
  1. 长期以来,我国专业技术类公务员都采用综合管理类公务员的职务序列,其晋升、晋级通道狭小,其积极性受到较严重的影响,专业技术类公务员流失比较严重。

    For a long time , Professional Civil Servant has adopted integrated management post series in China , the promotion channel is limited , that impact their enthusiasm and the drain of Professional Civil Servant is serious .

  2. 笔者分别从坚持党管干部原则、建立有中国特色的两官分途制度、完善配套法规建设以及建立行政执法类和专业技术类独立的职务序列等方面探讨完善我国公务员分类管理制度的良方。

    The author from the cadres adhere to the principle established with Chinese characteristics , " The Separation of the two official " system , and regulatory aspects of building management system , perfecting the recipe for the civil service classification .