
yī lǐ
  • medical knowledge;principles of medical science
医理 [yī lǐ]
  • [principles of medical science;medical knowledge] 有关医学上的道理或理论知识

医理[yī lǐ]
  1. 在阐述其医理的过程中,《黄帝内经》呈现出极富中国传统特色的天人关系哲学思想。

    During the process of explaining its medical knowledge , Huangdi Emperor 's Internal Classic shows very rich philosophy thoughts of the relation between man and nature with characteristic tradition of China .

  2. 止血医理甚为独特;试论饭店员工培训技巧

    The unique hemostatic mechanism ; Technics of Hotels ' Trainning

  3. 止血医理甚为独特;

    The unique hemostatic mechanism ;

  4. 而且通过学习太极拳还可以领略一种融合哲理,医理,拳理于一身的博大精深的太极拳文化。

    You can also enjoy a fusion of medical philosophy , boxing theory in abroad and profound Taijiquan culture through the learning of Tai Chi .

  5. “冯紫英因说起他有一个幼时从学的先生,姓张名友士,学问最渊博的,更兼医理极深,且能断人的生死。”

    " Well , Feng knows a doctor named Zhang Youshi who was his childhood tutor , a very learned man with a comprehensive knowledge of medicine , and an excellent diagnostician . "