
  • 网络work skills;job skills
  1. 在他和女儿生活中,女儿对他的工作技巧感兴趣,在女儿的要求下,他教了她一些方法,她很快就学会了,并帮了凯奇一些忙。

    In his life and his daughter , the daughter of his work skills interested in her daughter 's request , he taught her some way , she soon learned , and helped a number of busy Cage .

  2. 最后从价值伦理、工作技巧、社工角色以及社会工作发展趋势几个方面对本次社会工作介入进行反思。实践表明,养老机构中老人抑郁情绪的改善的社会工作介入,是一次崭新的尝试。

    Finally , there is a recollect about value ethics , work skills , social workers and social work trends , practice shows that using social works intervention the depression elderly in pension institutions , is a new attempt .

  3. 琼斯女士在我新加入这个部门的时候给我传授了工作技巧。

    Ms Jones showed me the ropes when I first joined the department .

  4. 他们正在引进新的工作技巧。

    They are introducing new working practices .

  5. 老人小组社会工作技巧&社会工作专业实务教学探微

    Discussing On the Skills on the Elder Group Work : Based on Social Work Teaching Practice

  6. 记得,他们想要听到的是你的工作技巧,不是你的个人生活。

    Remember , they want to hear about your job skills , not your personal life .

  7. 因此,人力资源经理必须改变思维方式、重塑知识结构、增强工作技巧来适应这种变化。

    So human resource management must alter thinking style and reshape knowledge structure and reinforce work skill to adapt this change .

  8. 对服装跟单从其作用、程序和内容以及工作技巧等方面进行了分析研究,提出了服装跟单工作的新理念。

    Study on clothing merchandiser work in respects of its effect , procedure and content , working technique , propose the new idea for clothing merchandiser work .

  9. 而这意味着你同样可以有意识地以提升为目标来练习工作技巧,尽管你需要让别人给你反馈。

    And that means that you can also consciously practice your job skills with the goal of improving , though youll need to ask someone to give you feedback .

  10. 对于侧重实践技巧的专业来说,尽早熟悉相关工作技巧,了解自己优缺点则更重要。

    But for majors that feature practical skills , getting familiar with relevant workplace skills as soon as possible and getting to know your own strengths and weaknesses is more urgent .

  11. 我能教你工作技巧,我能教你怎样工作,我能回答你的问题、指导你跨过工作的障碍。

    I can teach you the skills . I can show you how to do it . I can answer your questions and coach you through the hurdles of the job .

  12. 训练是改善工作的技巧和方法。

    Training is to improve the skill and method of working .

  13. 浅谈施工企业招投标工作的技巧和策略

    Discussion on skill and tactics of tender work of construction enterprise

  14. 这项工作需要技巧和敏锐的眼光。

    The job requires skill and an eye for detail .

  15. 这个工作需要技巧,直觉的猜测会起很大的作用。

    This is an art in which intuitive guessing plays an important part .

  16. 目标:给你一个机会去实践录像中的‘分配工作’技巧。

    Objective : to give you a chance to apply the delegation steps from the video .

  17. 赶快扔掉工作相关技巧或者服务年限都属于销售因素这种老掉牙的心态。

    Leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors .

  18. 尽管人事部门的职员确实接受过大量的训练,熟知各种工作面试技巧,但是一般的业务部门经理都不过是临场发挥而已。

    While human resources professionals do get extensive training in job interviewing techniques , the average line manager is winging it .

  19. 另一种减少压缩工作的技巧是使用小写形式的


    One more trick to lessen the effort with compression is to use lowercase < div > elements and class names .

  20. 这让你们有机会学习工作面试技巧如何平衡预算烹制健康餐甚至换轮胎

    With the opportunity to learn things like job interviewing skills how to balance a budget , cook a healthy meal and even change a tire

  21. 一对一的面试通常出现在对方已经肯定你具备胜任这份工作的技巧和知识后。

    The one to one interview occurs after you have already convinced your prospective employer that you have the skills and education necessary for the job .

  22. 本文介绍了一些使用UNIX命令行工具和应用程序来提高办公工作效率的技巧和概念。

    This article introduced several techniques and concepts to increase your office productivity using UNIX command-line tools and applications .

  23. 分析了如何将高品质DVD制作技术应用到省级气象影视素材库建设中的方法,以及充分利用DVD的高画质、多音轨、多字幕等相关制作技术为气象影视工作服务的技巧。

    This article introduces the method that high-qualified DVD technology applies in provincial meteorological video and audio material storage . The DVD technology such as high-qualify , multi-soundtrack , multi-character serves us for meteorological video and audio work .

  24. 那时几乎所有我读的文章和观看的视频都是说明和演示如何使用TextMate来完成文本编辑工作的方法技巧的。

    It felt like every article I read and screencast I watched was demonstrating how to accomplish text editing zen with TextMate .

  25. 你的工作能力和技巧使你做到了这些令人敬佩的成绩。

    You have done it with a skill which has been at times awe-inspiring .

  26. 所有人都尊重他的工作和沟通技巧。

    Everyone respected his work and communication skills .

  27. 这份工作需要手工技巧。

    The job requires manual skill .

  28. 优秀的分析、计划和组织能力。最好具有项目管理工作经验及技巧。

    Good analytical , planning and organizing abilities , preferably with project management experience or potential skills .

  29. 要在另一个页面中访问提取的变量,不需要额外的工作或特殊技巧。

    No additional work or fancy tricks would be required to access the outjected variables on a second page .

  30. 此外,与上学时期相比,我现在对自己的工作、社交技巧和形象也更有信心了。

    I also felt more confident about my work , social skills and appearance than I ever did as a student .