
  • 网络engineering service;service of engineering
  1. Net能源监控软件以及实施工程服务。

    Net energy monitoring software as well as implementation engineering services .

  2. TP集团是NYSEEuronextExchanger上市的世界著名工程服务集团。

    TP Group is listed on NYSE Euronext Exchanger world famous engineering services group .

  3. 我国加入WTO以来,特别是当前我国建筑及相关工程服务已进入后过渡期,市场竞争日益激烈。

    Since China entered the Transition Period of WTO , the consultancy market has became more competitive than before .

  4. 建筑及有关工程服务是WTO规定的国际服务贸易重要类别。

    Construction and relative service is one of the important categories in international service trade set down by WTO .

  5. 在WTO的多边谈判协议中,我国做出了关于服务贸易中建筑及有关工程服务领域中的减让等承诺。

    In the multilateral negotiation process of China 's entry into WTO , China made the concession commitment in the field of Construction and related services .

  6. ICSTriplex为需要高集成度关键控制的工业提供工程服务、产品和解决方案。

    ICS Triplex provides engineering services , products , and solutions for industries that demand high-integrity critical control .

  7. 举例来讲,该公司首席执行长巴卢(RogerBallou)表示,公司的工程服务业务减少了22%。

    Its engineering services business , for example , has seen a22 % drop-off , said Chief Executive Roger Ballou .

  8. KFC-06地下工程服务车的研制与应用

    Development of KFC-06 Underground Engineering Service Vehicle and Its Appliance

  9. 之所以选择中外合资企业AB公司作为研究对象,一方面是因为AB公司的主要业务是为客户提供全套的交钥匙工程服务,其中包括硬件、软件设计,生产线工艺调试和售后服务。

    One of the reasons to choose JV AB Company as the research subject is that the scope of supply of AB is complete set of customized turn-key engineering project which include hardware & software design , technology commissioning and after-sales service .

  10. F公司是专业的终端产品制造商,从事电脑、通讯、消费电子、数码产品、汽车零组件、通路等6C产业的产品代工。其经营理念是速度、品质、工程服务、弹性、交期和成本。

    Company F is professional equipment manufacturer and mainly engaged in 6C industries such as computer , communication , consumer electronics , car components and channel etc. Its management idea is of speed , quality , engineering services , elasticity , delivery and cost .

  11. 专业工程服务公司为客户提供专家咨询及顾问服务,在经营管理过程中会不时并不可避免地遇到各种风险和不确定性因素。

    Professional engineering service firms provide specialist consultancy services to clients .

  12. 为主体工程服务让三峡工程腾飞&三峡准备工程水、电、通信系统建设纵览

    Serve the Main Works , Quicken Construction of Three Gorges Project

  13. 对专业工程服务公司的风险和不确定性的管理

    Management of Risks and Uncertainties for Professional Engineering Service Firm

  14. 澳大利亚工程服务市场准入制度分析与启示

    Analysis and enlightenment of market access about Australian construction services

  15. 在澳大利亚提供高质量工程服务

    Delivery of high quality engineering professional services in Australia

  16. 建筑和工程服务专家会议

    Meeting of Experts on Construction and Engineering Services

  17. 特色产业:航天军工、轨道交通、工程服务;

    Special industry : aviation and military industry , metro traffic facilities and project service .

  18. 首届地下工程服务寿命国际专题讨论会

    The 1 ~ ( st ) International Workshop on Service Life Design for Underground Structures

  19. 我们急需的是技术诀窍、工程服务和技术援助。

    What we badly need be know - how , engineering service and technical assistance .

  20. 目前,钻井工程服务市场同样面临着机遇与挑战。

    At present , services market of drilling engineering is faced with opportunities and challenges .

  21. 分析这些差距,将为石油石化对外工程服务企业的发展打开思路。

    To analyze these problems will develop the competence of engineering service businesses of petrochemical enterprises .

  22. 第五是工程服务业。

    The fifth is engineering services .

  23. 我们准备提供所有许可证、设备、工程服务和技术援助。

    We have ready to supply all license , equipment , engineering service and technical assistance .

  24. 地下工程服务车液压制动系统动态特性仿真研究

    Research on the simulation of dynamic characteristic of hydraulic braking system in underground engineering service truck

  25. 许可证和工程服务协议

    Licensing and engineering services agreement

  26. 中国海洋工程服务总公司

    China Ocean Engineering Services

  27. 首次提出了第三方工程服务的概念及目前的现状和改进的方向;

    The third part engineering service is firstly defined , and the actuality and improvement aspect is discussed .

  28. 致力成为市场先驱,提供高效率、专业化及优质卓越之机电工程服务。

    To be the industry leader in providing efficient , professional and quality E & M engineering services .

  29. 2009年,盖茨在中国造船工业中心之一的大连市建立了其工程服务中心。

    In2009 , Gates established its Engineering & Services operation in Dalian , one of China 's shipbuilding hubs .

  30. 魏玛·中国是目前国内顶尖的标识设计生产及工程服务公司之一。

    Weimar is one of the leading companies specialized in the design and production of signage and project implementation services .