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nóng fù
  • peasant woman
农妇 [nóng fù]
  • [peasant woman] 女农民的旧称

农妇[nóng fù]
  1. 就在那天夜里,一个老农妇敲响了他的大门。

    That very night a peasant woman knocked on the front door .

  2. 《祝福》最早最深地触及了旧中国一个农妇的内心世界。

    Blessing deeply touched the inner world of a peasant woman for the first time .

  3. 这个农妇常干粗活,手很粗糙。

    The farm woman 's hands were rough with hand work .

  4. 两个戴着可笑草帽的农妇神情庄重地牵着漂亮的暗灰色的毛驴走了过去。

    Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed , gravely , leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey .

  5. 正当爸爸和一个农妇聊天时,我发现了这只猪……

    Dad was chatting up a farmer ’ s wife once , when I discovered this pig ...

  6. 四川遂宁一农妇诞下“连体双头婴儿”。

    Conjoined twins with two heads born at a hospital in Suining .

  7. 关于3个农妇养大一个弃孩…

    About the three peasant women raising a foundling child ...

  8. 他当着老农妇的面,把门重重地关上了。

    And he slammed the door in the old woman 's face .

  9. 《耕耘着的农夫与农妇》.公元前十六世纪埃及.

    Peasant Couple Plowing . Sixteenth century B.C. Egypt .

  10. 卡美拉打扮得象一个松尼诺农妇。

    Carmela was attired like a woman of sonnino .

  11. 我妈妈是一位佛兰芒农妇。

    My mother was a Flemish farmer 's wife .

  12. 《一千英亩》中所塑造的人物吉妮是一个生活在父权制家庭的农妇。

    Ginny , the heroine of the story , lives in a typical patriarchal family .

  13. 妊娠期农妇补锌对幼儿生长发育的影响

    Effects of Zinc Supplementation of Rural Pregnant Women on the Growth of Offspring in Early Childhood

  14. 一大学生最低奋斗目标:农妇,山泉,有点田!

    The lowest struggle aim for a undergraduate : farmwife , mountain spring , have some field !

  15. 有这么一个谚语:如果一个农妇没有任何烦恼会买一头小猪。

    There is a proverb that if a peasant woman has no troubles she will buy a pig .

  16. 自从上次大象坐扁一个农妇后…我就没看过有这么消沉的客人

    I haven 't seen a customer so depressed since the elephant sat on that farmer 's wife .

  17. 不久前的一天,我偶然看到一篇文章,讲述了一位普通农妇的经历。

    The other day , I came across an article telling the story of a common country womam .

  18. 我,一个大学生的人生奋斗目标:农妇,山泉,有点田。

    I , a university student 's life goal : Peasant woman , mountain spring , a little field .

  19. 她的装束象个女工,却又露出一些想要重做农妇的迹象,她还年轻。

    She was dressed like a working-woman who is inclined to turn into a peasant again , she was young .

  20. 于是,紫禁城被洗劫,慈禧不得不打扮成农妇逃离京城。

    In response , the Forbidden City was looted and Cixi had to flee from the capital disguised as a peasant .

  21. 第二天早晨,牛贩子来了,农妇对他没有过多的寒喧。

    The next morning the cattle dealer came , and the woman had no need to say many words to him .

  22. 中国医生采用一种新技术来帮助一位农妇怀孕,其动机很明显是治疗不孕症。

    Infertility was clearly the motivation when Chinese doctors used a new technique to help one of their countrywomen get pregnant .

  23. 沉重的赋税制度是造成农妇困顿现实的根本原因,战争与兵役是造成农妇困顿现实的直接原因。

    The heavy taxation system is the fundamental reason , and the war and army is the direct cause of the actual .

  24. 她十七岁嫁人,十九岁生下第一个孩子,二十二岁时,这农妇是四个孩子的妈。

    Jensen & who married at17 , bore her first child at19 , and was a farmwife and mother of four by age22 .

  25. 博西斯:弗里吉亚的一位农妇,她和其丈夫腓力门热情款待了乔装下凡的宙斯和赫耳墨斯。

    Baucis : a peasant woman of Phrygia who together with her husband Philemon received with great hospitality Zeus and Hermes disguised as men .

  26. 这其中一大部分是收割药草的农妇,她们把药草卖了钱来养家。

    The majority of those harvesting the plants are rural women who depend on money they make from selling the plants to feed their families .

  27. 另外,顺便在这里买了顶墨西哥草帽。让我有时候看起来象农妇有时候象牛仔。

    And I bought a straw hat at the main gate , which makes sometimes look like a peasant woman , sometimes like a cowgirl .

  28. 联合利华利用农妇们“勤用杀菌肥皂不传染痢疾”之类的口号做营销推广;

    Union advantage China industriously does not infect dysentery " and so on slogan using peasant woman " with the sterilization soap to make the marketing promotion ;

  29. 在行途中,他向我们展示了许多传统的刺绣和精致的发型,但这些都穿戴在正在砍柴、或正在插秧育苗的农妇身上。

    In the process , he showed us plenty of traditional embroidery and elaborate hairstyles but they were all worn by women chopping wood and planting rice fields .

  30. 驿站长、驿站长夫人、仆役、卖托尔若克刺绣品的农妇,都走进来向他提供帮助。

    The overseer and his wife , his valet , and a peasant woman with Torzhok embroidery for sale , came into the room , offering their services .