
  1. 纵观世界,几乎所有的经济大国都是借助工业化起步的。

    Throughout the world , almost all the economic powers are depending industrialization to develop their economies .

  2. 对于一个正处于工业化起步阶段的政府来说,盐税收入自然成为其关注的重点,盐法改革被提上议事日程。

    As to one industrialized government of starting stage , the salt tax income became its focal point paid close attention to naturally , so the salt reforms were put on the agenda .

  3. 一般认为:丰富的自然资源,尤其是丰富的矿产资源是工业化起步和经济发展的基础。从世界经济发展来看,较早实现工业化的国家都是资源比较丰富的国家。

    Generally speaking , the endowment of natural resources , especially rich in mineral resources is the engine of industrialization and economic growth , early implementation of industrialized countries are countries which are in rich in resources .

  4. 进入社会主义工业化起步阶段,过渡时期总路线的提出促使国家建设思路由单一工业化转变为工业化与现代化建设同步前进。

    Enter the socialist industrialization in the initial stage , the general line for the transition period is proposed to urge the national construction idea changed from single industrialization to the synchronous progress of industrialization and modernization .

  5. 滇越铁路与云南早期工业化的起步

    Yunnan - Vietnam Railway and Yunnan Early Industrialization Start

  6. 云南近代工业化的起步方式不同于常规工业化国家的发展道路,其发轫于20世纪初滇越铁路的修筑。

    The start of Yunnan modern industry is different for the development of common industrial countries . It commenced when Yunnan - Vietnam railway was built in the early 20th century .

  7. 经济方面,尽管也出现了一些新现象,如对土地的规模经营,农业现代生产技术的推广和应用,农村工业化的起步等。

    In economical aspect , although some new phenomena has appeared , such as the land large-scale management , the promotion and application of agricultural modern production technology , the start of rural industrialization and so on .

  8. 在工业化的起步阶段,以经营信用放款为主的小资本钱庄适应了小工商业的需要,在社会融资过程中扮演重要角色。

    When the industrialization was starting , the small banking house mainly provided a lone against credit , which catered to the needs of small industry and business . This played an important role in social financing .

  9. 尽管我国是中医药的发源地,中药工业化生产也起步较早,但由于我国中药产业化工程技术水平较低,严重削弱了中药进入国际市场的竞争能力。

    The traditional chinese medicine is originated from China , and its industrialization is also developed at an early time . However , due to the poor capacity of our industrial engineering technique , the competitive abilities to entry into international market is heavily weakened .