
nónɡ tián pái shuǐ
  • Farmland drainage;agricultural drain
  1. 安徽淮北砂姜黑土区农田排水工程方案模糊决策

    Fuzzy decision on agricultural drain projects to the area in Huaibei plain with black Shajiang soil

  2. 农田排水沟水土流失成因与防治

    An tentative exploration for the causes of formation and the prevention and cure in the soil-water loss of the agricultural drain ditches

  3. BP神经网络在焉耆盆地农田排水量估算中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network in The Estimation of Farmland Drainage in Yanqi Basin

  4. PVC单、双壁波纹塑料管用作农田排水暗管比较研究

    Comparative Study of Single and Double Partition PVC Wave Veins Plastic Pipe as a Conduit for Farmland Drainage

  5. 估算结果表明利用BP神经网络可以准确地估算农田排水量,最大相对误差仅为-2.45%。

    The results of estimation show that BP neural network can estimate farmland drainage accurately with the largest relative error only of-2.45 % .

  6. 农田排水中的TN、TP浓度变化均有一个峰值和40天的稳定期,建议在高浓度污染物出现期间控制农田排水或考虑高浓度排水进行回灌。

    The concentrations of TP , TN in drainage water respectively have a peak value and a 40-days stable period .

  7. 在其种植业不断的发展过程中,农业生产使用的化肥、农药用量呈逐年加大的趋势,并且农田排水中N、P净流失已超水环境负荷。

    In the process of the development of the planting industry constantly , agricultural production use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides usage is more and more of the trend , and farmland drainage of N , P has the net loss of water environment load .

  8. 主要研究成果如下:1、农田排水水质未达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)的Ⅴ类水体标准,属严重污染。

    The main studying results are as follows : 1 . The water quality of agricultural drainage does not rich the " Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard " ( GB3838-2002 ) category of the water body standards ⅴ, it pollutes seriously .

  9. 农田排水面临的形势、任务及发展趋势

    Situation and Tasks of Farmland Drainage Facing , and Its Tendency

  10. 基于作物的农田排水指标及排水调控研究

    Study on Farmland Drainage Indices and Drainage Control Based upon Crop

  11. 一种计算蒸发条件下农田排水的新方法

    A New Method of Calculation of Farmland Drainage in Evaporation Conditions

  12. 有关农田排水标准研究的几个问题

    Some Problems Concerning the Research needs on Criteria for Land Drainage

  13. 农田排水对塔里木河水质盐化的影响研究

    Effect of Drainage Water Quality in Main Stream of Tarim River

  14. 蒸发影响下农田排水沟(管)间距的计算

    Spacing of drainage ditches in field under the influence of evaporation

  15. 农田排水指标与排水工程最优规模的研究

    Study on Farmland Drainage Index and Optimal Planning of Drainage Project

  16. 农田排水条件下降雨补给与地下水埋深关系的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Relationship Between Rainfall Recharge and Groundwater Level under Drainage

  17. 漳河灌区农田排水氮素流失规律研究

    Study of laws of nitrogen losses from farmland drainage in Zhanghe Irrigation District

  18. 降水对农田排水沟渠中氮磷流失的影响

    Effect of Rainfall Runoff on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss in Farming Drainage Ditch

  19. 人工湿地对岩溶区农田排水氮磷污染的控制

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Control of Farmland Drainage for Constructed Wetland in Karst Region

  20. 渗流数值计算方法在农田排水设计中的应用

    Application of numerical method of subsurface flow in design of agricultural land drainage

  21. 农田排水沟道渗滤系统构建及护砌材料试验研究

    Research on the Filtration System of Farmland Drainage Ditch Construction and the Embankment Material

  22. 水生植物对农田排水沟渠中氮、磷的截留效应

    Study on the Interception of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Macrophyte in Agriculture Drainage Ditch

  23. 四湖流域农田排水有关问题研究

    Problems in Farmland Drainage in Four-lakes Watershed

  24. 农田排水技术的发展趋势

    Developmental Trends of Cropland Drainage Technology

  25. 三种类型农田排水沟渠氮磷拦截效果比较

    Comparison on Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus form Hibernal Farmland Drainage by Three Kinds of Ditches

  26. 农田排水技术是调节农田地下水位、控制土壤含水量和农田养分流出的重要措施。

    Fields drainage is the important measure that is adjustment of agricultural land water level and control of soil moisture contents .

  27. 沙漠人工植被降水截留特征研究水生植物对农田排水沟渠中氮、磷的截留效应

    Interception of Artificial Vegetation in Desert Area Study on the Interception of Nitrogen and Phosphorus by Macrophyte in Agriculture Drainage Ditch

  28. 指出了当前和今后一个时期农田排水的五大方面和我国农田排水技术今后的发展方向。

    Five important aspects on cropland drainage in the current and future , and development tendency of cropland drainage technology in China hereafter were pointed out .

  29. 本文研究成果可提供农田排水工程的规划设计和计算地下水面的位置,从而可以预报任一时刻的地下水位。

    The results presented in this paper can be applied in the design of a drain system and in the prediction of the groundwater table variation .

  30. 农田排水是造成农业非点源污染的一个重要来源,由于其具有分散性而难以人为控制。

    Agricultural drainage is one of important contributors of non-point source pollution , and it is difficult to treat in practice due to its dispersed nature .