
  1. 住院医师是教学医院医教研等各项工作的生力军、后备力量。

    Residents are the new and reserve force of medical teaching and research work in teaching hospitals .

  2. 数字化医院图书馆如何提高为医教研服务的质量

    How to Improve the Service Quality for Medical Treatment , Teaching and Scientific Research in Digitalized Hospital Libraries

  3. 借鉴临床医学图书馆员服务模式主动服务临床医教研工作

    Learn from the service mode of clinical librarian to serve actively the clinical curing , teaching and researching affairs

  4. 低年资主治医师是综合医院医教研等各项工作的生力军,其临床能力的提高是医院人才梯队建设的重要任务。

    How to improve the clinical capability of these doctors is an important task for the human resources construction of a general hospital .

  5. 理顺医教研的关系推动医院建设发展

    Paying Great Attention to Scientific Research Work and Straightening out the Relationship between Medical Teaching and Research , to Promote the Development of Hospital

  6. 本文从数据库资源建设、开发、合理使用中提出注意要点,以便更好的利用病案的内在信息,为医教研、现代医院管理服务。

    In this article , we focused on the construction , development and reasonable application of the database resources , in order to make better use of the interior information of the medical records , and to serve the medicine , teaching , research and management of modern hospitals .

  7. 广州中医药大学医古文教研室十年建设回顾(1996~2006年)

    Review of 10 years building of the Ancient Medical Literature Teaching Section of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine ( 1996 ~ 2006 );

  8. 实验材料:K562细胞株来自第三军医大学分子遗传教研室。

    Experiment material : K562 was from the department of molecular genetics .

  9. 为了更好地搞好医学七年制学生的教学培养工作,大连医一院妇产科教研室进行了一系列的教学改革。

    The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has performed series of teaching reforms for the seven-year medical students .