
sànɡ shī láo dònɡ nénɡ lì
  • be incapacitated;lose the ability to work
  1. 冠状动脉心脏病(CAD)是发达国家导致丧失劳动能力和死亡的主要原因。

    Coronary artery disease ( CAD ) is a leading cause of disability and death in the developed world .

  2. 依据该法律,怀孕被视为暂时丧失劳动能力的状态。

    Under the law , pregnancy is considered a temporarily disabling condition .

  3. 完全丧失劳动能力者占70%。

    70 % of the GWS completely lost their work-capacity .

  4. 致残程度鉴定,完全丧失劳动能力占6111%。

    61 11 % of cases were diagnosed as complete loss of labour capacity .

  5. 抑郁自杀,在我国青少年死亡原因中处于第一位。抑郁症病人身体功能差,丧失劳动能力是非抑郁病人的5倍。

    Suppress the suicide of blues , be placed in the first in our country teenager die reason .

  6. 丧失劳动能力或无独立生活能力的残疾人,有要求负有抚养、赡养义务的家庭成员抚养或赡养的权利。

    The disabled who cannot work or live independently have the right to require other family members to support them .

  7. 退休指的是劳动者因年老、身体等因素影响丧失劳动能力退出工作岗位的过程。

    Retirement is that the workers lost the ability to quit jobs due to factors such as age , physical impact the process .

  8. 各民族公民都有劳动、休息和丧失劳动能力时从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利;

    They have the right to work and rest , and the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are disabled ;

  9. 丧失劳动能力的人口我国农民阶级和其他劳动群众,同工人阶级紧密团结,是推动我国社会生产力发展的重要力量。

    The peasant class and other laboring people , closely united with the working class , constitute a major force that pushes the country 's productive forces forward .

  10. 因工负伤、患职业病丧失劳动能力程度鉴定费用,由用人单位支付。

    Be injured at work , suffer from occupational disease to lose charge of appraisal of labor capability rate , pay by unit of choose and employ persons .

  11. 在联合国对49名外来渔民所做的一项调查中,29人说他们亲眼目睹了船长杀害体弱或生病而丧失劳动能力的船员。

    A UN survey found that of 49 migrant fishermen interviewed , 29 said that they had witnessed skippers murdering crewmen when they were too weak or sick to work .

  12. 造成全部丧失劳动能力的,对其扶养的无劳动能力的人,还应当支付生活费;

    In case of total loss of ability to work , living expenses shall be paid to the person who is maintained by the aggrieved and without ability to work .

  13. 第四十五条中华人民共和国公民在年老、疾病或者丧失劳动能力的情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利。

    Article 45 Citizens of the People 's Republic of China have the right to material assistance from the state and society when they are old , ill or disabled .

  14. (四)工致残,由医院证明,并弪劳动鉴定委员会确认,完全丧失劳动能力的。

    Workers disabled in work accidents , certified in hospital and confirmed by the labour appraisal committee as hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee as being completely incapacitated .

  15. 社会保险是一种为丧失劳动能力、暂时失去劳动岗位或因健康原因造成损失的人口提供收入或补偿的一种社会和经济制度。

    Social insurance is a kind of social and economic system . It is used to give income or compensation for those people who have lost labor ability , operating post momentarily , or healthiness .

  16. 刑满释放人员丧失劳动能力又无法定赡养人、扶养人和基本生活来源的,由当地人民政府予以救济。

    If a person released after serving his sentence has lost his ability to do labour , and has no statutory supporters or basic source of income , the local people 's government shall offer him relief .

  17. 在确定我国丧失劳动能力损害赔偿制度的理论论据时,应当采用一种更为科学的理论,即以劳动能力为基础的收入丧失说。

    When confirming the theoretical bases of the compensation system for disability , a more scientific theory should be adopted , hence the doctrine of the lose of income based on the labor capacity should be accepted .

  18. 一旦出现交通事故,肇事者可能因承担巨额的经济赔偿,而陷入贫困境地,而受害人也往往因为交通事故而丧失劳动能力和生活来源,成为新的社会问题。

    Once the traffic accident happens , troublemakers may undertake vast economic compensation which will possibly make them fall into poverty and aggrieved parties may also lose labor capacity and source of income because of the traffic accident and become a new social problem .

  19. 但饮用水中的含量不宜过高,如果长期饮用超标的含氟水,轻则引起氟斑牙,严重时会引起氟骨症,甚至瘫痪以致丧失劳动能力。

    However , its concentration in drinking water should not be too high . If it was absorbed excessively for a long period , it can cause dental fluorosis , severe skeletal fluorosis for worse or even paralysis resulting in the loss the labor capability .

  20. 天然宝石厂与人造宝石厂肺通气功能损害发生率分别为49.4%和7.2%,病人伤残鉴定完全丧失劳动能力者分别为56.9%和3.6%,前者对劳动能力的致残程度相对严重。

    Pulmonary ventilation capacities damage was observed in 49.4 % of the natural gem silicosis workers and 7.2 % of the artificial gem silicosis workers . 56.9 % of the natural gem silicosis workers and 3.6 % artificial gem silicosis workers were totally lost their working capacity .

  21. 退休是劳动者因为年老或因工致残、因病致残确认完全丧失劳动能力,依法判定退出生产、工作岗位养老休息时获得一定物质帮助的制度。

    Because , retiring is laborer aged or because labour causes damage , send incomplete to affirm due to illness lose labor ability completely , decide lawfully the system that certain material help acquires when exiting provide for the aged of station of production , work to rest .

  22. 赡养协议是指,在父母丧失劳动能力的情况下,赡养人就履行赡养义务与被赡养人订立的协议,或赡养人相互间为分担赡养义务而签订的一种协议。

    Maintenance agreement means that the parents lost the ability to work in the circumstances , a maintenance person to perform maintenance obligations and was a maintenance person to enter into the agreement , or the maintenance of inter-person sharing of maintenance obligations for the signing of an agreement .

  23. 现在70岁了,年老多病,已是风烛残年之人,丧失了劳动能力,没有一点经济收入。

    Now70 years old , aged and sickish , already was the person of have one foot in the grave , lost labor ability , without income of a bit economy .

  24. 而幸存下来的患者约有75%不同程度的丧失了劳动能力,更多患者有精神心理障碍,影响生活质量。

    Those who survive are about 75 percent of patients with varying degrees of loss of the ability to work , and for more patients the left psychological barriers affect quality of life .

  25. 劳动能力的丧失是原来具有劳动能力的自然人受到他人的侵害后而致使身体残疾的结果。

    The lose of labor capacity is the result of human being originally with labor capacity being disabled by other 's infringements .

  26. 在本单位患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的;

    Having contracted an occupational disease or being injured at work , the work is confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability to work ;

  27. 我国每年新发生脑卒中人数达250万,70%-80%的患者留有不同程度的肢体运动障碍,从而丧失劳动和生活自理能力。

    Every year , the number of new stroke happened is 250 millions in our country , 70 % - 80 % of patients have varying degrees of movement disorder limb , and lose the labor and self-care ability .

  28. 如果因为他们不可能找到工作,丧失信心的劳动者们已经丧失了劳动的能力,这个失业率,不可能让人真正估计到他们所面对的困难。

    If discouraged workers have left the labour force because they could not find a job , then the unemployment rate may understate the hardship they face .