
sī fǎ sù sònɡ
  • judicial litigation
  1. 法治国家中,司法诉讼已成为最具权威性的纠纷解决方式。

    Judicial litigation is the most authoritative dispute resolution in the legal nation .

  2. 回避制度在中国传统的司法诉讼活动中占有重要的地位,对于维护正常的司法活动和保证司法的公正性起到了一定的促进作用。

    The avoiding system to occupy the important position in traditional judicial litigation activity in China , for the normally judicial activity of maintenance and assurance judicatory of candor rose to certainly promote the function .

  3. 在这诸多的途径中,司法诉讼是终级途径。

    Among which the law suit is the ultimate solution .

  4. 司法诉讼途径是消费者依法维权的保障。

    Consumer safeguard their rights through Judicial proceedings in accordance with the law .

  5. 司法诉讼中价值评估分类与特点的研究,对于司法鉴定工作有着重要的意义。

    The analysis on the classification and Characteristics of forensic valuation is of great importance to forensic lawsuits .

  6. 司法诉讼是确保社会公正的最后一道防线。但诉讼途径成本高、程序复杂、效率低。

    Litigation is the last defense for just and fair , but it 's costly , complicated and inefficient .

  7. 它既是公众生活中的热点问题也是我国司法诉讼中的难点问题。

    Medical disputes are both hotspots in the civil life and difficult points in the judicial action in China .

  8. 他们在统一适用大清律例、维护清朝正常的司法诉讼活动方面起了关键的作用。

    Further , they play critical role in applying to Qing Dynasty 's statutes and precedents , safeguarded its normal judicial activity .

  9. 任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。工厂目前是否有触犯法律而涉及司法诉讼?

    Any one who breaks the law should be punished . Is the factory currently under any legal lawsuit by any party ?

  10. 此外,对于当时的司法诉讼程序、法令文书格式、历法、医学及丧葬礼仪也有详实的记录。

    Besides , they also record in detail the judicial lawsuit process , the decretive form , calendar , medicine , funeral rite .

  11. 设想稳妥渐进地改造现行公务员权利救济的制度,探讨引入司法诉讼程序的可行性。

    Sound progressive vision to transform the existing civil service rights of the relief system , the introduction of the feasibility of judicial proceedings .

  12. 到了20世纪30年代,它逐渐将司法诉讼的重点放在公立教育中种族歧视和种族隔离的问题上。

    During the 1930 's , it shifted gradually its focus of lawsuits to the issue of racial discrimination and apartheid in the public educational institutions .

  13. 但事业单位法人按照我国目前司法诉讼程序看,到底应该按照行政主体对待还是按照民事主体对待却存在着争议。

    However , in the judicial procedure , there are different opinions on whether the institution should be treated as an administrative body or a civil existence .

  14. 司法诉讼作为法治社会公民寻求自我保护的基本手段,正逐渐越来越多为弱势群体所诉诸。

    Judicial proceedings as a civil society under the rule of law to seek the basic means of self-protection , are gradually increasing as vulnerable groups resort to .

  15. 该条款缺乏系统性,因此在操作上容易引发争议,在实践中,环境纠纷的解决方法仍需依靠司法诉讼。

    The terms of the lack of systematic , easy to cause controversy , in practice , the solutions of environmental disputes still need to rely on the judicial proceedings .

  16. 陆克文今年年末可能参加大选。他最后一次提及司法诉讼被日本政府成员视为提前进行的竞选行为。

    This latest reference by Mr. Rudd , who is likely to face a general election later this years , has been dismissed as early electioneering by members of the Japanese government .

  17. 再次,它推动了近代中国早期的民商立法,并对中国传统司法诉讼系统的近代转型,起到了一定的催化作用。

    Moreover , it has promoted the formulation of the civil law and commercial law in modem China , and played a certain catalysis role in the modem transition of China 's traditional judicial system .

  18. 超期羁押的存在严重地侵犯了被羁押人的合法权益,妨碍了刑事诉讼活动的公平和效率,破坏了正常的司法诉讼程序,浪费了有限的司法资源。

    The existence of overtime detain seriously intrudes the legal right of the detainees and obstructs the fairness and efficiency of the penal lawsuit , destroys the normal judicial lawsuit procession and wastes limited judicial resources .

