
  • 网络Reorganization and merger;Restructuring mergers and acquisitions
  1. 商业银行唯有加快业务创新步伐,提供高质量的项目融资、财务顾问、重组并购等高端金融服务,才能真正地参与到优质客户的竞争中去。

    Commercial banks have to accelerate the pace of business innovation , provide high-quality financial services , like project financing , financial advisers , restructuring mergers and acquisitions and so on . Then they can truly participate in competition of quality customers .

  2. 中国钢铁行业重组并购大事记

    Regrouping and Mergers Acquisitions of China 's Iron and Steel Industry

  3. 重组并购理论与中国的实践

    Reorganization and m & I : theories and Chinese experiences

  4. 重组并购提升不良资产价值的机制研究

    The Mechanism Research on Promoting NPA 's Value by M & A

  5. 企业重组并购市场中的逆向选择与治理对策

    Adverse Selection in Chinese Merger Market and Countermeasures Consolidation and restructure in the surfactant industry

  6. 文化产业规模经济与文化企业重组并购行为

    Scale Economy of Cultural Industry and the Behaviors of Regrouping and Mergers & Acquisition of Cultural Enterprises

  7. 对重组并购过程中的信息披露强化监管,尽快完善信息披露制度的法律责任。

    Besides , it should strengthen the administration of information announcement and improve the legal liability of information announcement system .

  8. 本文认为,资产管理公司可以通过实施企业内部或企业之间的重组并购激活不良债权或股权的价值驱动因素,进而实现提升不良资产价值的目的;

    The author thinks AMC can promote NPA 's value through enterprise 's internal or enterprises'MA to activate the value-drive factors of non-performing loans and equities .

  9. 电解铝行业所处的成长发展阶段决定了产量增长是主基调,电解铝企业竞争,重组并购,不断扩张,行业集中度提高,也将推动产能的增长。

    The development stage of aluminum industries has a big influence to the capacity increasing . And electrolytic aluminum enterprises competition , merger and reorganization , will also increase the productivity growth .

  10. 企业价值决定着企业重组并购、股权交易、企业投资等经济活动能否实现,企业价值评估是获得企业价值的主要手段,所以企业价值评估在这些经济活动中起到至关重要的作用。

    Business value determines if the activities of corporate such as mergers restructuring . stock transactions and corporate investment can be achieved . Business valuation is the primary access to enterprise value .

  11. 当前的全球金融危机对我国的影响日渐增大,国资委除要求央企抱团取暖外,还希望各级国企加快重组并购进程。

    The current global financial crisis implements an increasing impact on China , In addition to asking the central enterprises " heating ", SASAC hope all levels of state-owned enterprises to speed up the process of reorganization and acquisition .

  12. 种种迹象表明:传统粗放式的增长方式已经走到了尽头,在这一背景下,新一轮的降低成本浪潮以及由此引发的企业重组并购浪潮正向许多企业涌来。

    Various evidences show that the traditional extensive type growth method has already come to an end . Under this background , a new business enterprise reorganization which in order to cut down the cost will occur among many business enterprises .

  13. 全球金融危机的爆发,使得国内外的市场环境进入寒冬,全球资本市场低迷,资产价格下跌,为我国企业通过重组并购完成产业集中和升级提供了难得的机遇。

    The outbreak of the global financial crisis makes the domestic and international market environment into the winter . Weak global capital market and low asset prices provide an opportunity for our business to complete industrial concentration through reorganization and acquisition .

  14. 在这次战略重组的并购浪潮中,对中国民航业并购重组后的绩效进行分析和研究是一项有意义的课题。

    Performance analysis and research on civil aviation industry after its acquisition and recombination is of far reaching significance .

  15. 对接央企指地方政府以本地优质的地方国企资源吸引央企来重组或并购。

    In this paper ," Docking central SOE " means that local governments attract central SOE to restructure or acquire high-quality local SOEs of their own .

  16. 技术进步能否推动并购重组,并购重组反过来能否对中国企业的技术进步起到积极作用成为并购界的热点问题。

    Whether or nor can technology improve M A , in turn , can M A play a positive role to technical progress is becoming a hot issues .

  17. 近年来,国内企业并购多是财务性、金融性的并购,这种资源重组模式的并购不仅不能担负起打造企业巨人的任务,而且存在很大的并购风险。

    In recent years , domestic enterprises often merge by financial affairs that can 't take on the task of founding great enterprise , and exists riskatthesame time .

  18. 我国自1984年河北省保定市的保定纺织机械厂并购保定针织器材厂第一例并购案例开始,全国各地相继出现了不同类型的企业并购重组案例,并购重组规模、范围日益扩大。

    Baoding , Hebei Province in China since the 1984 acquisition of Baoding , Baoding Textile Machinery Knitting Equipment Factory began the first case of M A cases around the country have suffered different types of M A cases , M A scale , scope expanding .

  19. 本文依据研究结果建议我国上市公司:采取减少负债、经营重组、对外并购、资产置换、合理安排股权结构及降低代理成本等措施可以有效应对财务危机。

    This paper suggested that the Chinese listed companies should reduce the debt , make business restructuring and foreign mergers and acquisitions , arrange reasonable ownership structure , reduce the agent cost and take some other measures which can response to financial crisis effectively to avoid it .

  20. 近年来,我国上市公司并购市场发展迅速,不管是内资企业对上市公司的并购重组,还是外资并购我国上市公司都呈现出迅猛发展的势头。

    In recent years , the Merger & Acquisition market of listed companies in our country developed rapidly .

  21. 其中,根据资产重组中的换股并购理论及其模式,时运用案例来分析换股并购的问题和意义是本文研究的主要目的。

    Among them according to the exchange of assets reorganization merger and acquisition theory and model case to analyze the problems and significance in m & a is the main purpose of this article research .

  22. 但预计重组收入只能填补并购和资本市场业务匮乏所造成的一些缺口,而不会提供足够的工作量让律所全体人员保持忙碌。

    But restructuring revenues are expected merely to plug some of the holes created by a lack of M & A and capital markets business – not to provide enough work to keep law firms ' staffing rosters busy .

  23. 对于中国而言,由于受危机影响较小,外汇储备充足,因此自然成为世界各国为应对危机而首选的合作对象,中国企业的并购重组已经成为全球并购市场中的一个亮点。

    As China is less affected by the crisis and the foreign exchange reserves richly , to cooperate with Chinese companies becomes one of the best choice in the world . Chinese companies M A has become a bright spot in the global M A markets .