
  • 网络Health care reform;health reform;medical reform
  1. 他已就医疗改革问题请求他们的支持。

    He 's already solicited their support on health care reform

  2. 他已就医疗改革问题请求他们的支持

    He 's already solicited their support on health care reform .

  3. 不管我们采取何种医疗改革措施,都省不下太多钱。

    However we adopt healthcare reform , it isn 't going to save major amounts of money

  4. 总统说他希望给各州更多的医疗改革空间。

    The President said that he wanted to give states more leeway to pursue their own health-care reforms .

  5. 麦考比赞同巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)雄心勃勃推动美国医疗改革的努力。他称:只有高效的自恋狂才会尝试如此深远的变革。

    He wrote approvingly of Barack Obama 's ambitious attempt to reform US healthcare : Only a productive narcissist would attempt such profound change .

  6. CNN最近进行的一项民意调查发现,经济在美国人的心目中是头等大事,而不是医疗改革。

    A recent CNN poll found that the economy , not health care , is the biggest issue on the minds of Americans .

  7. 随着医疗改革方案的推出,OTC药品制度的实行,越来越多的人选择到药店购买自己需要的药品,这就为药品包装设计提出了更高的要求。

    With the implementation of the health care reform , and the OTC medicines system , more and more people go to drug store for the medicines they need , this requires higher standard for medicine packaging design .

  8. 在医疗改革、8000亿美元财政刺激方案、问题资产救助计划(Tarp)和大规模重组金融监管之后,美国选民对又一项重大倡议不感兴趣。

    After healthcare reform , a fiscal stimulus of $ 800bn , the Troubled Asset Relief Program and a wholesale rearrangement of financial regulation , US voters have no appetite for another big initiative .

  9. 医疗改革对护士长素质和领导技能的需求

    Requirement of medical reform for quality and administration skills of head nurses

  10. 在医疗改革的其它方面,奥巴马已经改变立场。

    Mr Obama has changed his position on other aspects of health reform .

  11. 非典过后看我国农村医疗改革

    The Rural Medical Reform in Our State after SARS

  12. 社会医疗改革:我国药品集中招标采购的公共政策分析

    Analysis on the Policy of Centralized Bidding for Medicine Purchase of in China

  13. 周二在弗罗里达州举行的医疗改革大厅会议陷入一场混乱。

    A health care town hall meeting in Florida is turning chaotic Thursday .

  14. 据苏珊娜·卡普卢托报道,今年医疗改革得到了特别的关注。

    As Susanna Capelouto reports this year , health care reform gets special billing .

  15. 奥巴马总统向老年公民承诺,医疗改革不会削减向他们保证过的利益。

    President Obama promised senior citizens that the reforms will not cut their guaranteed benefits .

  16. 陈富珍女士敦促各国卫生部长即使在经济低迷的情况下也要进行医疗改革。

    Chan urged the ministers to continue health care reforms despite the global economic downturn .

  17. 这份预算案有三个主题:医疗改革、公共投资和坚定不移的收入再分配。

    The budget has three themes : healthcare reform , public investment and unflinching redistribution .

  18. 在医疗改革方面,奥巴马政府将整个项目的控制权交给了国会。

    On health reform , the administration has given control of the entire project to Congress .

  19. 社会结构的媒体镜像&医疗改革新闻报道中媒体与政府、社会精英、公众的关系

    The Media Image of Social Structure

  20. 2010年3月25日,美国国会通过了奥巴马政府提交的医疗改革法案。

    The US Congress passed the health care reform bill submitted by the Obama government on March 25,2010 .

  21. 医疗改革是我们能够为美国长期财政健康所做的唯一最重要的事。

    Healthcare reform is the single most important thing we can do for America 's long-term fiscal health .

  22. 他说,如果改革进程轻而易举,那么医疗改革几十年前就已经会完成了。

    He said that if the reform process was easy , it would have been done decades ago .

  23. 医疗改革的介入可能会影响招聘决策,再度征收工资税可能也会影响招聘决策。

    Anticipation of health care reform may impact hiring decisions , and the reemergence of payroll taxes may also .

  24. 医患冲突是医疗改革的副产品,是社会消极因素的综合产物。

    Doctor-patient conflict is the product of health care reform , and is the integrated product of negative social factors .

  25. 在上次的医疗改革的谈判中,他也是浪费时间希望能得到共和党人的支持,明明就是不可能的。

    In the health-care negotiation , likewise , he had wasted precious time hoping for Republican support that never came .

  26. 依据美国医疗改革法案,从今天起,公司将开始为员工提供避孕的相关费用。

    As of today , under the Healthcare Reform Act , businesses are required to start providing workers with contraception coverage .

  27. 随后,他告诉记者,自己的见闻更坚定了他认为当前必须推行医疗改革的信念。

    Afterwards , he told reporters that what he heard only strengthened his conviction that health care reform is needed now .

  28. 医疗改革使临床实验室的地位、作用发生变化,要求实验室资源的合理利用。

    The medical program reform changes the role and function of clinic labs , calling for a reasonable utilization of their resources .

  29. 其他共和党人的言词甚至更为激烈,一位参议员认为医疗改革可能成为奥巴马的政治滑铁卢。

    Other Republicans have spoken in even tougher terms , with one senator suggesting health care could be Barack Obama 's political downfall .

  30. 随后推出的医疗改革的八项措施和医疗改革的指导意见提出了医疗改革的具体措施。

    The subsequent eight measures on the medical system reform and instructions on specific measures which provide guidance for the medical reform were released .