  19. 中国民间战争受害者展开的对日民间索赔是以司法诉讼的方式进行的,因此,在大多数日本法院已经不得不认定事实的前提下,诉讼的法律依据就成为胜负的关键问题。

    Chinese war victims claim compensation by means of lawsuit , therefore , the legal basis in lawsuit becomes the key issue about victory and defeat under the condition that the majority of Japanese Courts have already recognized the fact .

  20. 以历代典型个案为例,对中国古代的司法诉讼回避制度的产生和发展进行了简要的总结和分析,同时对借鉴历史经验,加强当代的社会主义法制建设提出参考意见。

    This text is to take the in the past typical model individual cases as an example , getting around the analysis and the comment that the creation and developments of the system carried on the synopsis to the judicial litigation of the Chinese ancient times .

  21. 在程序法上,应把客观事实与法律事实加以区分,法律真实才是司法诉讼证明的首要任务;司法诉讼是确保社会公正的最后一道防线。但诉讼途径成本高、程序复杂、效率低。

    The objective fact should be distinguished from legal fact in procedural law and the legal fact should be considered as the first-line objective of judicial proof ; Litigation is the last defense for just and fair , but it 's costly , complicated and inefficient .

  22. 最后作者认为严密土地征收救济程序应当改进和完善行政裁决程序,完善司法诉讼救济体系,设定买回程序。

    Finally , I believe that the strict procedures for land acquisition should be complete relief program behavior violated the sanctions provisions of land acquisition , improvement and improve the administrative adjudication process , improve the relief system of judicial proceedings , set to buy back procedure .

  23. 建议取消网络域名与商标权纠纷的行政规制,明确域名和商标权纠纷应由侵权行为地或被告住所地法院管辖,延长提交司法诉讼的缓冲时间。

    The paper suggests that the administrative regulation should be abolished , the court where the tort happens or the defendant resides should be identified to have jurisdiction over the conflict between domain name and trademark right and the time for submitting the lawsuit to the court should be lengthened .

  24. 最后,在司法与诉讼方面,《罗斯法典》也具有具体体现。

    Finally , the Ross Code also had specific provisions in judicial and litigation .

  25. 私了的目的绝非取代司法和诉讼,但却可能与诉讼互补,并为司法带来生机和活力。

    Private compounding aims to offer complementation with lawsuits and maybe bring vitality to judicature , and not take the place of lawsuits and judicature .

  26. 在司法与诉讼活动中,民事简易程序的价值取向既包括公正,又包括效率。民事简易程序价值取向的定位就在于诉讼公正和诉讼效率的协调。

    In judicial and litigant activities , the value orientation of civil summary procedures entails justice and efficiency and lies in the compromise between litigant justice and litigant efficiency .

  27. 在司法或诉讼领域,在遵循法定程序的同时,既需进行理性判断,又要作出经验推论。

    In the judicial and litigation field , we should follow the statutory procedures , not only in need of rational judgments , but also making inferences based on experience .

  28. 由于民事诉讼审前程序长期以来被民事诉讼立法、司法甚至诉讼法学理论研究所忽视,故至今尚未确立起严格意义上的审前程序。

    As Civil Pretrial Procedure has been neglected by the legislative , judicial or legal theory institute for a long time , so It has not been established the strict sense of the pretrial procedures .

  29. 澳博在法院发布裁决之前宣布推迟上市。它表示,何婉琪的司法复核诉讼,构成了重大的新信息,这对投资者能够作出明智评估可能具有实质重要性。

    SJM announced the delay before the court issued its ruling , saying that Ms Ho 's judicial review proceedings constitute significant new information which might be material to investors ' ability to make an informed assessment .

  30. 本文除序言和结论部分之外,共分四章,主要内容如下:第一章,中国传统司法的诉讼模式与近代转型的契机本章首先考察我国传统司法的制约机制及其诉讼结构模式。

    Apart from the prelude and conclusion , the thesis consists of four chapters as follows : Chapter ⅰ: The traditional Chinese litigation pattern and the reasons for a modern transition . To begin with , the author expounds on the features and litigation patterns of traditional Chinese judicial system .