
  • 网络Social Mutual Aid;social mutualness
  1. 保险是建立在社会互助基础之上的一种分散危险、消化损失的经济补偿制度。

    Insurance , based on social mutual aid , is an economic compensation system for dispersing risks and compensating losses .

  2. 同时,应建立政府主导型的最低生活保障模式和社会互助体制。

    Meanwhile a minimum subsistence guarantee model dominated by the Government and a social mutual aid mechanism should also be established .

  3. 保险作为一种风险转移机制、社会互助机制和社会管理机制,对于当前构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的意义。

    Insurance industry , as a kind of risk transfer mechanism , social mutual mechanism and social management mechanism , is very important for the current socialist harmonious society constructing .

  4. 鼓励家庭保障、推动社会互助、开展社会保障制度改革、培育责任共担机制意识等有益性的建议将有利地促进社会保障的健康发展。

    Such suggestions as encouraging family security , promoting social mutual-aid , reforming social security system and nourishing the consciousness of the Sharing Mechanism of Responsibilities will lead to the healthy development of social security .

  5. 保险是为应付自然灾害或意外事故所造成的财产损失或人身伤亡而采用的一种社会互助性质的经济补偿方法,是社会保障体制的重要组成部分。

    Insurance is an interdependent economic compensation to manipulate property loss or the death and injury of human being caused by the natural disasters or accidents . It is an important component of society guarantee system .

  6. 从社区的角度来看,要大力发展社区服务,建立社会互助网络;增强居民之间的互动,提高社区凝聚力;拓宽渠道,发展社区小额信贷;构建社区支援综合网络。

    From the social angel , they should develop the community service , but a social network , strengthen the interaction between the residents , enhance the community cohesive force ; develop the community small quantity credit ; construct community supporting network .

  7. 实践证明巧妙利用农业巨灾保险这种社会互助形式,基本建立农业经济安全网,可以起到稳定农业经济、提高国民整体福利水平的作用。

    The practice proves that the skillful use of this kind of social mutual aid form of catastrophe insurance of agriculture to built up the " safe net " of village economy can stabilize the village economy and raise the overall welfare level of citizens .

  8. 我们可以这样认为:地缘互助的增加是对传统乡村社会中互助体系的另类继续。

    We can think : the increase in geopolitical and mutual assistance is the alternative to continue the mutual aid system in the traditional rural society .

  9. 但是,保护非物质文化遗产是人类普遍的意愿和共同关心的事项,国际社会应当本着互助合作的精神与主权国家一起为保护非物质文化遗产做出贡献。

    The safeguarding of ICH , however , is the universal will and the common concern of mankind . So the international community should contribute , together with the sovereign states , to the safeguarding of such heritage in a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance .

  10. 合作是指人类在各种社会活动中的互助协作行为,它是人类生存的本能。

    Cooperation means human mutual co-ordinations in various social activities . It belongs to human appetence for their existence .

  11. 本文尝试从城市社会对弱势群体进行社会互助的视角,寻求构建和谐社区的方法和途径。

    In this article , through the view of social interdependency given by the urban society to vulnerable groups , the author attempted to seek the way and approach to build up a harmonious society .

  12. 发展社会福利、社会救济、优抚安置和社会互助等社会保障事业。

    We should expand other social benefit undertakings , such as social welfare , social relief , preferential job placement for ex-servicemen and mutual aid .

  13. 它包括农村社会保险、农村社会救济、社会福利、优抚安置以及社会互助和个人储蓄积累保障。

    It including rural social insurance , rural society relieve , social welfare , give special care to , find a room for and society help each other with individual savings accumulating the guarantee .

  14. 慈善行为是现代社会文明的一个重要表现,是一种公民自发的社会性互助活动。

    Charitable behavior is an important performance of the modern civilization , and is the citizen of spontaneous social mutual aid .

  15. 志愿者行动所体现的对国家与社会的认同、对个人角色及其与同伴关系的认识,公共精神、慈善精神和社会互助精神等,都是现代公民意识的萌芽。

    National identity , social identity , cognition of relations between companions , public spirit , philanthropic spirit and mutual aid spirit displayed by volunteer actor are helpful to cultivating the civic participation .

  16. 其中农村社会救济包含范围最广,农村扶贫至今没有正式地列入社会救助体系,而是时有时无,农村社会互助现今已停滞不前,各子项目都或多或少存在不足。

    Among the rest the rural social relief includes the widest scope , the rural poverty alleviation has not formally included in the social assistance system , but sometimes not , and the rural social mutual help has now been stalled , whose sub-projects are more or less deficient .

  17. 各国的社会保障项目广泛繁杂,各有差异,但概括起来一般包括社会保险、社会救济、社会福利、优抚安置及社会互助等几个体系。

    The social security projects of different countries are complicated and different , but in general , it concludes Social Insurance , Social Relief , Social Welfare , Veteran Placement and Social Aid , etc.