
yī liáo jī ɡòu
  • medical institution
  1. 河南省医疗机构CT和MRI的配置研究

    CT and MRI disposition research of Henan Province medical institution

  2. 各地区医疗机构运营状况的DEA评价

    Operating DEA-Efficiency of the Medical Institution by Region

  3. 节目突出报道了公共医疗机构的财政问题。

    The programme spotlights financial problems in the health service .

  4. 我们正努力让这些医疗机构恢复正常运营。

    We 're trying to get the medical facilities up and running again .

  5. 专业医疗机构答复说受精以后的发育是连续的。

    The medical professional bodies reply that development from fertilisation onwards is a continuum .

  6. 这家医疗机构建议我们保密,而我们却想公开此事。

    The medical service had advised us to keep it a secret , but we wanted it in the open .

  7. 他们向其他医疗机构求援。

    They applied to other medical institutions for assistance .

  8. 这种转变在医疗机构之外很少被注意到,但在医疗机构内部已经引起争议,这表明医生开始重新定义自己的角色,从只关心个别病人转变为关心医疗费用的使用情况。

    The shift , little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it , suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles , from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent .

  9. 食物即药物运动已经存在了几十年,但随着医生和医疗机构不再仅仅依靠药物,而是将食物作为治疗的正式部分,这顼运动正在取得进展。

    The food-as-medicine movement has been around for decades , but it 's making progress as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment , rather than relying solely on medications .

  10. 圣约瑟夫·霍格健康公司首席执行官兼董事长理查德·阿费伯博士说,从大局来看,整个州的医疗机构正在开始泰然地转变成一个健康组织,而不仅仅是一个医疗保健组织。

    In the big picture , says Dr. Richard Afable , CEO and president of ST. Joseph Hoag Health , medical institutions across the state are starting to make a philosophical switch to becoming a health organization , not just a health care organization .

  11. 基层医疗机构需对全部发热患者进行核酸检测和血常规检查,不具备检测能力的,需通过与其他医疗机构合作的方式为发热患者提供检测服务。

    Clinics should conduct nucleic acid tests and routine blood tests on all febrile patients . If the clinics are not eligible , such tests should be conducted in collaboration with other institutions . Fever clinics should be isolated .

  12. 《意见》指出,职工个人医保账户可以用于支付参保人员配偶、父母、子女在定点医疗机构就医发生的由个人负担的医疗费用。

    The General Office of the State Council issued a guideline on improving the mutual , parents and children , will also be able to use the personal medical insurance accounts of insured employees for medical bills at designated institutions .

  13. 未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。

    Designed for taking over Beijing 's functions nonessential to its role as the national capital , the city proper will be a new home for Beijing 's colleges , research institutes , hospitals , business headquarters , and financial and public institutions .

  14. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  15. 目的:为规范我国ART医疗机构伦理委员会的伦理监督行为,建立我国ART伦理委员会操作规程或指南提供参考;

    Objective : To offer a model for reference on the operating guideline of ART Institution Ethics Committee to regulate their conducts on ethical supervision in China .

  16. 方法:对54所医疗机构收集到的472例ADR报告利用microsoftexcel电子表格进行频数分析。

    METHODS : Frequency analysis was performed on 472 ADR cases collected from 54 medical institutions by means of Microsoft Excel .

  17. 现代多层螺旋CT具有连续旋转扫描、快速容积扫描、不间断数据采集、成像速度快、图象质量高等特点,使之成为医疗机构进行临床诊断所必须的仪器之一。

    The characteristics of Multi-Slice Spiral CT ( MSCT ) are sequence helical scans , dimension scans , date Acquisition , speed imaging and top-quality image . Therefore , MSCT has become a necessary instrument for clinical diagnostics .

  18. 结论开展ADR监测工作是医疗机构的重要任务,加强ADR监测是患者用药安全的保障。

    Conclusion Carrying out ADR monitoring work is an important task for medical institutions , the strengthening of ADR monitoring can ensure safe drug use of patiaents .

  19. 加强EMS人员与医疗机构的沟通与配合,可以完善脑卒中EMS,使疑似脑卒中患者得到尽早确诊与治疗。

    To strengthen communication and coordination between EMS personnel and medical institutions can improve stroke EMS , and enable suspected stroke patients to be diagnosed and treated early .

  20. 密度指数法和灰色系统GM(1,1)模型对新疆医疗机构卫生人力资源的预测效果较好,建议具有地广人稀特点的地区联合使用这两种方法对医疗机构卫生人力资源进行短期预测。

    Density index and gray system GM ( 1,1 ) model Xinjiang human resources for health care organizations better prediction , the proposed features with the vast , sparsely populated areas of joint use of both methods of human resources for health care institutions for short-term forecast .

  21. 方法利用文献计量分析法对CHKD数据库收录的1994~2002年间郑州市23家医疗机构发表的医学论文进行统计分析。

    Methods The articles , which were published in 23 medical institutes from 1994 to 2002 and collected by CHKD , were analyzed with the method of literature computation analysis .

  22. 北京市基层医疗机构空气消毒效果调查

    Survey on air disinfection efficacy in basic medical institutions of Beijing

  23. 论医疗机构在传染病防治中的作用

    The function of medical treatment institution on epidemic prevention and cure

  24. 北京目前有50家医疗机构提供核酸检测。

    Beijing now has 50 medical institutions providing nucleic acid tests .

  25. 加强社区基层医疗机构的建设。

    Strengthen the establishment of medical organs in social basic level .

  26. 方法采用随机抽样方法对辖区内医疗机构进行流行病学调查。

    Methods Hospitals were selected and studied with random sampling method .

  27. 五是鼓励社会资本举办医疗机构。

    Fifth , we will encourage nongovernmental investors to establish medical institutions .

  28. 医疗机构在医院感染控制及消毒隔离工作中存在的问题

    Problems in control of nosocomial infections and DISINFECTION-ISOLATION work in medical institutions

  29. 加强医疗机构临床实验室管理提高临床检验水平

    Strengthen clinical laboratory management to improve clinical laboratory test capacity

  30. 对高校附属医疗机构科技发展的几点思考

    Thinking on the Science and Technology Development of Hospitals Affiliated to Universities