
  • 网络operating cycle;business cycle
  1. 长期负债就是一家公司的债务,这些债务在当前的经营周期内不能被支付。

    Long-term liabilities are debts of a business that will not be paid within the current operating cycle .

  2. 流动负债是指在一年或一个经营周期内必须偿还的负债,划分标准以两者中长者为限。

    Current liabilities are obligations that must be paid within one year or within the operating cycle , whichever is longer .

  3. 为给经营周期融资,那么你们需要三个概念。

    For financing the operating cycle And then you need the three concepts .

  4. 进料贸易加工和一般贸易的融资,在企业经营周期的不同阶段又有所不同。

    Enterprises engaged in imported materials processing and common trade need trade finance in the whole period of their functioning .

  5. 在整个经营周期中招聘或解雇这些工人,与美国对雇员的做法也无不同之处。

    These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are .

  6. 保持政策的稳定性,对于经营周期性长的行业来说显得特别重要,能够保持技术的稳定需求。

    Maintains the stability of policy , appears specially important regarding the management periodicity long profession , can maintain technical the stable demand .

  7. 为了计量净收益和编制财务报表,一个企业的经营周期被划分为相等长的会计期间。

    For the purpose of measuring net income and preparing financial statements , the life of a business is divided into accounting periods of equal length .

  8. 所建立的模型允许在变质开始后,根据现有商品量以及剩余经营周期时间长度做一次价格调整。

    In this model , retailers can adjust their price once according to their remaining ( quantity ) of goods and the length of remain marketing cycle .

  9. 由于易腐商品的社会必需性以及数量大、容易变质等特点,销售商必然关注易腐商品在经营周期内的最优定价问题。

    Due to the characteristics of the social necessity , large quantity and easy deterioration of the perishables , retailers must care about optimal pricing in their marketing cycle .

  10. 应用最大值原理和最优脉冲控制理论,确定了最优订购时间点,使经营周期[0,T]内的利润最大化;

    With the aid of maximum principle and optimal impulsive control theory , the maximal profit is obtained by establishing the optimal ordering point during operating duration [ 0 , T ] .

  11. 竹林作为一种经营周期短,投资见效快,经济效益高的林种,已为我国各级政府和山区农民所重视。

    The governments in China and peasants in mountain area pay attention to bamboo forest because it has a short period of management , quick effects of investment and high economic benefits .

  12. 研究结果表明资产管理因子是第一公因子,这与以往的研究结果不同,是由于本研究的研究主体的经营周期较长所致。

    The results show that the asset management factor is the first common factor , which is different from previous studies . Because the subject of this study has a longer operating cycle .

  13. 但是国内的中小型饭店的经营周期都不是很长,很大原因是因为饭店的员工忠诚度不高,引起管理困难或者员工流失。

    But the life cycle of domestic restaurant of small and medium size is not very long , a large reason is that the staff loyalty is not high , or staffs loss .

  14. 楠木杉木混交比例为3:1的人工林在一个经营周期内全树和干材的碳储量最大,并且这种营林方式也有利于土壤有机碳库的积累。

    Within a management , the plantation has the biggest whole tree and stem carbon storage with the mixed ratio 3:1 , this management is beneficial to the accumulation of soil organic carbon pool .

  15. 经济林由于其经营周期短,经济效益高的特点,成为我国退耕还林工程建设的主要林种之一。

    Since the operated cycle of the economic forest is short , the economic profits are high , become one of main forest kind in converting farmland to forest engineering construction in our country .

  16. 在这种情况下,一年(或一个经营周期)内到期的本金应作为流动负债,而负债的其余部分则作为长期负债。

    In these cases , the principal amount due within one year ( or the operating cycle ) is regarded as a current liability , and the remainder of the obligation is classified as a long-term liability .

  17. 但许多中小企业因受自身规模小、经营周期较短、资信度不高、缺乏有效的担保资产等诸多因素影响,使其难以获得银行贷款。

    But many small and medium enterprises by its own small-scale , short operating cycle , credit is not high , the lack of any effective guarantee of assets , and many other factors , making it difficult to obtain bank loans .

  18. 企业在一个会计年度终了或经历一个生产经营周期后所产生的一系列财务会计信息资料的开发利用,是目前企业管理中必须普遍引起重视和高校财会教研中必须普遍引起关注的问题。

    The tapping and utilization of a series of financial and accounting information by enterprises after an accounting year or a production and operation cycle is an issue which should be paid attention in the current business management and the teaching and research of accounting teaching in colleges or universities .

  19. 企业经营的周期波动及其预警

    The Business Cycle in China The Cyclical Fluctuations and Its Prediction in Business

  20. 在进行成本估价时必须考虑由于牧草的更新和产出变化所导致的经营成本周期性的不同;

    Changes of period of operating cost resulted from renewed herbage and output changes must be considered when cost being estimated ;

  21. 六西格玛管理有一整套严谨的工具和方法来帮助企业推广实施流程优化工作,识别并排除那些不能给顾客带来价值的成本浪费,消除无附加值活动,缩短生产、经营循环周期。

    Six Sigma has a set of rigorous tools and methods to help companies promote the implementation of process optimization work , to identify and exclude cost of waste .

  22. 他们在降低成本(比如延长或深化经营管理周期)和利用自身优势(例如涉足多个行业并发展一个大的智囊团)方面做得非常好。

    These giants are getting better at minimizing the costs of size ( such as longer , more complex chains of managerial command ) while exploiting its advantages ( such as presence in several markets and access to a large talent pool ) .

  23. 成功企业的经验就在于能够实现经营战略生命周期的动态组合。

    The corporate which can achieve a dynamic composition of the life cycle of business strategy will be successful .

  24. 6Sigma被引入企业采购质量管理能有效的提高顾客满意度,同时降低经营成本和周期。

    As an effective purchasing quality managerial method , six sigma focuses on reducing operational costs and cycle time while improving customers ' satisfaction .

  25. 房地产独特的性质决定了房地产投资经营具有开发周期长,受投资环境影响大,投资风险高等特征。

    The especial characteristics of real estate decide the characteristics of real estate investment and management , such as long period of exploitation , big affect of investment condition , high risk of investment and so on .

  26. 再次,在剖析了高速公路经营公司生命周期的基础上,将其划分为不同的发展阶段,根据各个阶段的不同特征制定了相应的资本运营战略,并进一步对战略的实施进行了探讨;

    Thirdly , on the basis of analyzing life of the freeway management company , and dividing into development stages different , This paper works out fixed capital running strategy for different development stages and expounds strategy actualizing minutely .

  27. 经营类型、经营周期和物质财富创造

    Business Activities , Operating Cycles and Wealth Creation

  28. 我国信贷市场具有强烈的顺周期性,商业银行的经营模式是顺周期的,但是并不是完全绝对的顺周期,有的年份是逆周期的,但顺周期的年份较多。

    Our credit market has strong shun periodic , commercial bank management mode is the cycle .

  29. 而第二个阶段上市公司的经营绩效与经济周期是正相关的。

    The second phase of the operating performance of listed companies and the business cycle are positively correlated .

  30. 森林资源资产经营尽管有长周期和高风险的特征,但不能从根本上否认其资金投入产出过程市场化的本质。

    Although , generally , operation of forest resource assets experiences a long cycle and is characterized by high risk , the market based nature of this process should not be denied .