
nónɡ yè shōu rù
  • agricultural income;farming income
  1. 农业收入、农地经营规模和农民素质是影响能源消费及其结构的主要因素。

    Agricultural income , agriculture production scale and qualification of peasants are affecting the structure of energy consumption .

  2. 要解决农民收入增长问题,就需要弄清农业收入增长的机制问题。本文对此进行了分析和探讨。

    To increase farmer 's income , the mechanism of agricultural income growth is clarified in this article .

  3. 乡镇农村基础设施建设对农业收入水平的影响&以贵州省兴义市为例

    Influence of the Construction of Rural Basis Installation on Agricultural Efficiency

  4. 由于失地较多,农业收入大幅减少。

    Because of heavy land loss , agricultural revenue reduces substantially .

  5. 农业收入是农民收入的重要组成部分。

    Income from agriculture is essential part of farmers ' income .

  6. 在20世纪60年代以前,加拿大农业收入安全网初现雏形,出现了一些稳定农业收入的政策。

    Before 1960s , there were a series agricultural income policies .

  7. 农业收入经常很难用数量来表示。

    Often agricultural earnings cannot easily be quantified .

  8. 其形成的表层原因为:农业收入和非农收入减少。

    The surface reason for its formation is the reduction of agricultural and non-agricultural income .

  9. 贵州农民收入较低,收入仍以农业收入为主。

    The income of farmers in Guizhou is relatively low and comes mainly from farming .

  10. 研究资料表明,目前非农业收入占整个家庭收入的20%以上。

    Studies indicate that nonfarm earnings now account for more than 20 percent of total household income .

  11. 所以,要增加农民的农业收入,就要对现行的农地制度(社会保障制度)、户籍制度进行改革。

    Therefore , in order to increase farmers ' income from agriculture , we should reform these systems .

  12. 首席经济学家凯思•克林斯紧接着描绘了2007年“及以后”农业收入的美好前景。”

    Chief economist Keith Collins next outlined the rosy outlook for farm income in2007 " and beyond . "

  13. 农作物保险项目是构成整个加拿大农业收入安全网的核心部分,支撑着整个农业收入安全网实施的有序进行。

    Crop insurance program is a core part in this system , supporting the whole agricultural income safety net .

  14. 非农业收入则可以说是农民经营自身所拥有的人力资本所获得的收入。

    Third , the non-agricultural income can be said is the income obtained by farmers operating their own human capital .

  15. 理论模型表明,农业收入补贴和价格补贴能改变相对价格,从而影响劳动供给。

    The theoretical model shows that agriculture income subsidies and price subsidies will change relative prices and affect labor supply .

  16. 而从20世纪90年代至今,加拿大农业收入安全网已经日趋成熟,框架逐渐清晰、完善。

    And from the 1990s to the present , Canada agricultural income safety net maturing gradually a clear and perfect framework .

  17. 征妇的经济来源主要有农业收入、副业收入和国家的抚恤金等。

    In general , they have three financial resources , namely farming income , sideline income and pensions from the government .

  18. 该总体规划目标是到2010年每年增长6%,到2017年农业收入翻一番。

    The master plan aims for six per cent growth per annum by2010 , and a doubling of farm income by2017 .

  19. 研究结果表明,西部农村与发达地区的主要差异在于非农业收入增长速度缓慢。

    The research shows that the slow increase of non-agricultural wage leads to the low income in western rural region in China .

  20. 自营农业收入差异是造成农垦职工自营纯收入差异的主要原因,餐饮业是造成收入差异的第二位因素。

    Self-manage agriculture is the main reason that contributes to the difference in income level . The restaurant is the second factor .

  21. 但随着印度经济再次迅速增长,那些记忆已经渐渐淡去了。印度今年雨季的几场好雨也促进了农业收入增长。

    But those memories have faded as the Indian economy grows briskly once again and good rains this monsoon season boost farm incomes .

  22. 在上世纪50年代,一米高的围墙建了起来,将村民与深圳河分隔开来,而深圳河是他们通过捕鱼来补贴微薄农业收入的地方。

    In the 1950s a one-metre high fence was constructed , separating villagers from the river they fished to supplement meagre agricultural incomes .

  23. 在20世纪60-80年代期间,它经历了一个很长的发展过程,并初步形成了农业收入安全网的结构。

    In the 1960s to 1980s , it experienced a long development process , and initially formed the structure of agricultural income safety net .

  24. 而孟山都的转基因大豆到达阿根廷的时候正值该国进入经济大危机,而且急需农业收入。

    And Monsanto 's GM soya arrived in Argentina when the country was entering a major economic crisis , and agricultural income was badly needed .

  25. 事实上,农民收入随着农村经济发展呈现多元化,农业收入已经不再是其主要收入,土地的保障功能正不断弱化。

    In fact , with the development of rural economy , agricultural income has not become the main part of family income , land security function is weakening .

  26. 从影响南京农民人均非农业收入的因素看,农民文化素质的高低、农村人口向外迁移、农村二、三产业的发展与南京农民人均非农业收入都具有很高的正相关性。

    And the off-farm income of farmers in Nanjing is positively relative to the farmers ' education , the rural labor emigration and the development of non-agricultural industry .

  27. 其中非农劳力比例和农业收入比重对农户参与意愿有负向的影响,其余因素对农户参与意愿有正向的影响。

    The proportion of non-agricultural labour and the proportion of agricultural income have a negative impact on households ' participating willingness , while other factors have a positive impact .

  28. 在生计策略上,当地农民家庭最主要的收入来源是农业收入,其他收入来源所占比例很小,生计途径单一。

    Livelihood strategies , the most important source of income for local peasant family farm income , other source of income for the small proportion of single livelihoods ways .

  29. 目前居住状况、城市归属感,农村新型合作医疗以及年农业收入等一些推拉力因素也是非常重要的影响因素。

    Furthermore , some pull-push variables such as current living status , sense of belonging , New Rural Cooperative Medical System and agriculture income per year have a significant impact .

  30. 穷人收入下降无法用农业收入降低来解释,因为在2003年12月,食品价格的上涨高于城镇物价上涨的速度。

    The fall in income for the poor cannot be explained by declining farm incomes , as food prices were rising at a faster rate than urban prices in December 2003 .