
  1. 工伤死亡职工享受一次性工亡补助金;丧葬补助金和供养亲属抚恤金等。

    Worker of inductrial injury death enjoys one-time labour to die grant-in-aid ; mortuary grant-in-aid and make offerings to relative pension .

  2. 领取失业保险金期间死亡的失业人员的丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属的抚恤金;

    C.funeral allowance for the unemployed died during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation and pension for spouse and direct relatives supported by the dead person ;

  3. 失业者在领取失业保险金期间死亡,其遗属可领取丧葬补助金和遗属抚恤金。

    If the unemployed person dies during this period , his or her family can receive funeral subsidies and his or her dependents can receive pension for the deceased .

  4. 第二十条失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,参照当地对在职职工的规定,对其家属一次性发给丧葬补助金和抚恤金。

    Article 20 If the unemployed die during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation , their family dependents are to be paid one-off funeral allowance and pension with reference to local regulations on employed staff and workers .