
zhònɡ diǎn bān
  • tracked class for gifted students
  1. 在兴趣动机、渴望放松身心动机上则相反,普通班重点班,普通班中等班。

    Interested in the motivation , eager to relax on the opposite motivation .

  2. 文科班学生学习动机最强,其次是重点班的学生。

    The art students have the strongest motivation , then the students in key classes .

  3. 因为只有上了重点班我才会离自己的梦想更近一步。

    Into the focus because if I have another class from my dream one step closer .

  4. 在其他班的时候没有在重点班的严格,有的时候我们还逃课,在校园里玩。

    In no other classes in ChongDianBan strict , sometimes we also cut class , play in the campus .

  5. 调查发现重点班的学生比非重点班的学生学习态度更积极。

    The investigation found that students from the key class had more positive attitudes than those from the non-key class .

  6. 在提问方式上,对于重点班的参考性问题比普通班的要多一些。

    In questioning behavior , the referential questions in Honors Class are used a little more than in Average Class .

  7. 而重点班与普通班学生身高、体重、年龄以及家庭住房类型、室内环境污染状况间没有差别(P>0.05);

    There are no difference between the two classes in the average values of height , weight , and age ;

  8. 然而,重点班和非重点班的学生在融合性动机上存在着差别。

    However , there were differences between students in the key class and those in the non-key class in their integrative attitudes .

  9. 不同班级类型高中生数学学习策略存在显著差异,具体表现为重点班学生数学学习策略及其分策略非常显著好于非重点班学生。

    There are significant differences in different classes , and major class students are better than those of non-major class in using mathematics learning strategies .

  10. 不同性别、年级、文理班、是否重点班学生在问题行为上有显著差异。

    Students with different gender , grade , arts and science classes , whether or not in key class in problem behavior have significant differences .

  11. 与重点班学生比较,普通班学生更容易在学校产生适应不良、抑郁、情绪不平衡等心理健康问题。

    Comparing with students in key class , students in general class are related to psychological problem such as maladjustment , depression and emotional balance . 3 .

  12. 学习成绩相对较差、非重点班学生由于其学习名次、地位等心理挫折更易产生自卑、焦虑情绪,对这些学生应给予更多的鼓励、帮助和心理支持。

    Mental frustration due to underachievement and studying in common class were likely to lead to self-abasement and anxiety in middle school students , so more encouragement , help and mental support must be given to the students with anxiety about learning .

  13. 并得出创新性的研究结果,即重点班与非重点班中学生只是在学习适应不良维度上有显著差异,而在其他方面则没有差异,这是本次研究的重要发现。

    And arrive at innovative research results , that is the students in key class has significant differences with non-key class only in study maladaptation latitude , while in other areas there is no difference , which is important in this study found .

  14. 其中依据课程标准和一线名师的有效建议,开发了调查问卷,问卷的调查目的在于调查学生认为的物理学习难点,比较重点班学生与普通班学生认为的难点是否一致,有无相关性。

    Including curriculum standards and first teacher according to the effective Suggestions , develop questionnaire , survey of the students think that aims to survey physics study compared with difficulty , the regular students think that students have difficulty is consistent , relevance .

  15. 第三部分根据高中生英语学习态度的背景及现状,分析英语学习态度分别对重点班学生与非重点班学生英语学习的影响,从而提出研究目的与假设。

    In section three the research purpose and research hypothesis are put forward after analyzing the influence of English learning attitude to the students ' English learning based on the discussion of the background and present study about students ' English learning attitude in senior high school .

  16. 我的成绩虽说在我校还算是名列前茅,但与重点校重点班的同学还尚有很大一段距离。

    It 's a real fact that I tower in grades among the students in my school , but still have a ling way to go to catch up with the excellent students of my brother schools especially in the key ones .

  17. 通过对普通重点高中实验班和普通班784名各年级学生非智力因素的发展水平进行问卷调查和量表分析,目的在于了解非智力因素与高中语文学业成绩的相关程度。

    In order to find out the relation between non-intellectual factors and the improvement of Chinese schoolwork , The author have made a questionnaire on 784 students , who are from both key classes and average ones in different grades , with different level of non-intellectual factors .

  18. 福建省教育厅组织“省级重点中学校长培训班”赴德国进行为期一个月的培训学习。

    Under the organization of Fujuan Educational Bureau , the members of Training Course for Principals in the Key High Schools at Provincial Level finished their one-month training course in Germany .