
  1. 论多元化社会保障主体选择的社会进步性

    On Social Progress of Diversified Choices in Social Security Main Body

  2. 农民工社会保障主体地位的确立及权利制度构建

    To Establish the Main Body in Social Security and Property of Rural Workers

  3. 论都市边缘群体&农民工社会保障主体地位的确立及权利制度构建

    On the Social Welfare System and Rights of the Marginal Population in China 's Cities

  4. 然后简要阐述西方发达国家社会保障主体的责任分工及启示。

    Introduce the public goods theory and governance theory , and then expatiate the main body 's responsibility in developed country .

  5. 基金缺口、缴费比率与财政负担能力:基于对社会保障主体的缴费能力研究

    Fund Gap , Payment Rate and the Financial Burden : A Research about Social Security Based on Affordability to the Public

  6. 社会保障法主体的解析&我国社会保障法律制度的改革与完善

    The Reformation and Improvement of the Social Security Law in China

  7. 社区保障:现阶段农村社会保障的主体

    Community Security : the Principle of the Present Rural Social Security

  8. 中国社会保障的主体及其责任研究

    The Main Body of China Social Security System and Their Responsibility

  9. 行政执法自由裁量中的利益衡量构建我国社会保障法主体的体系和对主体的权利义务进行分配时,要对主体在社会保障法领域内的利益进行平衡。

    Benefit-balance in Utilizing Administrative Discretional Right The establishment of the subject system in China should be directed by Benefit-Balance theory .

  10. 社区保障作为集体保障的新形式是现阶段农村社会保障的主体,它将在构建农村社会保障体系中发挥重要的过渡作用。

    As a new form of collective security , community security is the principle part of rural social security at present and it will have a great impact on it .

  11. 社会保障中基本主体的责任分析

    Responsible Analysis of the Basic Parts in Social Security

  12. 三是国家应当作为社会保障的责任主体;

    The obligation subject should be the country ;

  13. 浅析社会保障权的主体

    Subjects of the Right of Social Security

  14. 笔者认为,无沦从实证的角度分析还是从信托理论的角度分析,基本社会保障资金所有权主体都是所有参保人员。

    I think , no matter analysing in terms of real example or in terms of trust theory , basic social security fund ownership subjects are all insurance persons .

  15. 我国社会保障基金监管主体包括劳动和社会保障部门,财政部门,审计部门,内部监管主体,社会监管系统和其他监管主体。

    Bodies of supervision of social security fund in China include ministry of labor and social security , ministry of finance , ministry of audit , in-house bodies of supervision , social supervision system and other bodies of supervision .

  16. 社会保障请求权的主体设置要考虑差异性。

    To set the subject of the social security claim must consider subject difference .

  17. 如果由国家劳动和社会保障部作投资主体,不管是直接入市还是间接入市,都有许多弊端。

    It is problematic if the Department of Labor and Soeial Security acts as the direct or indirect investor .

  18. 非营利组织就是社会保障的重要供给主体之一,在促进社会保障服务对象扩大、资金筹集和运营、管理和监督及具体服务方面具有独特的优势。

    Non-Profit Organizations is important to the social security of supply , In promote services to more people , in funds raise and operation , in management and supervision which all has unique advantages .

  19. 现代部门法意义上的社会法是以社会保障法为主体的法律总体,而以公、私法为标准而产生的社会法是社会性法,是以社会利益为调整对象的法律总体。

    The former is the totality of laws with social security law as its main body , while the latter is law totality with social property , the regulated of which is social benefits .

  20. 争论的焦点主要集中在:什么是社会保障权、谁是社会保障权的主体、如何保障社会保障权、以及社会保障权是否具有可诉性等几个方面。

    The focus of argument are principally what the right to social security is , who is the subject of those rights , whether they can be reviewed or not and so on .

  21. 德国社会保障法的主要特点是,社会保障责任主体方面实行社会责任原则、由自治性社会组织&社会保障机构负责社会保险事务,收支模式是现收现付制,筹资形式模式是收费制。

    The characteristics of German social security legal system are social duty principle , pay-as-you-go system and free-raising system .

  22. 社会保障法中的人&社会保障法被保障主体研究

    Person in Social Security Law

  23. 司法社会控制功能在追求社会正义、建构社会秩序、保障主体权利、实现制度化的导向等方面具有重要社会价值。

    It is has a great value in pursuing the social right , forming the social order , safeguarding the right , realizing the system .

  24. 在我国,庞大的农村人口被排除在社会保障体系之外,其主要原因是农村社会保障的责任主体不清。

    In our country , the huge population in the countryside is excluded from society 's security system , the reason is that a responsibility subject of social security in rural aera is unclear .

  25. 社会保险作为劳动者的基本生活保障,是现代社会保障体系中的主体和核心。

    Social insurance is the basic guarantee of living for the laborers .

  26. 财政性资金是社会保障基金的重要组成部分,它体现了政府在社会保障制度中的主体地位。

    Finance fund is an important part of social security fund and embodies the dominant role played by the government in social security system .

  27. 社会保险是为劳动者提供的基本生活保障,它是现代社会保障体系中的主体和核心,受到各国的关注。

    Social insurance is to offer laborers basic guarantee of living . It is the main body and core of current social guarantee system and being concerned by the whole world .

  28. 第四章对我国社会保障基金监管制度的现状进行了评析,主要评析了社会保障基金监管的主体及其职权、监管的客体、监管的范围。

    Chapter 4 evaluates and analyzes existing circumstances of supervision system of social security fund in China , which mainly evaluates and analyzes body of supervision and its authority , object of supervision , and range of supervision of social security fund .

  29. 当前,建立农民工的就业社会保障具有紧迫性和重要性,而政府在建立和发展农民工就业社会保障中的主体角色和责任是不可推卸的。

    Currently , it is of importance and urgency to build the peasant labors ' employment social security , so the governmental principal role and responsibility in it is necessary .

  30. 社会保障是社会主义市场经济体制下的重要支柱,被称为社会的安全网和减震器,而政府是社会保障中十分重要的角色,是社会保障中的制度主体。

    The social security is the important pillar under a socialist market economy system , which is Known as " safety net " and " shock absorber " of the society . The government plays a very important role in the social security .