
  • 网络Social Security Expenditure;The Expenditure Of Social Security;expenditure for social security
  1. 此外,由于人口老龄化导致社会保障支出快速膨胀。

    In addition , because the ageing in population turn the expenditure of social security fast inflation .

  2. 协整分析表明我国社会保障支出和经济增长之间存在长期的正向关系;通过Granger因果检验,发现我国社会保障支出和经济增长之间存在双向的因果关系。

    The testing of Granger causality indicates that there is bilateral Granger causality between social security expenditure and economic growth in China .

  3. 主张财政自律的无党派组织&协和联盟(ConcordCoalition)最近的数据显示,2010年,美国国防支出占到了联邦预算的20.6%,仅次于医疗与社会保障支出。

    Recent figures from the Concord Coalition , the non-partisan group that advocates fiscal discipline , show defence spending represented 20.6 per cent of the US federal budget in 2010 , third only to health and social security .

  4. 浙江省社会保障支出水平的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Social Security Expenditure Level in Zhejiang Province

  5. 社会保障支出对个人储蓄的影响研究

    The Research of the Impact of Social Security Expenditure on Household Savings

  6. 政府在削减社会保障支出计划方面的重大转变

    A government U-turn over plans to cut social security payments

  7. 社会保障支出的削减幅度低于其他公共支出项目。

    Welfare services were cut less than other areas of public spending .

  8. 公共财政框架下我国社会保障支出分析

    Analysis of Social Security Expenditure under the Public Finance Framework

  9. 我国财政社会保障支出困境及对策建议

    China 's Financial Plight of the Social Security Expenditure and the Suggestions

  10. 农村社会保障支出对农村居民消费的影响的实证研究

    The Influence of the Social Security on the Consumption Expenditure of Rural Residents

  11. 二是社会保障支出少。

    Secondly , expenditures for social securities are insufficient .

  12. 社会保障支出不足,社会化程度较低。

    Insufficient expenditures for social securities , and low degree of socialized expenditure .

  13. 对社会保障支出水平的分析与建议

    Analysis of social guarantee payout level and suggestion

  14. 中央财政和地方财政大幅度增加了社会保障支出。

    Both the central and local finances greatly increased their spending on social security .

  15. 中国社会保障支出与经济增长的协整及因果分析

    On the Co-integration and Causality between Social Security Expenditure and Economic Growth in china

  16. 在许多发达国家,社会保障支出已经成为财政的第一开支项目。

    In many developed countries , social security expenditure has become the first financial expenditure .

  17. 地方政府的公共物品偏好制约了社会保障支出效率的实现导致了地方社会保障公共物品供给中的政府缺位。

    The lack of preference also leads to the absence of the government in social security supply .

  18. 社会保障支出是政府数额最大的转移性支付之一,与广大人民群众的切身利益密切相关。

    The expenditure of the social security is one of the transmit payments with the biggest amount ;

  19. 两位作者希望能在这一领域以及社会保障支出方面节省一些钱,而社保领域又是一个政治禁区。

    The authors want savings there and in social security outlays as well , another political mantrap .

  20. 社会保障支出与拉动内需&对农村养老保障问题的深入探讨

    Social Security Expenditures and Domestic Demand Stimulation in China : Exploration of Old-Age Welfare in Rural Areas

  21. 调整文教科学卫生事业支出,增加社会保障支出;

    Adjust operating expenses for culture education science and health care , increase the social security expenditure ;

  22. 即两者之间仅存在单向的格兰杰因果关系,即经济的增长促进社会保障支出的增加。

    There is only one-way Granger causality , economic growth contributed to the increase in social security expenditure .

  23. 社会保障支出统计存在的问题、原因及途径研究

    A Research on the Problems , Cause and Solution of the Statistics of Social Security Expenditure in China

  24. 因此,提高财政社会保障支出水平,是目前亟待解决的问题。

    To improve the social security expenditure level of finance is the urgent problem to solve at present .

  25. 应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。

    Otherwise , government consumption level should be adjusted to keep the total consumption rate at a proper level .

  26. 社会保障支出、支农支出缩小了城乡居民收入差距。

    Social security expenditure , expenditure for supporting agriculture , is narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents .

  27. 社会保障支出对居民消费需求产生挤出或挤入效应是最近关注的焦点之一。

    Whether the effect of social security expenditure on residents'consumption demand is positive is a hot issue in academic field .

  28. 这有两个原因:首先,在现阶段,社会保障支出的“挤入效应”大于“挤出效应”;

    The first reason is that the extrusion effect of the social security expenditure is more than the pressing of it .

  29. 本文主要研究了我国社会保障支出水平及社会保障制度对我国居民储蓄的影响作用。

    This paper mainly studies how the social security level and social security system in our country affect the residents ' savings .

  30. 再加上人口老龄化对经济活动造成的拖累以及社会保障支出的增长,日本实在没有自满的本钱。

    Add to this a drag on activity from ageing and a rising social security bill , and Japan cannot afford complacency .