
nónɡ tián shuǐ lì jiàn shè
  • construction of water conservancy works
  1. 直隶的农田水利建设。

    Third , construction of water conservancy works in Zhili .

  2. 加强农业生态及农田水利建设、提高农业持续生产能力等。

    Strengthening construction of agricultural ecology , irrigation and water conservancy .

  3. 可见,资金投入是加强农田水利建设的关键因素。

    Visible , capital investment is to strengthen key water conservancy construction .

  4. 农田水利建设的新思路新方法新突破

    New idea , method and breakthrough in rural water construction

  5. 对社会主义新农村建设中的农田水利建设具有实用价值。

    It also has practical value of construction of new socialist countryside .

  6. 农田水利建设得到加强。

    Construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy was enhanced .

  7. 湿地公路与农田水利建设关系分析

    The Analysis of the Relationship Between Wetland Road Construction and Cropland Irrigation Work

  8. 推进广西农民用水户协会建设建立农田水利建设新机制

    Initiation of water user association of farmers in Guangxi

  9. 加强农田水利建设,减轻种田自然风险;

    Reducing natural risk by strengthening water conservancy construction ;

  10. 全国农田水利建设先进县的经验与启示

    Experience of advanced county in on-farm water structure construction and good practices and learnings

  11. 农田水利建设与粮食生产的关系

    Relation between Farmland water Construction and Grain Production

  12. 加强农田水利建设,增强抵御自然灾害的能力;

    Strengthen the capability to resist natural calamities ;

  13. 在环境史视野下研究发现,中国传统农田水利建设与发展是有特定的地理环境决定的。

    Chinese traditional water conservancy construction and development is decided has specific geographical conditions .

  14. 加强耕地保护和农田水利建设,提高农业综合生产能力。

    Strengthening farmland protection and water conservancy construction , improving the agricultural comprehensive production capacity .

  15. 试论熙丰农田水利建设的劳力与资金问题

    On Labor and Fund in the Construction of Water Conservancy during the Period of Song Shen-zong

  16. 粮食主产区小型农田水利建设投入机制探析

    The Analysis of Input Mechanism for Small-Scale Irrigation and Water Conservancy Construction in the Main Grain-Producing Areas

  17. 为了耕田把地弄成梯田。农田水利建设得到加强。

    Make into terraces as for cultivation . Construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy was enhanced .

  18. 农村经济发展的好坏与农田水利建设有直接的关系。

    The quality of rural economic development is directly related to the construction of farmland water conservancy construction .

  19. 我国是一个农业大国,而农业的发展离不开农田水利建设。

    Our country is a large agricultural nation , and the construction of water conservancy plays a critical role in the development of agriculture .

  20. 为较大提高农业生产水平,提出了因地制宜开展农田水利建设的建议。

    In order to increase agricultural production level , suggestions on constructing water conservancy facilities suitable to local conditions are proposed in this paper .

  21. 因此,构建青州市小型农田水利建设的投融资机制对于青州市农业发展具有重要作用。

    Therefore , the construction of Qingzhou city construction of small-sized irrigation and water conservancy investment mechanism for agricultural development of Qingzhou city has .

  22. 从具体历史条件出发,选定适当的影响因子,对农田水利建设的生态效应进行全面综合分析。

    Based on the historical conditions , choosing the proper influencing effects , this article wholly analyzes ecological effects of farmland and irrigation works construction .

  23. 农业是经济社会发展的基础,而农田水利建设是农业发展的命脉。

    Agriculture is the foundation of social development ; moreover , the construction of water conservancy projects plays an extremely important role in agricultural development .

  24. 50年来,农田水利建设取得巨大成效的原因之一,就是依靠科技进步,推广科学技术。

    Rely on the progress of scientific technology and dissemination of scientific techniques is the main reason for obtains the remarkable results in past 50 years .

  25. 特别是改革开放以来,国家加大了农田水利建设的投入,加快了农田水利设施的建设步伐。

    It has achieved the investment in the construction of irrigation and water conservancy and speed up the pace of the construction of farmland and water conservancy facilities .

  26. 提出了在当前农村税费改革新形势下,搞好农田水利建设的工作思路、对策和方法等。

    Under the new situation of the rural tax reform today , this paper put forword the working thought , countermeasure and method of the farmland water conservation construction .

  27. 当前环境下,政府应通过土地制度、金融制度、产权制度以及农业保险等多方面的创新来加快小型农田水利建设。

    In such situation the government should concentrate efforts on the innovation of land system , financial system and ownership system to quicken the small-scaled farmland water conservancy construction .

  28. 泰安市属于水资源短缺城市,改革开放以来,特别是随着市场化深入发展,泰安市农田水利建设取得了一定的成绩,但仍然不能满足农业生产发展需要。

    Since the reform and opening up , especially with the further development of the marketization , water conservancy construction in Tai ' an city has got certain accomplishment .

  29. 但农田水利建设严重滞后于社会经济的发展,受经济发展水平以及科学技术的限制,农业灌溉的效能没有充分发挥出来,严重阻碍了农业现代化建设的步伐。

    However , by the level of economic development and technology , the irrigation and water conservancy construction lags far behind the development of social economy , which seriously hindered the construction of agricultural modernization .

  30. 本文为青州市构建以国家财政支持为平台的小型农田水利建设投资平台提供一定的理论参考。

    In this paper , for the construction of Qingzhou city with the national financial support as a platform for the construction of small-sized irrigation and water conservancy investment platform to provide certain theory reference .