工作数量入手

    Yeah , I was thinking that we could start with job numbers

  2. 男性和女性都一生中做过的工作数量都达到了两位数。

    Both men and women can expect to have double-digit numbers of jobs in their lifetimes .

  3. 乙方完成的工作数量为,同时应当达到质量标准。

    The quantity is _____ , and all products shall meet the standards set forth in ___________ .

  4. 正如我们这几年看到的那样,科技行业的工作数量和种类不断增长。

    As we have seen over the years , technology jobs continue to grow in the marketplace , Miller said .

  5. 你会惊叹于这个领域的工作数量,收入也很可观。

    You will be surprised at the number of online jobs in this area , and the pay is quite good too .

  6. 任何流程,即使只需一步就可达到目标状况,假如工作数量进入流量不被控制可能会负载。

    Any process , even one operating at entitlement , can be overburdened if the amount of work entering the process is not controlled .

  7. 在近二十几年的高失业率,国内工作数量的大幅度减少过程中,大多数工作者为能有份工作而感到高兴。

    Amid the highest unemployment rate in recent decades and massive job losses around the country , most workers feel happy to at least be employed .

  8. 总计约3000亿美元的方案已经提出:延长工资税减免,增加基础设施建设投入,对各州提供补贴(以减缓其工作数量减少的速度)。

    Proposals adding up to about $ 300bn have been mooted : extended cuts in payroll taxes , infrastructure spending , aid to the states to slow their shedding of jobs .

  9. 工作数量以他们承担的实验教学工作任务来评价,工作质量由其所在的实验室和学院分别对他们的教学工作进行评价。

    The appraisal of the quantity depends on the quantity of the experiment lessons they have taught , the quality of their work should be evaluated by their laboratories and colleges respectively .

  10. 结果各区域社区高血压患者治疗管理工作数量平均得分40.7分,工作质量平均得分43.4分;东部区域在工作质量和数量上好于中、西部区域;

    Results It showed that the average score of quality and quantity of treatment management on Hypertension Patients in communities was 43.4 and 40.7.the east was superior to the mid-west in the quality and quantity .

  11. 当项目的工作数量很大或者工作间关系过于复杂时,这种整数规划或者线性规划求解方法就需要大量的计算,时间复杂率较高,寻优效率很低。

    This integer programming or linear programming method requires a lot of computation and the time complexity of computing is higher , searching efficiency is very low when the number of jobs in the project is too large or relation between jobs is complicated .

  12. 在内布拉斯加格兰德岛凯斯IH农场设备制造商的工作岗位数量早就反弹了。

    The jobs rebound came early at the Case I-H farm equipment factory in Grand Island , Neb.

  13. MrLevensohn警告道“严重的流动性瓶颈”不仅会大大减少美国每年新创立的公司数量,还会减缓工作岗位数量的增长。

    Mr Levensohn warns that " the significant liquidity bottleneck " could well reduce the number of new firms created each year in America and hold back job growth .

  14. Qlen显示队列中已准备好分派到某个服务区域的当前工作请求数量。

    Qlen displays the number of current work requests in the queues ready to be dispatched to a servant region .

  15. AffQue是由于客户端关联(将在稍后讨论)而直接发送到服务区域的工作请求数量。

    AffQue is the number of work requests sent directly to the servant region because of client affinities ( discussed later ) .

  16. 工作的数量还是质量更重要?

    What 's more important : quantity or quality of work ?

  17. 其中,最易受到自动化操作或海外外包冲击的中等技能的工作岗位数量下降了12%,教育程度高的高端工作岗位的数量减少了1%。

    The number of high-end , high-education jobs fell by 1 % .

  18. 最终的目标是减少丢弃的大型工作的数量。

    The ultimate goal was to reduce the number of abandoned large-scale efforts .

  19. 提供系统不充分和工作人员数量不足妨碍了进展。

    Progress is blocked by inadequate delivery systems and inadequate numbers of staff .

  20. 在一定时间内所做的工作的数量。

    Work that a person is expected to do in a specified time .

  21. 许多院校预计将减少工作人员数量,以应对收入减少的局面。

    Many institutions expected to reduce staff numbers to meet the reduction in revenue .

  22. 工作选择数量对于外控型个体的离职意向的影响比对内控型个体的影响更显著。

    The external control participants'turnover intention is easier to be influenced by the number of job choices .

  23. 看看每1美元海外销售创造的工作岗位数量,就会发现曲线持续下行。

    Look at how many jobs are being generated per dollar of sales and the graph steadily slopes down .

  24. 进度计算将基于打开和关闭的工作项数量,此数量没有多大意义。

    Progress computation will be based on the number of open and closed work items which is usually less significant .

  25. 沃尔玛是全美拥有最多员工的公司,一直在试图增加服务客户的工作人员数量。

    Walmart , the largest US employer , has been trying to increase the number of staff who deal with customers .

  26. 事业单位聚集了丰富的人才资源,具有工作人员数量多、从事的行业多、专业技术人员多等特点。

    Public institution gathers rich human resource with the characteristics of large amount of workers , different careers and lots of professionals .

  27. 包括信息化部门业务范围、工作人员数量、工作人员学历层次等指标。(5)信息安全情况。

    Including the name of the department and scope of business , number of staff , level of staff qualifications , etc.5 .

  28. 初始在职人员是在指定(去年)年初,仓库内工作员工数量。

    Beginning head count is the number employees working in the warehouse at the beginning of a given ( last ) year .

  29. 它具有工作人员数量多、从事的行业种类多、拥有各类专业技术人员多等特点。

    It has the characteristics in more number of staff , engaged in many kinds of industry and owned more professional and technical personnel .

  30. 相形之下,2010年,私营企业占到总产出的三分之二,提供的工作岗位数量占到总就业的75%。

    By contrast , in 2010 , private enterprise accounted for two-thirds of the value of all output and 75 per cent of all jobs .