
ɡuó jiā péi chánɡ fǎ
  • state compensation law
  1. 1994年5月,中国制定了《国家赔偿法》。

    In May 1994 the State Compensation Law was worked out .

  2. 国家赔偿法中引入惩罚性赔偿探究

    A Research into Introducing Punitive Damages into State Compensation Law

  3. 《国家赔偿法》在实施中存在着几个主要问题:在赔偿责任主体方面,强化了机关责任淡化了国家责任;

    There are several major problems in the State Indemnity Law .

  4. 本文首先分析了国家赔偿法的性质。

    The article first analyze the quality of State Indemnity law .

  5. 试论国家赔偿法的修改及完善

    On the Modification and Perfection of the National Compensation Act

  6. 交流与共荣&CIID深、杭两地专业委员会学术交流侧记对国家赔偿法归责原则的思考

    Exchanges and Mutual Prosperity Thinking of Responsibility 's Classification in the Indemnification

  7. 国家赔偿法中的国家追偿权问题

    Research on State Compensation Recovery Right in State Compensation

  8. 当然国家赔偿法的修改也引起了学者对我国国家赔偿归责原则的争论。

    Also raises the scholars on the principle of State Compensation Liability controversy .

  9. 完善《国家赔偿法》的立法建议

    Suggestion of the enhancement of the State Compensation Law

  10. 论国家赔偿法中惩罚性赔偿的设立

    On the Establishment of the Punitive Damages System in the State Compensation Law

  11. 《国家赔偿法》的缺陷及其完善

    The Defectiveness of National Compensation Law and Its Perfection

  12. 对国家赔偿法归责原则的思考

    Thinking of Responsibility 's Classification in the Indemnification

  13. 我国《国家赔偿法》缺少先予执行程序是赔偿法的一个缺憾。

    The absence of the prior execution in The State Indemnity Law is imperfect .

  14. 试论国家赔偿法中立法赔偿制度之构建

    Exploration on the State Compensation by the Legislation

  15. 它不属于国家赔偿法规定的赔偿范围;

    It doesn 't fall within the scope compensation under " State Compensation Law ";

  16. 公立医疗机构的医事侵权损害赔偿应适用国家赔偿法

    Medical Torte and Injury Compensation in Public Medical Organization should Apply National Compensation Law

  17. 国家赔偿法弊端管见

    Opinions on the Shortcoming in State Compensation Law

  18. 解读《国家赔偿法》司法解释

    Comprehension of National Indemnification in Judicial Explanation

  19. 在国家赔偿法中,国家赔偿归责原则占有重要的地位。

    In the state compensation law , it is importance of state compensation imputative principle .

  20. 对《国家赔偿法》几个问题的法理思考

    Jurisprudential Thinkings about the State Compensation Law

  21. 对完善我国《国家赔偿法》若干法律制度的思考&以佘祥林案为引线的分析

    On the Perfection of Chinese National Compensation Law from the Angle of SHE Xiang-lin Case

  22. 论我国国家赔偿法赔偿范围的缺陷及其完善

    The Defect and Perfection of the Compensation Scope in the China 's State Compensation Law

  23. 国家赔偿法修改刍议

    On Amendment to National Compensation Law

  24. 根据我国行政诉讼法和国家赔偿法的规定,笔者探讨了三类具体行政不作为案件赔偿责任的承担问题,以及诉讼法和赔偿法之间不作为责任的衔接问题。

    The author analyzes three kinds of state compensation according to related laws of our country .

  25. 由此,我国国家赔偿法中的损害赔偿标准将得到进一步完善,公民权利亦能得到切实的保障。

    And then , we can improvement the standard of State Compensation to protect human rights .

  26. 随着国家赔偿法修改草案的提出,又将这一问题推向学术前沿。

    Because Governmental Compensation Act will be amended , this question becomes more and more important .

  27. 从对国家赔偿法的理解看存疑不起诉的赔偿

    Re-exposition on penal Compensation of Non-prosecution with Doubts & from the Interpretation about State Compensation Law

  28. 我国现行《国家赔偿法》存在许多缺陷,在实践中造成了诸多弊端。

    There are some defects in our Nation Compensation Law , which lead to some harm .

  29. 修改后的《国家赔偿法》虽然在总则中取消了违法性的要求,但仍存在不足之处。

    The revised state compensation law cancels the illegality factor but there are still some defects .

  30. 《国家赔偿法》所构建的刑事赔偿程序制度尚存在诸多问题。

    The procedure of criminal compensation system constructed by the Chinese State Compensation Law has some deficiencies .