
  • 网络goods and services
  1. GDP是衡量经济最广泛使用的方式,衡量在美国国内生产的货物和服务。

    GDP is the widest measure of the economy . It measures goods and services produced in the United States .

  2. CPI是一个典型城市居民消费一个特定清单货物和服务的花费。

    The CPI is the cost of a given list of goods and services consumed by a typical urban dweller .

  3. 的确,B2B公司寻求创建电子市场为货物和服务在某些情况下由设立类似金融市场的替换;

    Indeed , B2B companies seek to create electronic markets for goods and services in some cases by establishing exchanges that resemble financial markets ;

  4. 到2016年,各国政府应该稳定和开始减少债务占据GDP的比例。GDP指的是一个特定国家生产的所有货物和服务的总值。

    By 2016 , governments would be required to or begin reducing the percentage of their debt as measured against total gross domestic product , the value of all goods and services produced in a given country .

  5. 您会在自己的生意中用易货的方式做货物和服务的交易吗?

    Would you consider bartering goods or services in your business ?

  6. 国际贸易是交流之间的货物和服务的国家。

    International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries .

  7. 货物和服务贸易及商品委员会

    Commission on Trade in Goods and Services , and Commodities

  8. 货物和服务的价格在通货膨胀期间上涨。

    The prices of goods and services rise during periods of inflation .

  9. 全球贸易绝不仅仅是货物和服务的交换。

    Global trade is more than the mere exchange of goods and services .

  10. 国际货物和服务标准分类

    International Standard Classification of All Goods and Service

  11. 这种邮寄技术是用来将货物和服务提供给可能的消费者。

    This mailing technique is used to beam goods and services to likely consumers .

  12. 当地委员会需要这些钱来恢复货物和服务供给。

    That money is needed to revive the goods and services run by local councils .

  13. 一个国家货物和服务的年度价值,包括来自国外的收入。

    Annual value of goods and service in a country includes income from other countries .

  14. 我们现在有能力生产货物和服务的丰富的每一个人。

    We now have the means to produce goods and services in abundance for everyone .

  15. 不仅在货物和服务的移动世界经济,但也提供一些资源。

    Not only goods and services move in the world economy , but also resources .

  16. 移交货物和服务给同盟以援助共同的事业。

    The transfer of goods and services to an ally to aid in a common cause .

  17. 此外还有电子贸易,即以电子方式支付货物和服务。

    Then there is the world of E-commerce , the electronic payment for goods and services .

  18. 根据交付原则,支出是按照收到的货物和服务来确认的。

    Under the delivery principle , expenditure is recognized on the basis of goods and services delivered .

  19. 实质上,反向贸易指的是各种货物和服务的直接交换。

    Fundamentally , counter trade refers to the direct exchange of assorted kinds of goods and services .

  20. 国际贸易,即国与国之间货物和服务交易的产生出于多种原因。

    International trade , the exchange of goods and services between countries , take place for many reasons .

  21. 投标人提供的货物和服务用美元货币报价。

    Goods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar .

  22. 同时,东盟国家在世界货物和服务贸易中的地位有所提升。

    Meanwhile , the status of ASEAN countries in the world trade of goods and services is rising .

  23. 人与人之间在货物和服务上的交换方式已被打得粉碎。

    The means of exchange of goods and services between man and man was smitten to the ground .

  24. 国际商务是在两国或更多的国家之间进行的商务活动,包括买卖货物和服务。

    International business is business conducted in more than one country , including buying and selling goods and services .

  25. 指货物和服务出口与货物和服务进口的差额。

    Refers to the difference of the exports of goods and services minus the imports of goods and services .

  26. 自由贸易最大的好处可能是它能降低货物和服务的成本。

    Perhaps the most important advantage of free trade is that it lowers the costs of goods and services .

  27. 11月份,货物和服务的价格基本没有变化,能源价格除外。

    Prices for goods and services were nearly unchanged in November except for a big drop in energy prices .

  28. 在可扣除税收货物和服务上的消费(与基础建设费用相对)。

    Amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible ( as opposed to capital expenditures ) .

  29. 商标可使货物和服务的提供人把他们的货物和与其它的货物和服务区别开来。

    A trade mark enables providers of goods and services to distinguish their goods and services from those of others .

  30. 联合国系统购买大量货物和服务,一年超过40亿美元。

    The UN system is a major purchaser of goods and services , totalling over $ 4 billion a year .