
  • 网络merger and acquisition;Foreign Capital Merger and Acquisition;foreign acquisitions;fima
  1. 浅析外资并购对我国经济发展的影响及相关法律制度的完善

    On foreign capital merger and acquisition 's influence on China economy development and related legal system 's perfection

  2. 外资并购与中国上市公司资产重组

    An introduction to foreign capital merger and acquisition and asset reconstruction of listed companies in Chinese capital market

  3. 在分析了FDI这一变化对我国的影响之后,又分析了这种变化给了我们国家和企业的意义。最后,对于我国如何应对外资并购提出了一些必要对策建议。

    By analysing the impact of this change , I give some advice to our country and our firms .

  4. 基于EVA的外资并购绩效研究&福特并购江铃的案例分析

    A Performance Study on Foreign Capital M A Based on EVA A Case Analysis on Jiangling Motors Corporation , Ltd

  5. 随着20世纪90年代第五轮并购浪潮的推进,跨国并购日益发展成为FDI的主要方式,外资并购我国上市公司的事件不断上演。

    Since the fifth tide of M & A in 1990s , cross-border merger and acquisitions have become a major mode of Foreign Direct Investment .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,国内外投资环境的改变,外资并购日益成为入世后的重要引资方式。

    With China 's joining in WTO and the changed domestic and foreign investment environment , foreign M & A is becoming one of the important ways to attract FDI .

  7. 我国加入WTO以后,市场经济体制的进一步完善和新的市场准入机会的增加,外资并购国内企业已十分普遍。

    Since China 's entering WTO , the further perfection of market economic system and the increase of new market field have made it prevalent for foreign investors merging and acquiring Chinese enterprises .

  8. 美国AB公司并购哈尔滨啤酒的启示&过度竞争、外资并购与企业改制的一个案例分析

    American AB Company Merges the Harbin Beer & A Case Analysis of Excessive Competition and Price Wars , Foreign Capitals Merge and Enterprises Reforming

  9. 转变机制有管理者收购(MBO),企业整合用战略性并购,国际化大业用的是外资并购。

    Changing mechanism utilizes Management Buy-outs ( MBO ); conformity utilizes strategic M A ; and internationalisation utilizes M A with foreign capital .

  10. FDI影响我国产权制度变迁的主要渠道有:竞争机制、外资并购、改变国企改革的条件、外资优惠政策。

    The fields that have taken the major effects from FDI are competitive system , amalgamation with foreign capital , reform of state-owned enterprises , and preferable policies for foreign capital .

  11. 在加入WTO和国企资产重组的良好经济环境下,国内上市公司成为外资并购的热点,而上市公司的外资政策也倍受关注。

    With China 's entering WTO and the rearrangement of the state-owned enterprises , listed company in China has become the interest of foreign multinational corporations , and the policy about it has become a hotspot .

  12. 但随着国内外环境的改善和一些制约因素的逐渐消除,尤其中国加入WTO后,外资并购活动已春潮涌动。

    However , with the domestic and international environment improving and some restricting factors gradually eliminating , particularly since China joining WTO , foreign investment M A ( FIM A ) has been surging like spring tides .

  13. 本文试用扩展的(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型,在关税减让为特征的自由贸易化趋势下,对同质产品的横向外资并购带来的价格及福利效应进行边际分析。

    The effect of international merger on market structure , price and social welfare under the trend of trade liberalization is discussed and developed further under the model of Farrell and Shapiro 1990.The paper analyze horizontal merger in Cournot oligopoly with homogeneous goods .

  14. 论外资并购的反垄断法规制

    On the Regulation of Anti-trust Law in Foreign Funds ' Incorporation

  15. 外资并购之弊不容忽视

    Drawbacks with Merge by Foreign Capital Is Not to Be Ignored

  16. 提问:外资并购哪里打开突破口?

    Question : foreign capital merger & where is the breakthrough ?

  17. 本章首先介绍了西方有关跨国并购动因方面的理论,然后结合中国国情提出了外资并购中国企业的具体动因。

    The last section introduces foreign M & As in China .

  18. 浅谈我国证券市场中的外资并购问题

    Problems on Cross-border M & A in China Stock Market

  19. 外资并购境内企业研究

    Business Data Research on Domestic Enterprises Merged by Foreign Capitals

  20. 外资并购的反垄断规制研究

    Anti - trust System of Foreign Capital M & A

  21. 解读产权市场的外资并购

    Study on the M & A of Property Right by Foreign Capital

  22. 我国银行业外资并购影响的因素分析

    The Merging Effects of Foreign Capitals on Our Bank s

  23. 东道国政府干预条件下外资并购的市场结构效应

    Host Government Regulation and the Market Structure after Foreign Capital Mergers Acquisition

  24. 关于外资并购中资银行股权的作价研究

    Equity Pricing in Foreign Acquisitions of the Chinese Banks

  25. 产权市场的外资并购分析

    On Foreign-Capital Merger & Acquisitions in Property Rights Market

  26. 外资并购中的国民待遇问题

    Civilian Treatment Problems in Merger Acquisition of Foreign Funds

  27. 第三章内容讲了外资并购国内企业的方式。

    Chapter three explains how the foreign investors M & A domestic companies .

  28. 此外对介绍了外资并购的特征和种类。

    Next it introduces the characteristics and types of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions .

  29. 论我国对外资并购的反垄断法律规制

    Study on the Anti-monopoly Legal Regulations on Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions in China

  30. 外资并购上市公司的实证效应和趋势分析

    The Empirical Effect and Trend Analysis of Foreign Capital Acquiring Chinese List Companies