
  • 网络Marketing Management Process
  1. 企业市场营销管理过程的首要任务是寻找和识别市场机会,并对机会的价值予以评价。

    Looking , distinguishing and evaluating Market opportunity is a main task for Marketing process of enterprise .

  2. 市场营销管理过程,具体包括四个步骤:分析市场机会、选择目标市场、设计市场营销组合和管理市场营销活动。

    It includes four steps : analysis the market opportunity , select target market , design the market management and sales combination and manage the market management and sales activity .

  3. 市场营销作为企业管理过程中的一项重要职能,是企业生存和持续发展的关键。

    As an important function in the process of enterprise management , marketing is the key of survival and continual development .